MAC Interviews & Hiring Process


Thanks so much! I left Homa a message thanking her....but no response. I said I would call tomorrow. Wednesday made a week since my group interview with Homa. Should I send her an email tomorrow or call? I wished I could have interviewed with Danielle. I didn't think anyone else did group interviews besides Homa!


Active member
I went for my demo today and I think it went pretty bad lol. The regional trainer was very nice tho!

I had my first interview with the manager at the counter i applied for during beginning of october (which went pretty bad, but i managed to make it through to second interview), they arranged my demo for 2 and half weeks later (which i thought was pretty quick considering some people go through months and months of waiting!)

So... today was the day and i was soooo nervous! I hadn't gotten the chance to practise on my model which I was required to bring. I lived 3 hours away from the interview location, and my model lived where my interview location was so I couldnt practise on her. I didnt know really, what to expect at the interview, i just hoped i had plenty of time for the makeover.

Sooo... she explained to me what was going to happen. I was going to get 15 min intro of the skincare product, primers and base products (foundation concealer powder) and she went through them one by one telling me what was good for what skin type. Then I had to pick a face chart to recreate the look, and ask my model questions such as skin type, what makeup etc (a lot of things i had forgotten to ask...grr!!)

Once she gave me all the info etc, i had to pick out the products i wanted to use, and then go round the store myself to pick out all the shadows, blushers, lipsticks etc. Things that you forget to bring you can go back for them during the makeup session but its best not too cus its time consuming!! (I had 4 minutes to pick out products)

So the makeover was 30mins. I went off to a bad start because I had to cleanse my models face, and i nearly went straight in with primer! Then I thought, crap! Moisturizer!! So i put down the primer and went in with moisturizer, then primed, and i wasted ALOT of time so i ended up rushing :(

I didnt get the chance to complete the look, i missed out on brows, liner and mascara, my lip was rushed too. the trainer then said my colour match was perfect for the foundation, and showed me how to do the lip properly and then got me to do it after she demonstrated it for me.

Anyways, after this makeover, she gave me another 15 mins to pick 2 products and change the look dramatically. So i went for brows and a graphic liner. Brows cause my model hardly has any!! so for those of you with models that have nice brows you can really skin that part... my model had sparse brows that were hardly noticable!! but its no excuse, i should have managed my time and organised my things properly.

Afterwards we went for anoter interview upstairs where she just asked me questions like "why mac? what do you like most about retail? where do u see urself in 3 years time? etc"

Then she said id hear from the manager at the counter i applied for, early next week as she will be speaking to her later this afternoon.............. :(

Im totally gutted cus i blew it! Unless she sees that I have potential in progressing/learning i am useless!!!

So guys, make sure to be organised and manage time properly. Dont be nervous lol. I gave my clients a lot of tips etc but idnt really make normal conversation. Sooooo........yeah dont do what i did lololololololololololololol. now for my long wait for feedback


You never know. Don't beat yourself up about it. I called Homa back today and told her I was just following up on my interview. She said she still hasn't made any decisions and she should know by next week and if I did make it through to the 2nd interview she would be calling me. I have my fingers crossed!


New member
Hey all of you wonderful people...

So I have been reading ALL the posts for days and it has been soooo helpful. BUT I have some questions...Okay so I had my first interview which was a career call and I got through to the DEMO YAYYYY. I must say I am so proud of getting through. Let me just say I have no official training or schooling but Ive loved makeup since I was a teen and Ive always just had a Talent and Ive been wearing MAC forever. So I am pretty knowledgeable about the products and company. Yes I have retail and alot of customer service experience. Okay so now to the questions...I have my demo this Monday which I am a bit nervous about. I have been practicing on my model and even my kid lol just to practice the correct wording and talking to my client BUT here is the thing, when I do the makeup I kinda zone out and forget to keep talking to her. So if I have already explained what im using such as brush and product and telling her what I am doing how can I make small what kinda questions should i be asking like general questions??? Also and please dont judge me but if they ask the current trends what shall I say ( i know them i think lol but i have a weird time translating with correct words). Also if they say or ask the question which I have seen some people have been asking...Okay if you have a sales goal of $500 for the day and your 3 hrs in with $300 and you have 2 hours to go what would you do to make sure you met that sales goal??? Now that question has me stumped...

I know to work for MAC is everyones dream job but his is also mine and has always been so im going for it and I really have a passion for Makeup and esp MAC. So please any words of wisdom and advice you can offer I would LOVE to hear. Truly it is ALL so much appreciated. Im so happy I found this forum...because no one else I know is into Makeup or MAC like me..

Thanks so much!!!!


Email her as much as possible. Send the Emails first thing in the morning so that she gets them and they don't get lost in her inbox. I kept in touch with her, i think that's why I got the job.


