Hi everyone! I am SUPER new to this site and this particular thread, but I was referred to it as I was just contacted today to come in to interview for a freelance position. I've been frequenting my local Macy's counter for several years, and I'm very familiar (for the most part) with everyone who works there. I've dabbled with the idea of applying for a position there, as I adore makeup, but I am not *completely* satisfied or comfortable in my skills of doing other people's makeup. I've done a bit here and there, but it's been a while since I've practiced on anyone, so I am totally aware that I need to step it up and get some more practice in. I'm comfortable with doing makeup on myself, but still trying to get comfortable on the application for others, ya know? I'm usually complimented on my makeup when I stop by the counter (which is always nice

, and several times in the past, different MUA's have "recruited" me to work there, or suggested I apply. But again, because of me not being 100% confident in my skills to do others makeup, I kept putting it off... Even though makeup is something I've always wanted to do, and I've always been obsessed with it and MAC. Well, last month or so, I finally dropped off a resume for consideration for any open position. The manager, whom I know fairly well, was not in but I knew she would get my CV. I didn't think any more of it, mostly because I just recently started 2 part time jobs elsewhere.. However, today I went by and spent too much money on the Electric Cool collection.. (OMG, how amazing are those shadows! I'm in love, haha!).. and I chatted it up with another MUA that I know pretty well. Out of the blue, she asked me if I was still interested in freelancing because she knew at one point I was interested in doing that. I explained that I was, but wasn't sure how it would work out due to my other PT jobs. Needless to say, she said that she would mention it to the manager. Well, a few hours later, I got a call back from the manager and she wanted to set up an interview time for me. She explained that they do the initial interview AND the demo on the same day. Due to my not knowing my schedule for one of my jobs (and because I just started there), I will have to figure out my schedule first and then call back for the interview. SUPER long story (not so) short lol, I am mildly terrified of my demo interview.... haha. I don't want to come across as insecure and lacking confidence for my demo, but I know I need to definitely practice on some friends until my interview. Reading the different comments about what to expect in the interview is very helpful, but I am still very nervous. I would like to think that because I've been "recruited" on several occasions (and even today when I stopped by, and also because the manager called me shortly after) that I could have a decent chance of getting this position, but I am definitely not being cocky in my thinking. That being said, I know when I go in I need to exude confidence and do my best to show off my skills, but I'm so nervous that I'm just going to mess it up and ruin my chances lol. Unfortunately, I usually end up second guessing myself and my performance. =/ SO, so sorry that this is so long... if you've read it all, I would definitely appreciate any tips or encouragement in this process. Sounds like most of you probably know what I'm feeling, and I know that even the best sometimes second guess themselves, but if you can recommend any tips on how to get past that, please do let me know! Thank you so, so much for any and all encouragement! -Natalie.