MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

CONGRATS kitten!!!! You did an amazing job it seems. I hope that you will be very happy in your new position.

Oh and You're a great story teller LOL I throughly enjoyed reading about your interview exp.


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Wow thanks for sharing!
And congratulations

It sounds like you did an AMAZING job, and you deserve it!


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

aww it all sounds so exciting!! i'm really happy for you! now tell us about your first day! heh


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

I'm so happy for you.. congrats


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by sofabean
aww it all sounds so exciting!! i'm really happy for you! now tell us about your first day! heh

We are till waiting for my paper work to go through.


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Wow.. paperwork sure does take a long time..

No worries tho, I'm sure it will work out for you soon.. keep us posted!

Best wishes


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Woooooow!! Congratulations!

I had butterflies in my belly while reading your report about the whole experience, you made me nervous heehee! You're a big inspiration to "simple" people who want to go and try to do this work too. If MAC ever gets to Slovenia I'm quite encouraged now to try because of your story.

Have loads of fun in your new job


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Wow, your demo interview was definitely insightful and inspirational. I'm not as nervous as I was before since I know what to expect now. hehe, I aced the pre-screening process and the interview with the counter manager, but I have yet to go through with the demo interview. It's supposed to be for tomorrow. I was so excited they asked me for a 2nd interview that I automatically said "yes" without a thought. lol, unfortunately I forgot I have class that day, so I need to reschedule it

Congrats on getting the job!


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Bad news, my paperwork went through, but they are not using any freelancers until after July for my region. Damn this hiring freeze!


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

It will be July b4 you know it...


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post


I've been reading your threads about freelancing for MAC and I found your demo description thread very helpful! I've gone to my local counter and spoke with the counter manager, but they aren't hiring at the moment, but she told me to bring in my resume and she would give me a call when they would start. She also said that they have "job fairs" for freelancers, since I had also inquired about that and they said that the job fairs are usually held in Sacramento or Modesto and that they would have their next one in the Summer time.

I've also called the MAC counter in Berkeley regarding freelancing, but the person whom I spoke with there did mention something about a Hiring Freeze. The manager in Modesto, however didn't mention anything about a freeze.

Anyways, I'm still going to drop off my resume to my local counters, but I wanted to get some advice from you, since you've gone through the whole process and all. So, I have a resume, but I wanted to know if it would be best to have a cover letter attached with it? The counter manager at Modesto said it wasn't necessary, but I still do want to look professional. Also, should my resume be in regular paper or resume paper? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure that my resume catches their eyes when they are ready to start hiring again! hehehe.

Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by PrettyDolledUp

I've been reading your threads about freelancing for MAC and I found your demo description thread very helpful! I've gone to my local counter and spoke with the counter manager, but they aren't hiring at the moment, but she told me to bring in my resume and she would give me a call when they would start. She also said that they have "job fairs" for freelancers, since I had also inquired about that and they said that the job fairs are usually held in Sacramento or Modesto and that they would have their next one in the Summer time.

I've also called the MAC counter in Berkeley regarding freelancing, but the person whom I spoke with there did mention something about a Hiring Freeze. The manager in Modesto, however didn't mention anything about a freeze.

Anyways, I'm still going to drop off my resume to my local counters, but I wanted to get some advice from you, since you've gone through the whole process and all. So, I have a resume, but I wanted to know if it would be best to have a cover letter attached with it? The counter manager at Modesto said it wasn't necessary, but I still do want to look professional. Also, should my resume be in regular paper or resume paper? Sorry for all the questions, I just want to make sure that my resume catches their eyes when they are ready to start hiring again! hehehe.

Your help is very much appreciated. Thanks!

Did you speak with Mar-rex at the Modesto store? She is awesome.

Anyway, what I went through was a Job fair at the Downtown Sacramento. The next one coming up is in July.

Personally I didn't even give them a resume. I speak with the manager every once in a while so I asked one day and I was lucky enough to have the job fair the following week. She signed me up for it and the next day I gave my resume. Personally, I'd include a cover letter to help stand out compared to the other applicants. The key is for them to remember you.

In the Sacramento region the hiring free does not affect hiring freelance, just our hours. Also, I was told that to be hired as a freelance employee in this region you must go through the job fair, since it's not common to hire outside of it.

Berkeley is not part of the Sacramento region and may be doing something different then what I am aware of.


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by miss_supra
Did you speak with Mar-rex at the Modesto store? She is awesome.

Anyway, what I went through was a Job fair at the Downtown Sacramento. The next one coming up is in July.

Personally I didn't even give them a resume. I speak with the manager every once in a while so I asked one day and I was lucky enough to have the job fair the following week. She signed me up for it and the next day I gave my resume. Personally, I'd include a cover letter to help stand out compared to the other applicants. The key is for them to remember you.

In the Sacramento region the hiring free does not affect hiring freelance, just our hours. Also, I was told that to be hired as a freelance employee in this region you must go through the job fair, since it's not common to hire outside of it.

Berkeley is not part of the Sacramento region and may be doing something different then what I am aware of.

Yes I spoke to Mar-Rex at Modesto...she IS awesome and really friendly! She gave me her business card and told me to make sure I give her my resume when I drop it off. I also spoke with Stephanie and she said to just keep showing my face at the counter to show that I'm really interested. They weren't sure when the next Job Fair was for Freelancing, but thanks for letting me know. =) It's good to know that they just put names on the list to "audition". Now I can prepare myself for it. hehe. Since I know that it's in July, I'm excited! Now I gotta get my butt over there and give the manager my resume and practice practice practice! Btw, I live in Manteca, so I'm probably going to submit my resume over to the Stockton Counter at Macys as well.