Hey all of you wonderful people... So I have been reading ALL the posts for days and it has been soooo helpful. BUT I have some questions...Okay so I had my first interview which was a career call and I got through to the DEMO YAYYYY. I must say I am so proud of getting through. Let me just say I have no official training or schooling but Ive loved makeup since I was a teen and Ive always just had a Talent and Ive been wearing MAC forever. So I am pretty knowledgeable about the products and company. Yes I have retail and alot of customer service experience. Okay so now to the questions...I have my demo this Monday which I am a bit nervous about. I have been practicing on my model and even my kid lol just to practice the correct wording and talking to my client BUT here is the thing, when I do the makeup I kinda zone out and forget to keep talking to her. So if I have already explained what im using such as brush and product and telling her what I am doing how can I make small what kinda questions should i be asking like general questions??? Also and please dont judge me but if they ask the current trends what shall I say ( i know them i think lol but i have a weird time translating with correct words). Also if they say or ask the question which I have seen some people have been asking...Okay if you have a sales goal of $500 for the day and your 3 hrs in with $300 and you have 2 hours to go what would you do to make sure you met that sales goal??? Now that question has me stumped... I know to work for MAC is everyones dream job but his is also mine and has always been so im going for it and I really have a passion for Makeup and esp MAC. So please any words of wisdom and advice you can offer I would LOVE to hear. Truly it is ALL so much appreciated. Im so happy I found this forum...because no one else I know is into Makeup or MAC like me.. Thanks so much!!!!  
Yes you can make small talk but let it be about MAC. Also ask your model questions like "what type of skin do u have" even though you might already know..the point is to pretend you don't know this women and to get her to buy the products you used on her. Talk about technique and how you are applying products and why you are Applying them. Talk about viva glam, pro program ect. Just keep talking! Just answer the questions honestly, if you like the dark wine lip trend or the natural brow trend say that! Sales goal questions I didn't get any. But if you've worked in retail then you know that capitalizing off a sale is very important when trying to make a Goal. For example if your customer is buying a lipstick, try to get her to buy a lipgloss or lip liner, and if she gets the lip liner try to convince her she needs a sharper. Hope this helps good luck my dear. Just be confident!


Active member
Okay if you have a sales goal of $500 for the day and your 3 hrs in with $300 and you have 2 hours to go what would you do to make sure you met that sales goal??? Now that question has me stumped...
Some beauty halls such as selfridges in UK would do traffic stopping, where you stop people walking by and introducing them to products, try to sit them down and sell the product to them. Some people stand at entrances... some at the end of escalators lol.

I just received my interview feedback from MAC. The manager had called me and asked me what I thought of my 2nd interview which was the demo... which went pretty bad and i explained to her in detail why etc... It went bad cause of my time management, which i didnt really do so well, and then application of product because i rushed (time management...) and she agreed and she said i was very informative on products and sharing a lot of tips but there are things that i shouldnt have said (i myself am asian and have hooded lids, my model was asian with hooded lids... and basically i shouldnt have said hooded lids, which i agree as some people may find it offensive!!!) but she told me as you work in mac you'll understand what and what not to say.

She said my application for a makeup artist, the interview was unsuccessful :( however, she wants me to work as a host and cashier so I can get familiar with artist work and progress from there as she really liked me and wanted me to work for her!! I am sooo happy and lucky to get this chance as I knew i screwed up BAD!

I am offered a 24 hour position :D:D:D!!! She wants me to attend the classes/lessons that they sometimes offer to customers (where they pay £50 but redeemable) but i can attend for free. She is just too nice! I am so happy to get the chance to work with such an awesome manager lol. However.. i still got store approval first lol.

Good luck to all you guys who are interviewing to get into mac! I lost all hope and thanks for those who told me not to give up!!!


Well-known member
-I honestly wouldn't over practice. That can do more harm than good. Study products and the company, but don't over practice otherwise it wont seem natural.
- Making small talk is important. Even if you run out of things to talk about about whatever makeup you're using, talk about other stuff. Ask if they use a lot of MAC products, if they're familiar with the company's charity program etc. Don't let there be too much silence.
- If they ask current trends, just answer with what you know... Do some research- look online at fashion websites and reiterate what you see there/on tv/in the news etc.
- How do you think you would answer the goal question? Tell us what you're thinking. I'll help you from there.

