MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
i so wish they would release this collection a week they have done with some of the other collections this year...i am lookinh forward to playing with these colors so much


Well-known member
At first I thought mink & sable was gonna be one of my must haves, but after seeing the LJ comparison someone did of them and karlasugar's swatch this morning... It seems like it would be pointless for me to own both.

Also does anyone know how similar grand entrance and naked lunch are? tia!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenntoz
^^^Beautiful Iris is nothing like lotusland, I compared them in the swatch thread if you want to see pics

Could you or anyone compare Lotusland to Mancatcher or to the Pandemonium Quad light purple. They look similiar.

I am addicted to purples, lavendah's and I am trying to knock the addiction off.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mezzamy

ive just posted lots of photos of Smoke & Diamonds in the swatch section, if you're interested

i've also written up a detailed description of Smoke & Diamonds in my blog, whilst comparing it to other colours. you can view that here:

Cosmetics & Skincare Talk: A Look At... MAC Smoke & Diamonds Eyeshadow


I really wish I hadn't clicked on that link to your blog...I wasn't interested in this collection at all but NOW-Smoke & Diamonds looks gorgeous and so unique!!


Well-known member
This is going to be a hard collection for me to pare down my want list...I think I'll definitely be going to my counter to pick these up and not ordering online...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by HeatherAnn
It looks like smoke & diamonds may be very similar to Stila's Diamond Lil....?

I agree that the swatches of Smoke and Diamonds look very similar to Diamond Lil, which is good news for greyed taupe lovers.
I wonder how it compares to the infamous Erika F. by Lancome?
I'm interested in Star by Night and Talent Pool. Maybe Grand Entrance too. I'm planning to B2M for these, so I'm keeping it down to just a couple out of this collection.

I'm mostly interested in the Kohl Powers and will probably pick one of ea. color up this time around. Maybe two of Feline, because nothing else comes close to this color. It is the blackhole of eye liners - nothing is darker, really. I so wish MAC would make these permanent or at least rotate them in and out like they're doing with the MSFs and MES now. The thought of running out of Feline terrifies me.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
I'm sticking with my original list after seeing the awatches
Smoke and Diamonds
Top Hat
Mink and Sable

I think these colors will be great transional colors into the fall


Well-known member
Smoke and Diamonds is so gorgeous!It's like a combination of a few colors and doesn't look like anything else MAC has.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Could you or anyone compare Lotusland to Mancatcher or to the Pandemonium Quad light purple. They look similiar.

I am addicted to purples, lavendah's and I am trying to knock the addiction off.

If you are addicted to purples you are going to want Lotusland, cause its really pretty IRL & the texture is so nice

Sorry I can help witht the swatch comparison cause I don't have Mancatcher


Well-known member
anybody who has seen these irl: does glamour check look like antiqued? does it have a dupe?

and how about go? i must own about a bajillion brown/neutrals and don't want to buy something i already have!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by mamadelovesmac
I have never gotten the Khol Powers, but after reading all the raves about them here, I may try them. What is it that you all love about them? How do they wear? Do you smudge them? Curious minds want to know!

I think the Kohl Powers are great. I love the uniqueness of the colors and the ease with which they apply (so smooth!) the most. I think some people gave the k/p's an undeserved ill reputation because they said they smeared on them. These are KOHL pencils and therefore are formulated to be easy to smudge. If you're really oily then I can see where you might have a problem and, as such, you might have to use some kind of primer at the lashline, but I don't think a lot of folks understand the concept behind eye kohls.

I must say, though, Urban Decays 24/7 Glide On Eye Pencils have a similar formula, come in some beautiful colors, and definitely stay put. Check them out as well.

Corvs Queen

Well-known member
Am I the only one that thinks the promo pic is a bit shoddy for MAC's standards? I mean, I know the model has "normal" skin but it really bugs me that you can see her clogged pores. Maybe I'm a special snowflake but I think that they should have done something with her skin. I mean, does that promo make you think that MAC would make good face products????


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Winthrop44
Hmmm. There must be something wrong with me. I'm not feeling like I really need any of these. Maybe I'll feel differently when I see them IRL.

Omg I am feeling the same way and I keep feeling my forehead to see if I have a fever.

I just don't feel like myself. I don't want any of the upcoming collections either EXCEPT for Manish's and that too is just a maybe.


Well-known member
Oh nevermind, I forgot that Feline is being repromoted! I am definitely going to get 2 of those at the most.


Well-known member
These swatches have me thinking, which is the last thing I need to do, lol! Smoke & Diamonds, Go, and Grand Entrance are definites for me. I just need those colors and there's no way around it. Top Hat is right up there, too. However, I'm not quite convinced on Lotusland, Mink & Sable, and Bold & Brazen. Lotusland is just too pink for me...I don't like my lilacs that pink. And I'm wondering how close Bold & Brazen is to any of MACs other oranges (like Firespot, Off the Radar, etc...). As for Mink &'s pretty, but I just don't know.


Well-known member
The swatches are looking gooood! Smoke & Diamonds looks hot! That is definitely at the top of my list. I've also decided on Sunset B, Grand Entrance and Bold and Brazen. Glamour Check looks interesting as well, but I'll have to wait and see this before I decide. I have just enough empties to get all of these through B2M, yay!


Well-known member
smokes and diamonds looks like such a pretty colour...but i really haven't got a clue on how to use it? any ideas? oh, and colors don't have to be from the starflash collection. thankees!

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