Hello all, newbie here!
I had my 1st interview with a MAC regional recruiter here in the DMV area with Homa on April 3rd. I past that first part and she was pretty awesome, and blunt. I'm pretty much a self taught makeup lover, and pick up a lot just by viewing videos, reading online forums, and following tutorials. This, throughout many years, taught me to become an inspired makeup artist!

So my interview with Homa went pretty smoothly, but i was super nervous. It was a "Job Fair" in her office at Greenbelt, MD. I'm assuming that this is where the training facility is as well i saw a room filled with MAC makeup while i was waiting to be interviewed. To be completely honest i thought this "job fair" was actually meeting with others and important people within the company, but i didn't want to be unprepared so i came with my cover letter as well as my resume. The fair started at 10am and it was supposed to last till 1pm, i walked in with my face done in tip top shape(my profile picture). Looked the part with all black clothing, simple, but fashionable as well. The only downfall i had was my shoes, it was a no heel tap dance like shoe, Homa expected heels. When i went in the suite, her assistant as me if i was here for the interview, i said "sure, i'm assuming that's what it is..." She told me to sign in and have a seat, while i was there 5 other girls were sitting amongst me waiting as well. I can hear Homa with 2 other girls inside her office, and i waited for about 20 minutes until my name was called. At the end of the interview before me Homa said to them if we're interested we will give you ladies a call back soon. Next up, was this other girl, and i. We went into the office and she asked us if we wanted to be full time, or a freelancer. We both answered full time, and she asked what locations we wanted to be working at. Gave our answers, and then proceeded. Homa asked us about our retail experience, and asked us how much make-up experience we had, if we had professional schooling, and what we would bring to the company. After that, she asked us to rate our make-up abilities from 1-5, i said a 4 and she asked why, the other girl also said 4. We were then asked to critique each other make-up, Homa told us her end as well. She said she thought that both of us would be great, and our make-up was really good. She just told me that a darker shadow on me looks like i have no whites in my eyes from a far, and that i need a brighter color lipstick, other than that she said everything else was perfect. BLEND BLEND BLEND, is what she told the other girl and her red liner was boring her. She said that her red lips were a good color, but needs to be very clean and precise. Red lips stand out and must be done correct to look amazing she said. After that she said well, i like you both a lot! So i want to invite you both back for a make-up demo interview. Homa told the other girl that unfortunately she was not in her region so she will have trainers come out to that suite to do her make-up interview that friday! Which was 2 days away... I was like =0. She told me that she will call me back to set up my interview time because she needs to gather trainers to evaluate me. I was scared that meant i won't be getting a call back. Then again, i realize since she is pretty straight forward, she wouldn't be lying. So she said make sure we practice, and be on point with our blending, she explained some scenarios they might throw at us, so i was appreciating the tip. She said good luck, and i hope to see you soon! "Samantha, you will be hearing from me, so don't get scared if i don't call back soon as you think." So the waiting game begins, i told myself i would give her a week, if not i will be calling back. Surely enough, on April 11th she called me and asked me if i was still interested, well a duh! lol So she told me she had a couple openings with dates and times. Homa asked if i prefer Tysons Corner or Fair Oaks, and i said Fair Oaks, then she said okay well i have this and this day, and this and this time. Finally, i told her the 24th at 2PM. Let's pray this goes by well!

Wish me luck ladies, now it's time to practice, practice, practice! Ahh i'm so nervous, any tips for those who work out here in the East Coast within Homa's district? Please and thank you all!