MAC - Starflash Discussion


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Originally Posted by samsgotflavor
im still pretty new in the MAC field...

I dont have ANY browns.
What would one suggest for me? I am deff. getting glamous check but is go so similar to woodwinked that I should not get both? woodwinked was on my wish list but i dont want to get it if go is a dupe...i bet go's texture beats woodwinked!
could someone swatch?

woodwinked is a light antiqued gold and glamour check appears to be a shimmery reddened brown. they are not similar. i have woodwinked and will more than likely get glamour check. hth.


Well-known member
I know I should have known this but I can't believe that this collection is coming out the end of this month! I for some reason had thought this came out in Septmeber. I guess I need to start making my list!
And I love making my MAC collection list and re-writting it over and over again! I am a dork!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I know I should have known this but I can't believe that this collection is coming out the end of this month! I for some reason had thought this came out in Septmeber. I guess I need to start making my list!
And I love making my MAC collection list and re-writting it over and over again! I am a dork!

from one dork to another,

my list will be so easy this time around. i'm getting all but 2!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
Ok I know there has been a bit of discussion about the kohl power e/l but it appears that some of you hate them while others love them...I've never tried them so what is overall feeling on these? Are these anything like the pencils from Heatherette? I can't use those pencils, they are too smudgy and thick! Anyways, tia for your opinions/thoughts on these!

I like the kohl powers I have much better than my Heatherette pencils; I have had much fewer problems with them smudging and whatnot.


Well-known member
I saw a few pictures of these today on a livejournal community, and the only one I am pretty sure on is Smoke and Diamonds. I think I could take or leave the rest. There were pictures comparing the shadows to other colors, but there weren't skin swatches. In the pot, Smoke and Diamonds looks similar to Satin Taupe, Clue and French Grey. Dreammaker looks similar to Rose Blanc. Glamour Check looks similar to Beautyburst. I am sure there will de a difference on the skin though, because of the new finish. I don't know why, but I am just not excited about this collection... I think I am still flying high on Sonic Chic


Well-known member
i saw the post also. i'm kinda bummed that the colors appear so dupe-able... i'm still gonna check them out myself regardless, i'm intrigued by the new finish. right now i'm interested in:
smoke & diamonds
glamour check
top hat

sunset b.
mink & sable
talent pool


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I know I should have known this but I can't believe that this collection is coming out the end of this month! I for some reason had thought this came out in Septmeber. I guess I need to start making my list!
And I love making my MAC collection list and re-writting it over and over again! I am a dork!

Well, I'm a dork too! cause I thought the same thing
We need a dork smiley

Oh, & btw - this is my 'Starfish' collection


Well-known member
Originally Posted by damsel
i'm kinda bummed that the colors appear so dupe-able...

I agree, I'm also intrigued by this alleged new finish, but at this point, not enough to get every color. Maybe when I see the finish, I will change my mind though. That always helps. So far however, I think I'm down to Sunset B and Lotusland and I'm thinking I'll try my hand at those pencils - Feline and Raven to be exact. July 31 needs to arrive now!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I saw a few pictures of these today on a livejournal community, and the only one I am pretty sure on is Smoke and Diamonds. I think I could take or leave the rest. There were pictures comparing the shadows to other colors, but there weren't skin swatches. In the pot, Smoke and Diamonds looks similar to Satin Taupe, Clue and French Grey. Dreammaker looks similar to Rose Blanc. Glamour Check looks similar to Beautyburst. I am sure there will de a difference on the skin though, because of the new finish. I don't know why, but I am just not excited about this collection... I think I am still flying high on Sonic Chic

Audrey, can you post what LJ page? I am new to LJ and could not find pictures. Message me if it's not kosher to post. Thx.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
I saw a few pictures of these today on a livejournal community, and the only one I am pretty sure on is Smoke and Diamonds. I think I could take or leave the rest. There were pictures comparing the shadows to other colors, but there weren't skin swatches. In the pot, Smoke and Diamonds looks similar to Satin Taupe, Clue and French Grey. Dreammaker looks similar to Rose Blanc. Glamour Check looks similar to Beautyburst. I am sure there will de a difference on the skin though, because of the new finish. I don't know why, but I am just not excited about this collection... I think I am still flying high on Sonic Chic

