MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
I haven't went to bed yet and I am still up!? I'm tired as all hell. But can't sleep because of the excitement. That and now it's light out lol


Well-known member
I log on to Specktra to see 2K unread posts and I just knew something was up....the damn collection! I miss DG by 2 minutes! GRRRR!!!
I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......

Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!

Dolly Snow

I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......:mad: :mad: :mad: Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!
There is always nordies


Well-known member
I haven't went to bed yet and I am still up!? I'm tired as all hell. But can't sleep because of the excitement. That and now it's light out lol
I'm still really awake too I'm trying to get some rest but the adrenaline is still winning! lol


Well-known member
I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......

Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!
I'm so sorry!
Your best bet is Nordstrom online next Monday. They usually launch first then the other follow suit.


Well-known member
That happened to me with AA. but I fell asleep literally minutes before it hit. But was still able to get everything I wanted from different stores. You still have time love
I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......:mad: :mad: :mad: Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!


Well-known member
I narrowed down my list and got everything I wanted. Riot House Cheeky Bugger Kelly lip pencil Bijou gloss I just happened to wake up right now lol.

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