MAC - Love that Look Discussion


Well-known member
I take back what I said about Fashion not standing out. In the pot it's so-so, but when swatched it today it has a blue/teal shade with sheen. Very pretty. It's nothing like Silverthorn on my skintone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
So MAC released these shadows early, ay? Looks like I need to make a trip to my store. Eesh you gals can talk!

Yay, I can't wait for your review! I love your review!


Well-known member
Ladies...I am still lounging...I have not done anything as far as MU I am so sorry....I am babysitting my pooch and taking pics of her lounging on my dh's dirty t-shirt and towel.....She is a trip...But I hope to get motivated at some point but it may be tomorrow sorry...I'm just lazy as hell today's my normal PMS time so please be patient...but I will photo the colors in a sec


Active member
does anyone think that smoke any diamonds will be sold out instores/ online by monday?
and does anyone also know when pro stores release collections? toronto?
earlier than next week?



Well-known member
I think you will still be able to get monday from nordies, macy's and maybe online at mac or I'm sure they will be at stores even if you have to hunt it down.

Don't panic, it will be there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
like someone posted earlier, it is more of a fish scale texture. i don't think it should have the starflash label based on the texure.

i'm gonna have to say no on the comparison.


Eek,now I can't wait to use those 2 together


Well-known member
I got my fix from this collection. I am glad I saved my empties & I didn't "buy" anything!

*Rated R
*Strike A Pose
*Unbasic White

I just wasn't feeling the other new ones. I am happy though, no $ spent today and I got my fix!


Well-known member
I honestly don't think S&D will be sold out...just because it is a repromote and more people already have it...But who knows...People pick for different reasons

here are a few swatches in different professionally done...NOT





l to r
Unbasic White, White Frost, Crystal Avalanche, Solar White, Dazzlelight & Chill



Active member
So I am a huge newbie, but have been lurking for awhile now. I got hooked after Hello Kitty came out and now I am a full fledged addict, I never knew makeup could be so fun! I love reading your posts/swatches, you guys get me all excited about the new collections, I love it! I just got back from my local store and picked:

Smoke & Diamonds x 2
Grand Entrance
Style Snob
Black Russian
Fly-by Blue

These shadows/liners are AMAZING!


Well-known member
Tish,thank you for those awesome swatches!
I ordered Smoke and Diamonds, Style Snob (one can never have too many neutrals), and Strike a Pose, which I had to have.Those type of blue/green colors really bring out my brown eyes.The Starflash finish is so amazing.They really should be made permanent.

Carrie Ann

Active member
Which shades would you recommend for green-blue eyes? I cant decide, it is all so damn pretty :-D I adore MAC e/s and on the screen, I luv them all...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Not to talk about her, okay maybe I am a little, but I swear she reads this site and passes off info like she thought of it.

Hah! I was just thinking the very same thing myself. I totally agree. It seems to happen quite often, which to me is silly.

Originally Posted by Face2Mac
It was like deja' vu. And I am a little bias because I love this site.

Truth again. I also adore this site, no others compare!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Tish, Do you have sable to compare to Style Snob?

just in your opinion on your skin.

No I did have Sable...I am not sure if I swapped it but I no longer have it sorry


Well-known member
Sable is a lot darker to me, I am going to pick up Style Snob later and I will try and do a comparison swatch


Well-known member
Why is it that I bought S&D yesterday, haven't even opened it yet, and I'm panicing that I'll run out. So much so that I'm thinking that maybe I should go tonight and get a back up? LOL I have problems hahahahahahaha

You understand me though, don't ya? LOL


Well-known member
S&D is the one of any that I will always have a bu of...However I must say I have never used up one I am not sure if you need one unless you use it A LOT....I don't use it alot I rotate most of my colors quite frequently...Well the neutrals lol..I swear I have about 2-3 then my dh got me another one yesterday...I am pretty set


Well-known member
I am liking the look of Strike A Pose more and more... but I am such a chicken when it comes to wearing colours, I love them but then I chicken out. However Pursebuzz had an FOTD with SAP and Style Snob which was lovely, so I may have to cave and get those two.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
I am so glad i never bought Tilt so now I can buy Fashion.

Well you know what's sad or not I have both tilt (which I luv-especially as a pop of color underneath the eye when I wear a neutral eye look!) and silverthorn and I went and bought Fashion (yep just incase they were a little different-but I luv the starflash finish!!)
I will probably get this Tuesday or Wednesday (2nd day air)-I'll be stalking the UPS man

Tish-You hubby is a sweetie-enjoy your haul and your cute little puppy!!!
I still can't believe some asshole stole Boz