
New member
Does anyone know if you can use your pro discount on the Heatherette Collection coming up. I know they say special packaging is not included.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by babigiggle
Does anyone know if you can use your pro discount on the Heatherette Collection coming up. I know they say special packaging is not included.

The only time I've been told that I can't use my PPID was for the Holiday Collection. I'm so used to just handing it over, that I didn't even think. That was the one and only time.


Active member
You guys...... I GOT ACCEPTED!!!

I faxed my application on Monday and checked my bank account online and saw a $35 charge from MAC pro today!!

I sent the application, plus a page with a short summary of what I do as a freelance artist which also included a copy of my ID ( Drivers license) and a copy of my business card, 3 references and a copy of a contract I have with a client I'm doing makeup for in a few weeks.

I'm really excited and relieved that I can finally save some money and start collection more items and expand my color options for clients.

Anyone know how long it took for their card to arrived after you saw you were billed?


Well-known member
Hi, has anyone in the UK got a pro card? MA isn't my main day job, but I do some makeup for occasions for friends & family. I have a Media & theatrical makeup diploma & can send a business card too. Can anyone help me with the process of applying in the UK?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AtomicMishaps
You guys...... I GOT ACCEPTED!!!

I faxed my application on Monday and checked my bank account online and saw a $35 charge from MAC pro today!!

I sent the application, plus a page with a short summary of what I do as a freelance artist which also included a copy of my ID ( Drivers license) and a copy of my business card, 3 references and a copy of a contract I have with a client I'm doing makeup for in a few weeks.

I'm really excited and relieved that I can finally save some money and start collection more items and expand my color options for clients.

Anyone know how long it took for their card to arrived after you saw you were billed?

i got mine within the same week. Congrats to you!!!
i was billed on a monday and received the card on thurs.


Active member
Originally Posted by Ciara
i got mine within the same week. Congrats to you!!!
i was billed on a monday and received the card on thurs.

Thanks Ciara


Well-known member

did they send an email about the getting the pro card? that you were accepted or not?

also about purchasing?

are these for the whole year? or a month? purchase?
  • No more than 3 of same item or color up to 24 total pieces
  • No more than 8 of the same item for discontinued products
These mean that you could only get 3 of like dark soul pigment in one month right? or e/s? etc?
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of consistent pigment and glitter skus
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of multiple of the skus


Well-known member
I totally don't get this

  • No more than 3 of same item or color up to 24 total pieces
  • No more than 8 of the same item for discontinued products
Can I get like more than 3 like e/s as long as they are different colours?


Active member
Originally Posted by ladynpink

did they send an email about the getting the pro card? that you were accepted or not?

No. The only way I knew I got accepted was because I saw the $35 charge on my bank account, I got no email from them.

Sorry I have no idea about the other questions.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AtomicMishaps
No. The only way I knew I got accepted was because I saw the $35 charge on my bank account, I got no email from them.

Sorry I have no idea about the other questions.

Actually you do get an email but i didnt get it until a week after i was charged and i had received my card before that.


Active member
Originally Posted by ladynpink

also about purchasing?

are these for the whole year? or a month? purchase?
  • No more than 3 of same item or color up to 24 total pieces
  • No more than 8 of the same item for discontinued products
These mean that you could only get 3 of like dark soul pigment in one month right? or e/s? etc?
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of consistent pigment and glitter skus
  • No more than 3 transactions per 31 days (1 month) of multiple of the skus

yah i want to know too about this , can please any one could help


Well-known member
Unsure if this has already been asked/questioned; but can you apply for a pro card if you're currently studying make up?!

Stephie Baby

Well-known member
I am a professional photographer, but I mostly do shoots for guys. So could I send in a letter of recommendation from them, their comp card and my business card??


Well-known member
Originally Posted by _ohmygosh
Unsure if this has already been asked/questioned; but can you apply for a pro card if you're currently studying make up?!

You can get a pro student card, but your school has to be eligible.
here is the the info: MAC Pro | Membership | Pro Student


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
I am a professional photographer, but I mostly do shoots for guys. So could I send in a letter of recommendation from them, their comp card and my business card??

i'm sure you can...i asked about that before, through an email...and they said yeah, but you should email them, janice, she replys very fast within a day or two..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Stephie Baby
I am a professional photographer, but I mostly do shoots for guys. So could I send in a letter of recommendation from them, their comp card and my business card??

I am a photographer as well. I also apply the makeup on my photo clients. I submitted a copy of my contracts, business card, photo ID and tear sheets/comp card. I sent them more than what they "ask" for on the application. I was approved with no problem.


New member
So I mailed in my ap on 2/27. (Didn't know you can fax them..darn) I've been turned down before since my 'information didn't match. I contacted someone at mac with my new info and they said it should work just fine! I figured it would take a week to get there, but i'm sooo impatient. Has anyone else mailed their info in? any clue how much longer it takes?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by peanut1213
So I mailed in my ap on 2/27. (Didn't know you can fax them..darn) I've been turned down before since my 'information didn't match. I contacted someone at mac with my new info and they said it should work just fine! I figured it would take a week to get there, but i'm sooo impatient. Has anyone else mailed their info in? any clue how much longer it takes?

way longer! friend that faxed hers in only took 2 weeks, and i mailed mine it and it took like 6-7 weeks...hopefuly yours wont take as long. i sent my stuff in a few days after new years etc could have made it lag longer. good luck!


Well-known member
I'm sorry if this has been addressed already; but can you use the procard at department store MACs? (i.e. can I use the card at the MAC inside of bloomingdales/macys/nordstorm?)

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