MAC - Shop Shop Shop / Cook Cook Cook discussion


Well-known member
Thanks for posting Lou
I want so much from this collection!


Well-known member
Wow! I have a preliminary list. I need to find out about the Cook part of the collection & then I can decide exactly what I want. I truly thought there would be a lippie called Heavenly. I'm kind of disappointed that there isn't.
Can't wait for swatches.

Watch Me Simmer - Bright pink orange
Quick Sizzle - Bright matte pink
Dish It Up - Berry pink

Eye Shadow x4 Shop Drop
Hypnotizing - Greyed Mauve (Frost) (repromote)
Sugar Snack - Light pink (Matte)
Power Boosted - Violet (Veluxe Pearl)
Shop&Drop - Deep blue (Satin)


Well-known member
This collection sounds awesome! I think i will get the Shop Drop and Colour Added quads, Naugty Saute l/s and Quick Sizzle l/s. I'm not sure about the rest. I might back up Innocence Beware, Woo Me and Flaunting It. Other maybe's are Scan-delicious, So Vain and Florida. Ow i don't know i like so much!


Well-known member
Maybe you saw Heavenly in another collection?
Wow! I have a preliminary list. I need to find out about the Cook part of the collection & then I can decide exactly what I want. I truly thought there would be a lippie called Heavenly. I'm kind of disappointed that there isn't.
Can't wait for swatches.

Watch Me Simmer - Bright pink orange
Quick Sizzle - Bright matte pink
Dish It Up - Berry pink

Eye Shadow x4 Shop Drop
Hypnotizing - Greyed Mauve (Frost) (repromote)
Sugar Snack - Light pink (Matte)
Power Boosted - Violet (Veluxe Pearl)
Shop&Drop - Deep blue (Satin)


Well-known member
I could have sworn I saw it written under one of the promo pics for the collection. I had thought it possibly a pink(ish) lipstick. I could have been wrong though. The writing under the promo pictures were so small & blurry to me. Maybe a Heavenly named lippie will come out in one of the other upcoming collections.



Well-known member
i think i need the shop drop quad! even though it will be my third pan of hypnotizing - i love that shadow!!


Well-known member
I read it again and it says "tread yourself to lipstick in heavenly hues", so i think they are saying these colour are heavenly:)


Well-known member
Great to see a color story! At the moment I think I will get Innocence Beware, Runaway Red, So Vain, Flaunting It, and Woo Me (and of course a few Tendertones


Well-known member
I accidently dropped my hypnotizing in the toilet *oops*
had to throw it out. It's nice to have the opportunity to get it again! yay!


Specktra Bestie
Hooray for colour story!!! Thanks, Lou and thanks to your secret agent...

This looks like it'll be a great collection. What worries me is that from the descriptions, I could easily buy all three quads. I'm absolutely certain I want the one with Hypnotizing in it, because I have kicked myself for not getting that when it came out with Love Lace (for some reason, I got everything except).

So far, I'm most interested in...

Watch Me Simmer - Bright pink orange
Dish It Up - Berry pink
(already have Runaway Red and I highly recommend it!!)

Kissable Lipcolour
Flaunting It - Grey mauve (repromote)
(Maybe- I tried this on last year and it didn't work on me, but I love the colour every time I see it on someone else... I have Scandelicious and So Vain, both of which are beautiful)

Eye Shadow x4 Shop Drop
Hypnotizing - Greyed Mauve (Frost) (repromote)
Sugar Snack - Light pink (Matte)
Power Boosted - Violet (Veluxe Pearl)
Shop&Drop - Deep blue (Satin)

Eye Shadow x4 Call Me Bubble
Call Me Bubble - Light tan (Satin)
Fresh Daily - Orange (Frost)
Brash - Reddish copper (Veluxe Pearl) (repromote)
Full of Flavour - Coral (Matte)

Eye Shadow x4 Colour Added
Laundry Daze - Light yellow (Satin)
Colour Added - Bright yellow (Veluxe Pearl)
Self-Serve - Deep Grey (Satin)
Pre-Packaged - Muted Turquoise (Veluxe Pearl)

Like I said, I'm sure I need the first quad. The other two I'll wait to see in person. I have Brash in the Spiced Chocolate quad and it's a great shade- very easy to work with.

I'm totally spoiled. Now that we have the colour story, I want swatches...


Well-known member
wow woohoooo!!! thank you for the colour story!!!! i knew i was going to want from this far what i will be looking at and waiting for pics of...

watch me simmer lipstick
quick sizzle lipstick
dish it up lipstick

so van kissable lipcolour
woo me lipcolour

shop drop quad
colour added quad.

gaaaahh. and tendertones!!!!


Well-known member

well, from color description I may buy:
scandelicius and woo me (I already have flaunting it and so vain)
hush hush tendertone (or another one)
Shop drop quad (maybe! I like how it looks!)
I need to see swatches of lipstick... they all look like something I already have (not dupes but quite similar) I already have Runaway red and I don't really like Innocence beware! I like Dish it up but it could look like spitfire! I could also like Naughty saute and Watch me simmer ....
and of course optimistic orange although I'm going to take Fresh Honey too (and I don't like to have similar things, but I was looking for a orange blush.. why not to have two??)


Well-known member
I am interested in Naughty Saute - Bright Pepto Pink Watch Me Simmer - Bright pink orange Quick Sizzle - Bright matte pink Scan-delicious - Blue fuchsia (repromote) Woo Me - Light pinky nude (repromote) Florida I'm iffiy about the kissables and the ccb. I need to see the plummy blush too before I make up my mind. I just love my lipsticks though! I'm hoping that there isn't too much in the Cook portion that I want considering I'm up to about $100 already. this collection and then I'm calling it until the summer collex. I swear!


Well-known member
I am loving the color story now!!! Here is my Preliminary List:

Naughty Salute l/s
Watch Me Simmer l/s
Quick Sizzle l/s
Runaway Red l/s (missed out on it)
So Vain KLC
Enchantee KLC
All 3 Quads
All 4 Tendertones
Midnight Snack fl/
Optimistic Orange Cremeblend Blush
Florida Cremeblend Blush

This is going to be a very expensive haul for me LOL!