Originally Posted by daydreamerdelux
Hello there can anybody please tell me if the Starflash eyeshadows and the Kohl-Powers will become permant in the Mac-line??Because i wasnt lucky enough to get all of them cause i was broke lolz can anybody answer please?!
I heard somewhere that they might make them permant just like they used to make the( Idol-Eyes) and (Matte-squared) collections perm?!
Thanks alot!! =)
These are LE but by the looks of things, all are still available on the website except for S&D, so I'm guessing you'll still have time to grab some for a while yet...or the CCOs might get them if not already!!
Anyways just wanted to share that I *finally* received my last installment of Starflash yesterday in the mail (it got lost and they had to ship a new one out, so a month and a half after I ordered, finally received!). In this batch, I got:
-Talent Pool
-Raven KP
-Feline KP
I love love love the Kohl Power Pencils!! Raven is beautiful, I'm seriously contemplating a backup of this bad boy since it's still available. Feline is also great, such an amazing, true black.
On another note, is anyone else's Starflash e/s sitting unused since they came out? I feel bad since I was so excited for this collection and bought half of the e/s, but they're hard to keep on throughout the day...HOWEVER, I talked to my MA and she said that she likes to use them with other finishes, particularly matte2 colors, to keep them lasting longer and such. So maybe that's what I need to do, mix 'em in with the rest of the colors.