MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Well-known member
Re: I got a demo interview!

Originally Posted by glamdoll
Its not about like knowing all the colors, cus trust me I dont know all of them lol, its about you being able to not just sell em, but educate your customer, and yeah you would need experience in makeup, because you would be doing makeovers alot on customers.

Product knowledge can be taught, but artistry isnt. Just keep practicing

Bingo! I learned everything I need here on specktra.


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

I'm so glad you made it! Isn't it exciting!! Your interview sounds a lot more intense than mine! I had a demo at the counter after the spoken interview. And there weren't so many of us to compete with! Well who knows we may actually meet at an update meeting one day! I'm so happy for you! If you have any questions regarding working for Mac feel free to shout out to me! Congratulations!


Well-known member
Re: I am now a MAC employee! Detailed description of my demo and interview. Long post

miss_supra, i just pm'd you.

Congrats!!! After reading this I think I am actually going to turn my app in! This was awesome I'm a little nervous though. I'm in the Sacramento area too.


New member
Originally Posted by Klava
When I did my group interview the manager said, quote "for those of you who are in cosmetology field I want to emphasize that retail experience is the most important factor that we look at".

Our group interview was fun and I think most of the questions we were asked were already posted here, here are some I can remember:
What's your ideal work environment?
Who is your inspiration in fashion and make up?
How do you set your goals, achieve them and what do you do if you didn't achive them?
How would your friends and coworkers describe you?
What do you think a busy day of a MAC artist looks like?
What's your understanding of customer service?
What would you do if there is a problem between you and your co-worker?
Why MAC artists dress in black?
How do you behave on your first day of work to get to know your team?
This is a mixture of questions from the group and individual interviews. Hopefully it's of help to somebody!

how would u answer those questions?


Well-known member
I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Oh my goodness I am so excited that I can't even believe it.

I got a phone call last night from the LA recruiter of MAC asking me if I could come in today for a group interview at the corporate office in El Segundo. She explained to me that this is a new way of hiring people to speed up the hiring process. She told me to come in with a female model, my social security card, valid ID and a voided check if I was interested in direct depost. She informed me that they are going to be hiring people on the spot that if i was selected I would need to have those items.

Anyway, I went in today for the interview. There were 12 ladies there including myself. We all sat around a table and introduced ourselves and stated any retail/cosmetic exprience that we may of had. Then they had our models go sit in the makeup chairs. They gave all of our models a number. They then gave all of us makeup artist a number. It pretty much made us all end up with someone other then the person we brought in. They said we are going to have 30 minutes to create a daytime look, for us to ask our models what they want. I then went and picked out all the products I used and sterilized them all. We then went on with the demo. While doing my demo I explained EVERYTHING I did and EVERYTHING I used I also made small talk with the client to make her feel comfortable. After we were done with our day time look. The 3 MAC employees went around and took notes on all of our work. Keep in mind they were walking around the whole time we were doing the demo taking notes also. Then then had us put back all the products we used.

Now they told us to turn our daytime look into a night time look but by only using 3 different products. So I picked a darker lipstick, fluid liner, and darker eyeshadow for the crease. Then they walked around and took more notes. They handed out evaluation cards to all the models rating us from 1 to 5. 5 being that the MUA did exactly what they wanted and 1 being the MUA did whatever the hell they wanted. The models also had to write down 2 new tips they learned that they are going to use in the future. They they had us take a 20 minute break.

After the 20 minute break they called us all back into the training room. They called a couple of girls and their models into another room. Then they came back and called a few more girls and their models. I was left in this room with 3 other girls. I was so nervous. They walked back in and asked our models to please go wait in the waiting room. At this point I was really thinking I didn't get it. I thought OMG they are sending out our models so they don't have to humiliate us infront of our models by telling us we didn't make it. Then the LA regional Operations Manager told us final 4 congrats we have been selected to work for MAC as perminate employees. Then they went on with offering which locating works out best for us.

So I will be working In Sherman Oak at the Bloomingdales fulltime. It is a brand new location and will not open until Nov.17th. I start training on Nov.3rd.

: yahoo:


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Congrats! Do you know if this new hiring process just in so cal? I'm in N. Ca so I was wondering if it's the same.


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Originally Posted by dominicana90
Congrats! Do you know if this new hiring process just in so cal? I'm in N. Ca so I was wondering if it's the same.

You know what I didn't even ask. All she said was they are trying out this new hiring process to cut the hiring process in half. They said they have found it alot easier because they have everyone who needs to interview you right there.

Thanks for all the congrats ladies!


Well-known member
Re: I'm an offical MAC MUA!!!! Yippie

Congrats!!!! I am thinking about appling but I am scared. MY MA at the store I usually go to keeps telling me too. But I don't do well under pressure.