MAC Sharon and Kelly Osbourne Collection (June 5, 2014)


Well-known member
Its weird they didn't put the collection photos up on the home page carousel and you have to order by going to lipsticks then it shows! same with blush, eyeshadow quads I have not seen it like this!
got mine!!!!!
That's because it hasn't officially launched yet. I suppose we'll be getting e-mails/text messages soon.


Well-known member
Glad you decided to join in :) After the Pedro glosses let's hope they are more careful
Hello Everybody! I decided to join up after lurking for several years! I'm waiting for this collection to launch in the U.K. Is the gold gloss Pussywillow or Bijou? MAC doesn't seem very sure............


Well-known member
There is always nordies
Yes, it will have to be Nordies because there is no way in heck that I will will by one item and pay for shipping for one freakin' lippie. I just hate that I was actually looking for it and didn't get it because my phone bugged out on me.


Well-known member
I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......:mad: :mad: :mad: Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!
Nordies posted on twitter that it was launching 6/9 love :)


New member
I'm glad I got everything I wanted ! All 4 lipsticks & Kelly's blush. Now I can't wait for Thursday so I can get peach beige & Roxo from the pl collection at my mac counter :fluffy:


Well-known member
So I got lucky with the mac collection but these jays and beyonce tickets are proving otherwise

Are you ladies having better luck than me??
You know what...I was complaining about the price of those tickets but it just dawned on me that if I could afford to purchase everything I wanted from a MAC collection is one go, then I can afford those damn tickets!
Oh well, I think I'd rather have new makeup anyway.


Well-known member
I'm sooooooo pissed off!!! I was up since 5:30 gettin the kids ready for school and was checking my freakin' cell phone every few minutes. At 7 I checkec again but for som &&^%$ reason, it didn't refresh my page properly and just showed as coming soon for the lippies. Finally dropped the kids off and looked again and saw the same damn thing. I decided to check IG and recycled stardust posted a pic of her order.... 40 MINUTES PRIOR!!!!! I ran to my computer and BAM....sold out.......:mad: :mad: :mad: Now I have to find out when the other online launches are going too happen. I JUST WANTED DODGY GIRL!!!
I feel you! I just wanted dg and it would not show up. Then it said coming soon. When I was finally able to see it, it said sold out :-( I got KYY just because. DG will be ours!! Stay positive!


Well-known member
Yes, it will have to be Nordies because there is no way in heck that I will will by one item and pay for shipping for one freakin' lippie. I just hate that I was actually looking for it and didn't get it because my phone bugged out on me.
I never trust my phone for launches. This time it actually showed everything all through Coming Soon and said Add to Bag as soon as it went live but a lot of times even though something launches my phone won't show it, only my computer. I have no idea why


Well-known member
I most of gotten the last KYY because I was able to get one and after I checked out decided to try and get another for my sister and it was sold out! I got what I wanted at he last second so glad I checked when I woke up


Well-known member
I never trust my phone for launches. This time it actually showed everything all through Coming Soon and said Add to Bag as soon as it went live but a lot of times even though something launches my phone won't show it, only my computer. I have no idea why
For me the phone shows everything faster than the computer


Well-known member
I'm so sorry!
Your best bet is Nordstrom online next Monday. They usually launch first then the other follow suit.

Quote: Originally Posted by singer82

That happened to me with AA. but I fell asleep literally minutes before it hit. But was still able to get everything I wanted from different stores. You still have time love
Thanks for the compassion guys. I just like to "SET IT AND FORGET IT" (I forgot what show that came from. lol smh) as quick as possible..

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