I think Berkeley IS doing something different, because when I inquired at the Nordstrom Pleasanton Counter, they were directing me to go to Berkeley, because that's where they hire Freelancers. So i'll probably stick with my Local Counters, just so it's more closer to home.

Anyway, Thanks again for your help! And July is just around the corner...(about 2 months)
Congratulations again!


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Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by PrettyDolledUp
Yes I spoke to Mar-Rex at Modesto...she IS awesome and really friendly! She gave me her business card and told me to make sure I give her my resume when I drop it off. I also spoke with Stephanie and she said to just keep showing my face at the counter to show that I'm really interested. They weren't sure when the next Job Fair was for Freelancing, but thanks for letting me know. =) It's good to know that they just put names on the list to "audition". Now I can prepare myself for it. hehe. Since I know that it's in July, I'm excited! Now I gotta get my butt over there and give the manager my resume and practice practice practice! Btw, I live in Manteca, so I'm probably going to submit my resume over to the Stockton Counter at Macys as well.

I think Berkeley IS doing something different, because when I inquired at the Nordstrom Pleasanton Counter, they were directing me to go to Berkeley, because that's where they hire Freelancers. So i'll probably stick with my Local Counters, just so it's more closer to home.

Anyway, Thanks again for your help! And July is just around the corner...(about 2 months)
Congratulations again!

You're welcome! I am glad to help. I actually interviewed after my audition with Mar-rex and the Regional Recruiter. She made me feel extremely welcomed and so did the Regional Recruiter. One of the best interviews I had because they actually seemed genuinely caring.
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

hey im actually going for a freelancing at mac too so ur info was extremely helpful , congrats and thanks
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

hey im actually going for a freelancing at mac too so ur info was extremely helpful , congrats and thanks


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Congrats girl!! Thank you for all the detailed info, it was very helpful. I like in san francisco and I gave my resume to the third key holder bc the manager who hired for freelancing wasn't there. But I was wondering if you think I should go instead to the job fair?


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

Originally Posted by babyjazy21
Congrats girl!! Thank you for all the detailed info, it was very helpful. I like in san francisco and I gave my resume to the third key holder bc the manager who hired for freelancing wasn't there. But I was wondering if you think I should go instead to the job fair?

I am sorry, but since it is not my region I don't have much advise accept ask if they do job fairs.


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MAC Group Interview!!

Hi Everyone! I had a group interview today, and I just though I'd put up a little description of it, in case anyone was wondering...

We all met up at one of the mall entrances, and then the managers of the freestanding store and counter took us to a conference room. We all got little place cards that we wrote our name down on and wrote down our numbers and locations we wanted to work at. Then they asked us each to tell a little about ourselves, and these questions (not in this order):
1) What are somethings you expect in a good working environment.
2) Who is your favourite fashion/beauty icon?
3) What inspires you in your makeup?
4) What do you know about MAC?

It doesn't seem like much but it ended up taking almost 2 hours because we were having so much fun! There were about 12 of us and we all took turns speaking, but we didn't go around the table. People just spoke until everyone had gone, and we could like, add more as the conversation went. The two managers told us stories too, and it was basically like hanging out with the girls!

Anyway, I would say that to be successful in a group interview, you just need to be friendly, and try and answers your questions toward the beginning. And engage in the conversation. I think they're just trying to weed out the shy people who wouldn't be able to sell, sell, sell!

Anyway, I'll reply to this thread to let you guys know if they call me back!!

EDIT: So the position they were interviewing for starts a couple weeks before I head back to Montreal (where I go to school) but they're going to forward my resume to all 3 MACs there with a good recommendation, and when a position opens up in Montreal they'll interview me for it!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Group Interview!!

For my interview last week thats how it went too.

It was held at their training facility. We were let into a conference room. Then they went around the room, we introduced ourselves, and we had to add what we have been doing that will qualify us for a job with MAC. Such as Make-up and retail wise.

In my interview we have a few freelancers wanting to go into permanent. I didnt know this is how to do it! ok well the first hour was just all verbal. Then they asked us what we knew about MAC. What we expect when we go to the counter, Why MAC and such.

They let a few people go after the verbal, I wasnt sure how many or who because I was so nervous! They called us (who made it) in back to the room for the demo part of the interview. They said it was time to show what we had just said about the expectation of a MAC artist.

The product availability was limited. We were told that brushes would be provided for us, but at the last minute they only had very few, so I would recommend take your own if they are MAC.

I worked with what I had, explained to my model (my friend whos interview was right after mine!)Why I used such products, what it did, why this brush, what its made of, what the uses are.

They told us that they would call us in a few days and let us know wether we got the job or not.

I had to stay for my friends interview because I was her model! so the same thing happened at hers. Her and another friend of mine (we all worked at Macy's together) did the demo. After that was done the 3 of us were told to hang on for a bit. Well the managers, who we knew from working at Macy's and being at the counter so much, was calling her boss! She hired us that day, and we did paperwork that day too!

We are just waiting for our employee # to see when we can start.

I didnt want to make a whole new thread but i thought this would help someone.

GOOD LUCK Pahblov!