I have to say I wasn't overly excited about this collection to begin with, but thought I might be more so once i heard the positive comments about the finish of these. Having said all that, my list at the moment is holding at 3 of these, Smoke & Diamonds, Sunset B. and I think Go (if that's the coppery type shade). And I am also considering Glamour Check now since it's being compared to Beauty Burst but with more shimmer.

On a side note, that Livejournal community entry also had a description of the Spiced Chocolate quad, and I can say absolutely positively that will be mine!


Well-known member
I just wish that the colors were brighter! Maybe it is just because I have not seen them in person yet but they look kind of blah! I will still get a few of these but my hopes were higher that the shades would have more of a range.


Well-known member
I wish these were perm. There's just too many since I want them all and it would make sense with the new finish and all. Making up my mind with these is tortureeee I tell you, they are all so pretty and I've started fresh with eyeshadows recently so I don't have any close dupes anymore.


Well-known member
Got to play with the colors today, posted pretty good swatches over in that thread, and here's my review (sorry Im not calling them by name, I cant keep the names straight yet!)

WOWWWW on the payoff overall! They're not kidding about the new formula, it' like butter. The highlight color one REALLY wow-ed me on how richly it came out with one swipe. The teal and pink sadly had the 'least' payoff, but maybe that was just me, and they were still good.

I'm trying to think what other Teal it is most like... I want to say Mood Ring? It's a really light pastel teal. We'll see, you know I'll buy it and do comparisons to my 80 other teals.

The pink one is DEFINITELY unlike anything else we have. It may by like one of the really good pinks from the Holiday Palettes, maybe Trophy Pink? Its a must have for me because I have yet to find a good pink in this shade. I don't like Sushi Flower or Pink Freeze or pretty much any Mac pink.

THE LIGHT PURPLE IS MY FAVORITEEE! I THINK it might look like one of the colors in a holiday Cool Eyes Palette that I almost bought the whole palette just for that color, so I'm pleased. It's such a nice vibrant lavander, first one to catch my eye

The dark blue one, jesus christ, how many times can Mac put out the color? Honest to god.

The deep purple is like if Grape/Entremauve were an eyeshadow (what a dreeeeeeeam). It reflects blue pretty noticably, love it!

You all know I know nothing about browns/neutrals, so I ave no idea what they are comparable to.

The Taupey one is HOT and uniqueee I think, it's got a duochrome going on and its like Satin Taupe meets Club, IMO idk it's weird.



Well-known member
Well I feel a little better now!
Thanks xbrookecorex for the swatches! Talent pool looks gorgeous and I think that I am going to add that to the list!


Well-known member
Oooh cool, 2 more shadows I can look forward too I didn't know that

Talent Pool is more like Mood Ring from Heatherette (although not the same now that I look at my Mood Ring swatch), but I know we're all still debating how much Mood Ring looks like Warm Chill too haha I have this swatch that MIGHT help here...

Aquavert, Warm Chill, Mood Ring

Yeah youre right Smoke and Diamonds is more grey than taupe, but not flat at allllll, it had the duochrome of Vex going on. You'll probably need to see in person, I thought it was the most unique!
Originally Posted by jasminbarley
@ xbrookecorex

Thanks for the swatches - by the way, you're missing two shadows (there are 12 in the Star Flash collection).

Star By Night looks like it could be a dupe for the solid in Sea & Sky, which means that I can probably remove Sea & Sky from my possibles list.

Talent Pool looks like it might be a dupe for Warm Chill - I'm hoping that it has better colour pay-off because Warm Chill doesn't show up on me unless I layer it over a shadestick.

Smoke & Diamonds looks like a very flat silver grey in your swatch, not quite the taupe I was looking for!


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