I would honestly say maybe study up a little more on the brand/read this forum more and practice the actual makeup a little less. The demo is to see how well you can do makeup, but it's also to see your communication skills, knowledge of the brand, etc


New member
Hey guys soooo yesterday was my 2nd part of interviewing and the demo. Well I would say the group interview went well. But lets get to the Demo. So they switched models on us which ya I kinda already knew that and then I got lets just say a difficult CUSTOMER. She was in rare form and was just being rather rude but I was still nice and talked to her and explained what I was doing. She told me her color she uses since she uses MAC but that color was NOT her color. I was not affraid to ask for help so the trainer assisted me on just to cover with powder for time sack. In the end she looked pretty for what I had to work with. I got her strobe cream on with primer foundation and eyeshadows three of them and blush and mascara. But NO lips done. Seriously there was no mascara around so i worked with a tube that didnt have much. But the eye liner I was gonna do was GONE. Everything was taken. So the trainer told us basically we will know in 7 days BUT it would depend on if the model felt beautiful. Well like I said with my difficult girl who knows. At this point Id like to email the recruiter just to thank her but we were not given any info to contact her. Any suggestions on how to obtain that??? Also Im trying so hard not to be down on myself and just know that its in Gods Hands and just pray they see how much I was this and that I am would definitely be an asset to the team. Please any words of advice would be appreciated.


Hi everyone im new to writing on spektra but neverthless a huge follower! I had my third interview last wednesday and I was told we would hear back by tomorrow. I'm so nervous I cant even sleep:/ I felt it all went well and I hope to have a reason to celebrate this weekend!!!!


Hi everyone im new to writing on spektra but neverthless a huge follower! I had my third interview last wednesday and I was told we would hear back by tomorrow. I'm so nervous I cant even sleep:/ I felt it all went well and I hope to have a reason to celebrate this weekend!!!!


New member
Hey guys soooo yesterday was my 2nd part of interviewing and the demo. Well I would say the group interview went well. But lets get to the Demo. So they switched models on us which ya I kinda already knew that and then I got lets just say a difficult CUSTOMER. She was in rare form and was just being rather rude but I was still nice and talked to her and explained what I was doing. She told me her color she uses since she uses MAC but that color was NOT her color. I was not affraid to ask for help so the trainer assisted me on just to cover with powder for time sack. In the end she looked pretty for what I had to work with. I got her strobe cream on with primer foundation and eyeshadows three of them and blush and mascara. But NO lips done. Seriously there was no mascara around so i worked with a tube that didnt have much. But the eye liner I was gonna do was GONE. Everything was taken. So the trainer told us basically we will know in 7 days BUT it would depend on if the model felt beautiful. Well like I said with my difficult girl who knows. At this point Id like to email the recruiter just to thank her but we were not given any info to contact her. Any suggestions on how to obtain that??? Also Im trying so hard not to be down on myself and just know that its in Gods Hands and just pray they see how much I was this and that I am would definitely be an asset to the team. Please any words of advice would be appreciated.
Hey I'm new to thesite as well and I came across your post and I lIterally just went through the same process as you our recruiter didn't provide any info to contact her either, she told us to wait a week and if we don't hear anything then we didn't get to move on to the last interview. I feel like I did really bad on my demo it was a group demo and I had no products to work with but the only thing I didn't fin.ish was lips. I honestly didn't see anybody do an awesome job everyone was nervous and had limited time and products. I really hope they take that into consideration. But idk I was so disappointed with myself I know if I could have gotten the things I needed I would have done a really god job. But hey u live and u learn atleast I know what to expect if I have to go back and do another group demo


New member
There is a mac job fair coming up in 2 weeks at my local macys.. I'm a guy by the way.. Anyways what is a job fair like? What's going to happen?? What do they look for? Can anyone help me please? Thank u. :)


Well-known member
Hi everyone! I applied for a freelance/ part time position at Mac in June and its now November, I talked to the manager and made sure to let her know I intern for a celebrity makeup artist on the side so I do have experience and she also gave me her card before i left the store but I never got a call back. Is it normal to wait this long for a call back? Is there a reason I didn't get called back?


New member
Hey guys! I just want to encourage you all. I have been reading this thread (it helps to pass the time when you're waiting on a call back lol).


hey,how would you sell studio fix foundation.. i need to know


New member
Don't get discouraged! They have so many things to do everyday... What I would do is go back to Mac and talk to her again. Don't stop until you get the job!! I have a job fair/ interview this Friday!! Good luck to you! ;)

Looksby Latay

New member
I had my demo today with them. I guess i did not make it because they did not do the verbal interview after the demo. still have homa number save in my phone.


Hi everyone! I dropped my resume in today to a counter at macys. The manager wasnt there but i called later to speak wi her over the phone and she agreed to interview me tomorrow. Apparently they have part time positions open. They didnt have applications to fill out. Tis will be a one on one interview from what i can tell. I have read other threads and they all mention some sort of group interview. Has anyone ever been interviewed this way? What should i expect? I was considering bringing face charts ive made using the mac face chart base since i dont have a portfolio of what i can do, but i dont know if i should? Any specific help would be appreciated. Will i be asked to do makeup on this interview? Thanks!


Hey guys question, as a freelancer I know theres no guarantee of hours. What are the average amount of hours you work? And how quickly can you move move up to permanant?

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