MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Maybe if MAC would give us a colour story or something, we wouldn't be talking about dogs, hahaha...


Well-known member
Still no color story?! =(
haha and its funny how this thread is about dogs now. I have a husky =) im glad she doesnt steal my makeup she likes to sniff around my makeup drawers.. occasionally sit at my vanity and stare at herself in the mirror..shes a princess lol

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Still no color story?! =(
haha and its funny how this thread is about dogs now. I have a husky =) im glad she doesnt steal my makeup she likes to sniff around my makeup drawers.. occasionally sit at my vanity and stare at herself in the mirror..shes a princess lol
ahhh cute! she likes her pretty face


Well-known member
Still no color story?! =(
haha and its funny how this thread is about dogs now. I have a husky =) im glad she doesnt steal my makeup she likes to sniff around my makeup drawers.. occasionally sit at my vanity and stare at herself in the mirror..shes a princess lol
She knows she's got it going on. LOL. I love Huskies. I love all animals. My kitties love to stare at themselves in the mirror. My girl kitties did it all the time. Now, my Sterling (a little boy) loves to pose in the mirror and he thinks it's another kitty so sometimes he touches the mirror and meows.

Quote: Originally Posted by erine1881

A colour story will probably come out around april.
Tx, Erine!


Well-known member
I must admit I'm not excited about this collection. I think it might be a bit too funky for me and I'm not loving the packaging.... :/ I'll just wait and see

Kristin Bacon

Well-known member
Kittehs are ALWAYS relevant. Goggies too.
true true!!!!!! Mr Cakes ran away from me when i took him to potty...... down the street thru the neighborhood. Yeah i didnt have shoes on and a bathrobe with no tie belt on. and it was snowing!!! was holding the bathrobe closed while running grrr. theres a board missing off my gate in the courtyard. I had to pretend i wasnt mad or he will jus run more! i couldnt feel my damn feet by the time i got back in the house!!!


Well-known member
I am so excited for this collection!!!! cant wait to see the colour story.... the packaging so far is super cute!!!! June 5th here i come. This will be my birthday present since i am a June baby heheh :D


Well-known member
Yes I'm buying no matter what the color is lol! I usually don't do that anymore...but old habits die hard I guess
hahahaha thats so true....i dont care the color either....oh man thats something a
would do.....oopos oh well.... cant wAIT TO SEe the rest of the collection