MAC - Starflash Discussion


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I keep looking at my swatches and now I am thinking that I don't need Talent Pool anymore.
Its too close to Steamy and Parrot minus the gold and green sheen in both of them.

My eyes are on Mink & Sable. Its a true olive green. Very pretty!

I let the teal get the best of me. lol


Well-known member
So, I tried my Starflash e/s today and I have to say, I love it!

This was the first time in my life where I had NO FALL OUT.
What I also like about this formula is that is blends SO EASILY!

I used Quick Flash richmetal (base), Dream Maker (lid), Talent Pool (outer), Glamour Check! and Bold & Brazen (outer).

It was such a nice combo. I was going to post a FOTD but I wasn't able to get a nice picture, so maybe next time.

I just love these e/s!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by coachkitten
I hate to say this but it seems that MAC can't make a lavendar purple eye shadow without being chalky and hard to show up! I seriously have tried and tried to make different lavendar colors work like violet, dear, laven-dah!, plum pro, and others but it is a no go. I think that I might have to pass on Lotusland then if you all think that it is chalky.

Try Beautiful Iris or Satellite Dreams, both Veluxe pearls, I think.


Well-known member
For those of you that have Smoke and Diamonds and or Mink and Sable AND Ether from last years Flastronic collection They would go FAB with each other!! You don't necessarily have to use all 3 in tandem but I had to share! It's too amazing to keep to myself! Enjoy!


Well-known member
I got all my shadows today, yay! It wasn't easy though! I feel your pain clwkerric - UPS jerked me around today. The tracking said I didn't give the correct address, so I called CS and it WAS the right address. I've had UPS deliver to my apartment before so I didn't know why all of a sudden there was trouble finding it. I told them to just leave it here if I wasn't at home because as much as I wanted to wait for it all day I didn't have the time. So after I get back from errands the delivery guy finally gets here, smoking a cigarette and ashing in front of my door and says "Sorry for the trouble, the regular guy is on vacation". On top of that my box was totally beat up and barely closed in the middle. I was so scared the shadows would be shattered but they were OK.

So, that was the most trouble I've ever gone through for MAC, but it was worth it! These shadows are a buttery dream! This is my first "review" on specktra so please be kind! Some of it might not be a exact but it's just my opinion.

top hat - A dark purple with blue tones and a great texture - gorgeous!

lotusland - I swatched this on my arm next to mancatcher and colorwise they looked pretty similar, except lotusland was a little more shimmery. But I think mancatcher may have actually been a little more pigmented. If you liked mancatcher and have ran out, you might want to try this at the MAC counter.

sunset b. - I remember somewhere, it might have been here or on youtube, someone said a dupe for this was swish. They are both medium pink colors but I don't think they're dupes for each other. Swish is very icy/cool with hints of lavender tones, whereas sunset b. is very warm. There is definitely is enough of a difference between them to justify owning both. I didn't even notice the lavender in swish until I swatched it next to sunet b. haha.

grand entrance - Colorwise this looked identical to naked lunch on my nw15 complection. I know some people will disagree, but I swatched them next to each other and on me I swear they looked identical. There was a huge difference in the texture though - grand entrance is a lot smoother and more pigmented than naked lunch.

smoke & diamonds - Love this color! It was pretty much just a straight grey on my skin. Similar to clue but more shimmery and better texture. And it's very versatile!

I didn't think sunset b. or lotusland were chalky, but I did notice difference in textures among the shadows, with grand entrance being the best. But they were all smooth and pigmented.

After hearing what people have said about go! and mink & sable I may have to pick those up as well! I don't own tempting but have been wanting it, so why not get go! instead? And I wasn't going to get mink & sable since I own sumptuous olive, but the thing that bugs me about SO is that it's not a "true" olive on me (bronze tones) but if mink & sable really is a "true" olive I must have it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Face2Mac
Try Beautiful Iris or Satellite Dreams, both Veluxe pearls, I think.

Beautiful Iris is Vel Pearl... I love that one. I don't find it chalky or anything. It's very smooth and shows up beautifully.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
I keep looking at my swatches and now I am thinking that I don't need Talent Pool anymore.
Its too close to Steamy and Parrot minus the gold and green sheen in both of them.

My eyes are on Mink & Sable. Its a true olive green. Very pretty!

I let the teal get the best of me. lol

i agree, you don't need talent pool (but i got it anyways
) Mink & sable is very similar to sumptuous olive (SO is a touch more gold), so you don't need M&S either if you already have SO. i posted swatches (on paper) in the swatch thread


Well-known member
ok so now im thinking im going to get top hat on top of smoke and diamonds even though i have fertile. im not sure though...i dont touch my purples that often but should i go for it or no??? if i dont i can get two other shadows or lippies for b2m. any idea people??


Well-known member
Thanks for the great review genica!
It was really helpful considering you pretty much have the same coloring that I do.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clslvr6spd
I wore Sunset B underneath Perky P/P today. I didn't find it chalky, It went on really well for me. I think it is a gorgeous pink!

