we are starting "viva la sundays!", so every sunday we wear whatever viva shirt we have with our fave viva combo. we have done contest where our trainer would give a starbucks or forever21 gift cert to the person who sold the most. we also each picked our fave viva glam and put it in our brush belt so we are more amped to use it. if some ask for a nuetral everyday gloss viva V is the first i show them, if they want deeper plumy color thats still nuetral viva VI and if they want something spingy and soft viva VI s.e., now they may not buy it, but at least you showed them. i try to demo a viva first, if they arent feeling it i move on. you can also write down every viva glam product on slips of paper and have each artist draw from a hat, then do the same with lipliners and glosses, what ever they draw is the combo they have to wear. tis way it will show new ways to wear them and also show customers how with just changing the liner a lipstick can be changed.