I got my package a few hours ago, and I can't put them down. I rarely can say I have to have a backup of a shadow, but I just placed another order for a backup of smoke and diamonds. It is so gorgeous. I'm going to my Macy's counter tomorrow to get my sister one for her birthday because I know she will love it too.
I ordered all of the shadows and my favorites were smoke and diamonds, sunset b., lotusland, top hat, and go.
My talent pool was smashed but of course MAC is second day shipping me a new one. It is such a pretty color as well. I have waternymph, parrot...big t, every blue green shadow you could think of, and there is something about this that I love it so much. I'm guessing it's the texture because they are so, so smooth.
Grand Enterance was really beautiful too. The only one I don't really care for is Dreammaker, and that's because the texture kind of sucks on mine. It's not nearly as smooth as the other shadows.
I also got 2 feline pencils, my HG pencil.... totally love it, does not smudge on me at all.