MAC - Starflash Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
actually, i asked customer service about this, and they said no, they are NOT suppose to accepted them without metal pans for B2M

See?! And in another thread, I read someone called CS and was told, yes, depots are supposed to be accepted. WTF?!


Does anyone know how dream maker compares to retrospeck? I'm desperately trying to narrow down my starflash list..................


Well-known member
Ooooh I have a question...

Top Hat (the dark purple shadow) this an actual purple eyeshadow, or is it one of those blackened, charcoaly colors (basically black with a slight purple to it)?? Some of the swatches look purple, some look charcoal to me (I know you guys know what I mean)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
It does sorta depend on the MA you talk to. I find if I spend some time talking to them about the collection they don't mind the depots. The guy who warned me about them was an Asian fellow, pretty cool and easy going but not a fan of depots. I've been trying to find something other than depots to mix things up too.

Good luck! I think I'll have enough for one b2m and Lotusland shall be my choice. =)

I don't get how an MA would not be a fan of depots. It's not like MA's go to jobs with hundreds of little pots - they bring their palettes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC
Ooooh I have a question...

Top Hat (the dark purple shadow) this an actual purple eyeshadow, or is it one of those blackened, charcoaly colors (basically black with a slight purple to it)?? Some of the swatches look purple, some look charcoal to me (I know you guys know what I mean)

Yes, Top Hat is 100% purple, not that purpley-black-blue, it is definitely purple & beautiful


Well-known member
it's still beyond me how mac chose the colours for this collection. most of the colours are easily duped with permanent mac products, as i'm sure you'll see in some of the swatches posted by other specktrettes in the swatch forum. the differences between most of these colours and their permanent psuedo-twins are very subtle in the pan and barely distinguishable when applied. i really liked mink and sable though, something about it just caught my eye. for anyone that missed out on lure/bait back in 2006, the light aqua that just came out with starflash is a dead ringer for waternymph.


Well-known member
yeah kimmy you rock! I had been wanting waternymph so now that i hear that, its great to know i can get something like it!

I think I'll fall for mink and sable--always on the search for a great olivey green type colour, though honestly I think I'll get Smoke and Diamonds since I'm on such a grey toned kick lately. Otherwise, I'm not sure. A lighter colour may just come home with me too, though I'm still loving (and getting HUGE compliments) when I wear Love Connection MES with simple black liner on my eyes. LOL I guess my makeup is crap on the other days, when I wear that look people comment on it.


Well-known member
But see (and someone pointed this out earlier - Sanayhs, I believe) maybe this is their way of testing the waters with this new formula and these ones are going to replace those colors if they decide to keep Starflash around. It would make sense then, for them to choose colors already in existence, since they have the formulas for those already, and then just to tweak to come up with the new finish. Personally, I don't mind, since the colors that are dupeable with this collection I don't have.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
actually, i asked customer service about this, and they said no, they are NOT suppose to accepted them without metal pans for B2M

So what are we supposed to do with our empties?

They should refuse to take back the metal pan as a B2M. That makes more sense, since it's a tiny thing and the plastic cases (even without the pan) are so much larger. I don't know anyone who takes back the metal pan as part of B2M anyway.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BlahWah
It does sorta depend on the MA you talk to. I find if I spend some time talking to them about the collection they don't mind the depots. The guy who warned me about them was an Asian fellow, pretty cool and easy going but not a fan of depots. I've been trying to find something other than depots to mix things up too.

Good luck! I think I'll have enough for one b2m and Lotusland shall be my choice. =)

Sunset B has my name on it. And probably Dream Maker, Smoke & Diamonds and Go. That's what I'm getting. But I'll only do 1 B2M, even though I have enough for 3... because sometimes I wonder if the MAs don't like it if we do too many.

Which store has the "Asian fellow, pretty cool and easy going but not a fan of depots?"


Well-known member
Originally Posted by gigglegirl

I think I'll get Smoke and Diamonds since I'm on such a grey toned kick lately.

Same here, even though I just bought(and am using the heck out of) "Magnetic Fields" from Neo-Sci-Fi, and the two look fairly similar.