Same here! I also used Perky as a base today(great minds think alike
) And I had great color payoff from Sunset B & mine's not chalky either. And I have to add, I also used Grand Entrance, Lotusland & Top Hat & I just went to wash my face for bed & I had absolutely NO creasing & had my makeup on for over 12 hours & it still looks great! This is when I get tempted to start buying dupes! Must resist the urge & say No to the MAC devil!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead
i agree, you don't need talent pool (but i got it anyways
) Mink & sable is very similar to sumptuous olive (SO is a touch more gold), so you don't need M&S either if you already have SO. i posted swatches (on paper) in the swatch thread

But when I swatched it at the counter. M&S was far more green than SO. They look nothing alike. SO is more gold on me than green and M&S is like a true olive green. I think I must get it.


Well-known member
I have to say, this is the best collection for eyeshadows that I've tried in a long time...I'm in love with Smoke & Diamonds and Go, I'm gonna have to go back and dupes of each, plus maybe two more that I didn't immediately grab, like Grand Entrance. I can't wait to see some FOTD's with these colors!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamYOURUs
But when I swatched it at the counter. M&S was far more green than SO. They look nothing alike. SO is more gold on me than green and M&S is like a true olive green. I think I must get it.

Oh you must!!!


Well-known member
OK so I went today and ended up with Glamour Check, Smoke and Diamonds, Mink and Sable, and Feline. The finishes on these is seriously gorgeous, they are soo creamy and pigmented. Glamour Check is a beautiful red brown, more red than I expected, which is good. Smoke and Diamonds is such an interesting color and could see using this in soo many ways, would seriously make the hottest smokey eye. And then Mink and Sable I knew I was getting all along bc I have nothing like it, SO pretty! And can I just say FELINE IS AMAZING! The texture of it is like to die for, its soo creamy and goes on sooo well!!! I used it on my bottom waterline and it didnt smudge ALL night, I was so impressed! The black Heatherette liner smudged on me like crazy tho so I was almost expecting a black smudgy mess, but was happily surprised!!! I def think I need a backup, and maybe Mystery!!! About how long do the eye kohls last with everyday use?? I also got Fascinating eye kohl after my goddess-of-a-woman MA showed me how good white eyeliner can look! Overall, I am SUPER impressed and SOOO happy with my purchases!!!

BTW, Stv578, you look sooo cute in ur new avater!!!


Well-known member
My order arrived! Missing it's Top Hat shadow.
I emailed about it already. The Smoke and Diamonds shadow was awesome, though, and I like how smoothly the Raven liner went on. I do get just a hint of red pearl in it on my eye - I think it might not be really noticeable but might bring out my eyes some. I have it only on my left eye right now (as I tested the 209 brush with fluidline on my right - love the brush!) and my left eye feels a little irritated. I hope it's not the liner.

I went by a MAC counter today and tried a few other of the shadows. Talent Pool looked nearly identical to UD's Shattered on me, just the tiniest bit bluer, so I won't be getting that as I have Shattered in a palette. I swatched Bold and Brazen (which I found in with the regular shadows, but NOT on the Starflash display
) next to Expensive Pink and they were similar but not exactly the same to me. I was going to buy B&B, but they were busy and there were only like 2 people working (and I was there with the most impatient people in the world) so I ended up not buying anything. Maybe I'll get it later, maybe I'll hope to find Expensive Pink at a CCO later or something. Maybe it'll show up in it's Neo-SciFi packaging at some point? I may end up getting Glamour Check - I didn't think I'd like it but it was less shimmery and I don't have a color like that at all. Go was entirely missing, so I couldn't test that one!

The Starflash display looked like it'd had a hard day - several missing, the shadows had been heavily tested/used and the pencils sharpened way down. The whole counter looked pretty ravaged, actually! They must have had a very busy day! It's tax-free weekend, so ALL retailers are pretty slammed right now!

Not Starflash, but I also ordered a Hey Sailor lustreglass in that order, and it is gorgeous! It's very much like UD's Carney on me, which I love, but stays on better. I'm actually considering getting a backup of it.


Well-known member
Can someone explain to me the difference btw the Eye Kohls and Kohl Powers, specifically if/how Feline is better than Smoulder?? Thank you!! [sorry if this is a dumb question!!]


Well-known member
Originally Posted by vcanady
Can someone explain to me the difference btw the Eye Kohls and Kohl Powers, specifically if/how Feline is better than Smoulder?? Thank you!! [sorry if this is a dumb question!!]

Feline is much more creamier and is a dark sultry black color. Its soft, deeper and intense. And it has amazing staying power on the waterline. It smudges anywhere else but its popularity is based on its staying power and how dark and creamy it is. Smolder is a true black but it is not creamy nor does it have the staying power that Feline does. Although, Feline can be used on the top and bottom lash line but it will smudge and in order to prevent this from happening, using Carbon over it with a liner brush will help set it. This is what I do. hth!


Well-known member
^^Agreed, and from what I hear, Feline is the holy grail for a lot of people in the MU industry. Many of the MAs I know were ecstatic that it was coming back.

Like I needed one more thing to buy from this collection, lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by clwkerric
Beautiful Iris is Vel Pearl... I love that one. I don't find it chalky or anything. It's very smooth and shows up beautifully.


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