MAC Group Interview!!
Hi Everyone! I had a group interview today, and I just though I'd put up a little description of it, in case anyone was wondering...
We all met up at one of the mall entrances, and then the managers of the freestanding store and counter took us to a conference room. We all got little place cards that we wrote our name down on and wrote down our numbers and locations we wanted to work at. Then they asked us each to tell a little about ourselves, and these questions (not in this order):
1) What are somethings you expect in a good working environment.
2) Who is your favourite fashion/beauty icon?
3) What inspires you in your makeup?
4) What do you know about MAC?
It doesn't seem like much but it ended up taking almost 2 hours because we were having so much fun! There were about 12 of us and we all took turns speaking, but we didn't go around the table. People just spoke until everyone had gone, and we could like, add more as the conversation went. The two managers told us stories too, and it was basically like hanging out with the girls!
Anyway, I would say that to be successful in a group interview, you just need to be friendly, and try and answers your questions toward the beginning. And engage in the conversation. I think they're just trying to weed out the shy people who wouldn't be able to sell, sell, sell!
Anyway, I'll reply to this thread to let you guys know if they call me back!!
EDIT: So the position they were interviewing for starts a couple weeks before I head back to Montreal (where I go to school) but they're going to forward my resume to all 3 MACs there with a good recommendation, and when a position opens up in Montreal they'll interview me for it!