To me, "Smoke and Diamonds" looks more gray, while "Magnetic Fields" has brown tones.
If "Smoke and Diamonds" turns out to be a deep shimmery taupe-y grey, it's possible Holy Grail material!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Starflash collection discussion

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Holy hell! MAC is killing me this year! It keeps getting better and better! I need to start saving now, because this will be another collection where I want ALL of the shadows! Thankfully, I already have the liners

I feel your pain!
I hate it when MAC releases a collection at the end of the month!
Fortunately for me, I only want one shadow, "Smoke and Diamonds," from Starflash, and I can manage that.
Sometimes it pays to be a neutral-eyes woman.

I need to do some serious budgeting for Overrich next month, anyhow.
They should change the name of that one from "Overrich" to "Totally Broke."


Well-known member
Re: MAC Starflash collection discussion

Originally Posted by cno64
I need to do some serious budgeting for Overrich next month, anyhow.
They should change the name of that one from "Overrich" to "Totally Broke."

LOL I hear ya!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Starflash collection discussion

Originally Posted by kobri
LOL I hear ya!

but aren't the overrich pigments supposed to be pro permanent? if so, get 'em whenever you have funds!


Well-known member
Re: MAC Starflash collection discussion

Originally Posted by cno64

They should change the name of that one from "Overrich" to "Totally Broke."


So guys I think I need to buckle down on this collection. Like, Im really broke. I think I want:
*Top Hat
*Sunset B
*Talent Pool
*Mink and sable
*Smoke and Diamonds
*Bold and Brazen

But I only want to get 4-5 of them.....which should I get??!?!?!


Well-known member
Definitely get Smoke and Diamonds and I think Top Hat, Sunset B, and Talent Pool would look fantastic on you. I'd wait on Mink and Sable since it's dupeable with Sumptuous Olive and maybe also Dreammaker since it's dupeable with Rose Blanc. Then I guess that leaves Bold and Brazen if you decide to splurge on that fifth shadow.


Well-known member
Re: MAC Starflash collection discussion

Originally Posted by CantAffordMAC

So guys I think I need to buckle down on this collection. Like, Im really broke. I think I want:
*Top Hat
*Sunset B
*Talent Pool
*Mink and sable
*Smoke and Diamonds
*Bold and Brazen

But I only want to get 4-5 of them.....which should I get??!?!?!

If you figure it out will you let me know? My list is changing hourly at this point, up and down up and down....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetstax3
Can someone please tell me how is Smoke & Diamond compares to Sweet Sienna? TIA!

Look at these from the Starflash Swatch Thread:

Originally Posted by astronaut
Smoke and Diamonds, Go, Grand Entrance (no flash)

Smoke and Diamonds, Go, Grand Entrance (flash)

Urban Decay Smog, MAC Go (no flash)

Urban Decay Smog, MAC Go (flash)

urban Decay Sin, MAC Grand Entrance (no flash)

urban Decay Sin, MAC Grand Entrance (flash)

MAC Sweet Sienna Pigment, MAC Smoke and Diamonds, Stila Diamond Lil (no flash)

MAC Sweet Sienna Pigment, MAC Smoke and Diamonds, Stila Diamond Lil (flash)

Originally Posted by mezzamy

S&D is a touch darker, more pigmented, has more of a grey/silver tone to it and lacks the gold & copper fleck which Sweet Sienna has

Ive noticed lots of people asking about how it compares to Stila Diamond Lil. i dont own this colour anymore, but id say that if it and Sweet Sienna had a baby, it'd be Smoke & Diamonds



Well-known member
This is how I am justifying only getting 3 things from this collection:

Grand Entrance= All that Glitters, Retrospeck and Honesty
Bold and Brazen= Falling Star if not that one, totally unique then for MAC
Glamour Check= Antiqued, Chocolate Brown p/g, Milani Spiced
Talent Pool= Loreal Showy Duo, Parrot, Shimmermoss

Top Hat= Fertile, Heatherette purple, TH has better texture, but then what to do with the two I have?

Smoke & Diamonds=Sweet Sienna with Fiction e/s or Nightlight p/g.
Dreammaker=Rose Blanc

Go=Milani Golden Bronze, Romp
Star by Night= Any Loreal Duo dark blue I have(most of them)

Lotusland: Ben Nye Cosmic Violet, Star and Rockets, Vis-a-Violet p/g, Mancatcher,

The only one unique to me is Sunset B ( a dark pink that shows up on everyone), plan on using it with PlumDressing or Hepcat. All my urges to buy this collection except for liners are gone,