MAC - Shop Shop Shop / Cook Cook Cook discussion


Well-known member
I am not a big fan either. I have the red one (hot and saucy) and I rarely ever use it. I need to throw it in my handbag so I can start.
I think i'm the only one that is not a fan of tendertones....I have 1 and hardly use it. May be the packaging....who knows. I don't think i'll pick up any of these since I have a bajillion lip balm thingamabobs


Well-known member
THIS!! I have so many but they are still my weakness..I remember when I had just one mac lipstick and thought I was extravagant by buying another two!

I Just did a lipstick inventory this morning...its all bad! I have to much. I am officially not buying anything nude for the next forever. I have so many nude lipglosses and lipsticks.


Well-known member
I spoke with a MAC Artist and she told me that the Tendertones that are being released are Hush Hush, Tread Gently, Purring, and Hot n Saucy. Exciting!

That slightly dampens my excitement for the Tendertones. Dont get me wrong, Tendertones are like my #1 lipgloss EVER, but those werent exactly my favorite ones, and its a bit sad that there isnt any new exciting colors. I will probably pick up Purring, I didnt get it last time and it looks GORGEOUS summery tangerine in the picture..and maybe Tread Gently. And for those of you who havent tried them, you really must!!! They're the most fun summertime glosses ever, and smell sooo good - like strawberry kiwi kool aid! Nothing better when you're at the beach or by the pool!


Well-known member
haha that's the only one i have too. i took it out of my drawer last week to use it and i was maybe if it was in different packaging i don't know. it's just not something i reach for and have debated throwing it in my b2m pile haha


Well-known member
do u have the inventory app for the iphone? that was a wake up call for me so i'm not allowed to buy unless I toss something out. plus i only did inventory on my MAC stuff. I have other brands too so the number is much higher than what's in front of me.
I Just did a lipstick inventory this morning...its all bad! I have to much. I am officially not buying anything nude for the next forever. I have so many nude lipglosses and lipsticks.


Well-known member
I wonder if they have enough stock to be prepared for all the t/t orders.

While I like t/t, I don't think I will go overboard with my order as IMO, it is just a lip balm. It's tasty though. LOL. But if I have to scratch off any from my list, it will probably be t/t BU's. However, all my resolutions might go away once I smell the fruity-ness again


Well-known member
I won't be buying any tendertones - I have loads of different lip balms already, and don't think it's worth paying MAC prices for more.


Well-known member

I agree with that, but I will make an exception for Tendertones because they are so awesome in the moisture dept. My lips are like the crypt keepers with all the dryness lately. If I have to cut back due to fiscal issues, I will choose the kissable over the TT because the TT does not have that great a pigmentation. But at least one will have to come in the cart, for the moisture boost. I am thinking it will be the yellow-green looking one because I love the look of it. Unless they have a bright coral one.

Flaunting it looks so gorgeous, can't believe I skipped it before, I must have been worried it would be too dark. Now I am more brunette, it will empower me to try the darker toned kissable ones. Those swatches are making me jones for it.


Well-known member

hahaha! Good idea about pretending the ones we have are new. Everytime I open up my lipgloss drawer, my 1 year old son grabs the Tendertones every time to play with. Maybe I'll just let him have them!


Well-known member
This may or may not be helpful to people but Temptalia has swatches of the previously released Tendertones that are being re-released with this collection (Hush Hush, Purring, Tread Gently, and Hot n Saucy) You can see them---->
Also found some old reviews on the tendertones when they came out with some of the swatches of colours being repromoted with this collection if you want to take a peak:
The old Specktra Thread :D for tendertones--->
Personally I can't wait for fluidline swatches. To me I think they should have at least added one new shade to both the Kissable Lip Color and the Tendertones line with this release it just kinda bugs me that they're all repromotes.

princess sarah

Well-known member
Im a bad one for that too once i see swatches and reviews come up online I normally cave and at least by something and try it....

I agree with that, but I will make an exception for Tendertones because they are so awesome in the moisture dept. My lips are like the crypt keepers with all the dryness lately. If I have to cut back due to fiscal issues, I will choose the kissable over the TT because the TT does not have that great a pigmentation. But at least one will have to come in the cart, for the moisture boost. I am thinking it will be the yellow-green looking one because I love the look of it. Unless they have a bright coral one.

Flaunting it looks so gorgeous, can't believe I skipped it before, I must have been worried it would be too dark. Now I am more brunette, it will empower me to try the darker toned kissable ones. Those swatches are making me jones for it.


Well-known member
I Just did a lipstick inventory this morning...its all bad! I have to much. I am officially not buying anything nude for the next forever. I have so many nude lipglosses and lipsticks.

Wow, you did? Glad you got enough nude l/g and l/s for a while. LOL
I don't think I have a lot compared to most Specktrattes here, but I'm still scared to do inventory on mine. Haha. I should not buy much lip stuff especially lipgloss for a long time.

