:agree: [COLOR=6666FF]Oh. Mr. Cakes I have such a crush on you.

I wanna doggynap you. Don't tell your mommy.

Animals lovers unite!!!! Not only do we love our makeup addictions, we are addicted to our furry babies. Loves it!!!! I had four kitties at once. First, all girls and my Martha who was a Calico and 20 pounds of pure love was the Alpha kitty of the house. She even bullied me...lol. Eventually, my girl kitties passed away all within a few months/year of each other. I now have three boys and my mom has one girl kitty and about 21 finches (they keep breeding. They are like bunny rabbits. They can't seem to control their urges. LOL). I always wanted a guinea pig and doggies. Maybe whenever I finally move out of where I live now. My mom and I also take care of the strays around our area. All my kitties have been strays that I have taken in or adopted from others. We also feed the squirrels and birds in our neighborhood. Pisses off people, but I could care less. I love animals of all kinds. Without them, we will not survive. It's a shame more humans don't realize this.[/COLOR]