MAC - Holiday 2010 A Tartan Tale Discussion


Active member
Ok, thanks!

So true!
just... well... it's sort of ok that it's a little pricy, there is probably a bit more money going to the fund then (since all the money MAC earns with them is obviously going there)... still 45€ is a lot if you don't really want all the items!!! i rather get a few more "regular" viva glams then
(love my Cindy and A20!!!


Well-known member
I just had a look at the site you named. I couldn't figure out what the stars behind the prices mean but if the Viva Glam Bag will cost 45€ I think I'll skip it an buy the lipstick and the lipglass on it's own because I don't like the bag that much
Usually here in Germany a star behind a price tag implies that the item is only in restricted amounts for a short period of time available.


Well-known member
My revised list:

  • all the eye palettes
  • peachy single eyeshadow - originally wanted all of them
  • Lord it Up pearlglide
  • Black Swan peral glide
  • Black Line pearl glide (debating whether to back this up)
  • The Family Crest pigment
  • Moonlight Night pigment
  • Warm lip kit (maybe)

I'm hoping to get to a Mac Store today or tomorrow to preview the colors so maybe it will change again.


Well-known member
I just had a look at the site you named. I couldn't figure out what the stars behind the prices mean but if the Viva Glam Bag will cost 45€ I think I'll skip it an buy the lipstick and the lipglass on it's own because I don't like the bag that much.
Eeeek 45€
. I was going to get that set because I love both lippies... If I get them separately it'll be 18(l/s)+16.5(l/g) = 34.5€ and yeah, the bag isn't *that* great. I have to see them in person though... I still think I'd like to have one of the bag.

*breathe* Think of what I need, not what I like from this collection....

Okay, one thing I'm getting for sure is Undercurrent pearlglide.
After seeing Erin's swatch, I like Cut a Caper l/s. I like lustres so perhaps it's meant to be

Black Line also somewhat made it to my list, but does anyone know if it's of similar color with French Quarter GPS?
Still going back and forth with one of the bags... lip and eye? Brushes? although I'm pretty sure my life will be fine without them

Also still thinking about one of the lipglass or pigment sets...


Well-known member
Haha! You are tempted just like I am! I guess once I'm inside the store and see the bags I want one, even tho I know I wouldn't even use it. That's why I'm actually thinking of buying the l/s and l/g next week so that I already have it one the TT comes out - that way I wouldn't be tempted since I'd already have the two things at home :-D


Well-known member
My list from chapter 1 and the color collection is staying firm at three items.

The sets, on the other hand, aren't going anywhere. I think my mom is going to get me a few of them for my birthday or christmas (i don't know how i'll be able to wait this long
) so I may just be able to swing all of them.
Exciting stuff!


Well-known member
that is a shame that you missed out on the disney collection. however i dont doubt that you will be able to find some in the clearence bin when you are ready to spend some cash

With the impending birth of my first child in the spring, TARTAN was going to be my last BIG collection splurge, but after reading some of the comments here, I'm beginning to second-guess myself.

Originally I had planned to get two of the three gloss sets, one of the shadow palettes, one of the Pigment sets, two of the single shadows, the Black Swan eyeliner, Faerie Glen lippie and Radiant Jewels dazzleglass.

Since I TOTALLY zoned out on MAC launches for Summer and Fall (when Disney Villians came out and MISSED IT COMPLETELY---kicking myself DAILY on this one....), I figured this is a good way to make up for it.


Well-known member
Oh wait a minute…I saw mineralize kits were nordstrom exclusive so I thought we wouldn't have 'em in europe.
Now I see on the blog that saouri mentioned there are german prices for those too

Are they going to be available in europe or not? (I was kinda hoping they weren't, lol, now there's another thing I need…)


Active member
I'm afraid that I might get tempted to get the Family Crest pigment as well... I don't own any pigments yet... but this just looks... so pretty!!!


Active member
Oh wait a minute…I saw mineralize kits were nordstrom exclusive so I thought we wouldn't have 'em in europe.
Now I see on the blog that saouri mentioned there are german prices for those too

Are they going to be available in europe or not? (I was kinda hoping they weren't, lol, now there's another thing I need…)

Edit: I have no idea really. It's weird!


Well-known member
I have both VG V already and I love them! My justification is I almost ran out of the l/s
but I guess it'll take me a while until I really finished it. Most likely it'll be better to get other items


Well-known member
saouri: once you start buying pigments you're on the road to damnation

I didn't own any full size pigments until maybe just a month ago*…now I need them all.

*mostly because we don't get permanent pigments at MAC counters in department stores, and the closer MAC store is 200km from where I live.


Well-known member
Oh wait a minute…I saw mineralize kits were nordstrom exclusive so I thought we wouldn't have 'em in europe.
Now I see on the blog that saouri mentioned there are german prices for those too

Are they going to be available in europe or not? (I was kinda hoping they weren't, lol, now there's another thing I need…)
They will be MAC stores and online exclusive in the US. Internationally I don't know.


Well-known member
Now I'm thinking, if mineralize kits will be available I could cut off a couple of the eyeshadows I ordered to make room for the mineralize kit (my scottish fling…just the name of it makes me giggle like a teenager on her first crush

The eyeshadows I ordered are semi-precious, a wish come true and glamora castle…I could do without the first two..couldn't I? Especially since the mineralize duo in my scottish fling is so mauve-y..


Active member
saouri: once you start buying pigments you're on the road to damnation

I didn't own any full size pigments until maybe just a month ago*…now I need them all.

*mostly because we don't get permanent pigments at MAC counters in department stores, and the closer MAC store is 200km from where I live.
uh oh!!


Well-known member
whats the exact date for this to be launched in England ?

i really really really want both blushes and maybe on of the brush sets
cant wait to see people haul on youtube