Originally Posted by Krasevayadancer
What do we want comparison swatches of ladies? Just so I know when I am swatching in the store
here's my super-duper long list (as if my list on the 1st page wasn't long enough already
) i don't think you'll be able to find all of them in the pro store, i'm just being greedy. the ones in the brackets don't belong to the regular pro line
orange: neo-orange vs. genuine orange/acid orange/organge eyeshadow (MUFE star powder 952)
purple: full force violet vs. marine ultra/viole/cornflower/Atlantic Blue eyeshadow (royal blue)
green: green space vs. emerald green/landscape green/bio-green eyeshadow (original green pigment)
pink: red electric vs. electric coral/dusty coral/cool pink (pink vivid)
magenta: magenta madness vs. bright fuschia/Post Haste eyeshadow (MUFE star powder 951)
yellow: rock-it yellow vs. primary yellow/ ChromeYellow eyeshadow/Bright Sunshine eyeshadow
love you forever if you could swatch any of them for us