Still waiting for the color story. I don't think I can buy much, but I'm still excited.


Well-known member
Oh I will for sure be getting all of the Tendertones-possibly even a backup or two! Although I was really hoping one of the purple ones would be repromoted :( I have 4-5 from the last release but I never got a lilac/lavender one and I've always wished I had.

Good news-we got the info for my counter's event today! It looks like pretty much every counter should be having an event-if you've already asked at the one nearest you and nobody knew what the heck you were talking about, it's probably because they haven't gotten the memo yet (literally).

I have to say I'm a little disappointed about so many things being repromotes-kind of makes me wonder if they just found a ton of stock of these colors lying around and had to come up with a way to move them lol ;)

I can't wait for more information on those quads!


Well-known member
LOL, I have enough for nine lifetimes. I have NEVER finished a tube of MAC lipstick because I have so many and rotate them. I have B2M on the gloss, but not because of use, because they go plastic tasting. I hit pan for the first time on a face product this week, I felt like a real pro then.

That won't stop me from buying more if I think a color or formula is unique. Plus, my *needs* change so much. I really feel the t/t don't do much for color/pigmentation, but they are so tasty, moisturizing, and good for layering. Esp. underneath the drying lipsticks like the older matte and satin finish.


Well-known member
LOL, I have enough for nine lifetimes.  I have NEVER finished a tube of MAC lipstick because I have so many and rotate them.  I have B2M on the gloss, but not because of use, because they go plastic tasting.  I hit pan for the first time on a face product this week, I felt like a real pro then.  That won't stop me from buying more if I think a color or formula is unique.  Plus, my *needs* change so much.  I really feel the t/t don't do much for color/pigmentation, but they are so tasty, moisturizing, and good for layering.  Esp. underneath the drying lipsticks like the older matte and satin finish.
Since we're on that subject...I have had fearful nights were I think about the money I spent on my lipsticks while they are mostly used 2-3X or some...ahem..BN....are they all gonna go bad? I did open them up occasionally to stare at the beauties...they are mostly 1 year old children....Are they all gonna start to dieeee soon?????


Well-known member
I just posted up the colour story guys - thanks to a very special someone!

Whether it's detergent or diamonds, produce or Prada, everyone loves to shop, shop, shop! Try and Buy a delicious, delovely, delectable, divine, degorgeous, de-with-it, degroovy assortment of Eye Shadow x4 in wearable brights perfect for Spring. Treat yourself to Lipstick in heavenly hues, mouthwateringly Kissable Lipcolour and Cremeblend Blush. This Spring, shop 'til you drop with a tongue-in-cheek, collection that elevates the everyday into the extraordinary.

Unfortunately as of now some finishes are unavailable

Innocence Beware - Light yellow pink (repromote)
Naughty Saute - Bright Pepto Pink
Watch Me Simmer - Bright pink orange
Quick Sizzle - Bright matte pink
Dish It Up - Berry pink
Runaway red - Rich red blue

Kissable Lipcolour
Flaunting It - Grey mauve (repromote)
Scan-delicious - Blue fuchsia (repromote)
So Van - Muted midtone coral (repromote)
Woo Me - Light pinky nude (repromote)
Enchantee - Light blue pink (repromote)

Eye Shadow x4 Shop Drop
Hypnotizing - Greyed Mauve (Frost) (repromote)
Sugar Snack - Light pink (Matte)
Power Boosted - Violet (Veluxe Pearl)
Shop&Drop - Deep blue (Satin)

Eye Shadow x4 Call Me Bubble
Call Me Bubble - Light tan (Satin)
Fresh Daily - Orange (Frost)
Brash - Reddish copper (Veluxe Pearl) (repromote)
Full of Flavour - Coral (Matte)

Eye Shadow x4 Colour Added
Laundry Daze - Light yellow (Satin)
Colour Added - Bright yellow (Veluxe Pearl)
Self-Serve - Deep Grey (Satin)
Pre-Packaged - Muted Turquoise (Veluxe Pearl)

Cremeblend Blush
Optimistic Orange - Bright coral (repromote)
Florida - Bright fuchsia (repromote)
Restores Dazzle! - Rich plum

Midnight Snack - Soft black
Wholesome - Blackened brown
Added Goodness - Blackened Mauve

Products such as Tendertones, and Nail Polish may be part of this collection as well but are suspected to be part of a sister collection entitled Cook MAC


Well-known member
Shop Drop quad sounds gorgeous!!! Actually, a lot of this sounds gorgeous, especially the lippies. I'm almost glad that I'll be nowhere near a MAC store or computer during the time of this release, or I'd end up dropping quite a few dollars, I think!


Well-known member
OMG, all three of those quads sound fantastic. Veluxe pearls, frosts, satins...and wtf, they're repromoting Runaway Red ALREADY? That's one lipstick I don't have to worry about. I remember Innocence, Beware from VV, and I didn't like the look of it at all. Dish It Up sounds great though.