MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
I "tested" the system by ordering a bunch of MLs. I still have a couple if anyone misses out on their pre-sale or has passers' regret.


Active member
My store won't do any holds but will let me call in the morning and put my order on my credit card. Score! (I hope- don't want to get too excited- you never know).


Well-known member
I'm also available to CP for anyone who has missed out on marine life (or any other sold out product). My store is selling tomorrow, so I will def be there to pick up my order! I can pick some stuff up for anyone that needs it. Just pm me

My MUA told me yesterday that the only thing her store didn't get is the bronzing powder. Weird.


Active member
hi all - i'm new to this thread, but thought i'd put in my 2-cent rant. i can't believe this craziness. I pre-ordered from nordies last week for ML- I hope i get it- but they've let me down before (HK). missed it on but did put an order on this afternoon! i don't want 2 of them- but I just dont trust anyone anymore! grrrrrr! looks like I'll be running from store to store all day thurs!


Well-known member
My orders have been shipped just now!!!! I will get them either next Monday or Tuesday! I sure do want to check out this collection in person!


Well-known member
I'm also a lurker and pretty new to this board..I was so desperate that I paid $10 for overnight shipping on order shipped so I should have it tomorrow..and marine life was included..I'm NW45 so I hope it works out for me..can't wait to see it..maybe I'll get brave enough to post a picture


Well-known member
I hope my "UPS" man doesn't 'flip' my box towards the front door again like last time!
I hate that they switched to UPS here. FedEx was way better and gave 1 day advance notice of the ship date, confirmation it shipped, and scheduled times.


Well-known member
So I bought into all the hype and ordered Marine Life. I don't know when the collection launched online in Canada, but it must have been between 6:45 am and 4:00 pm (-6:00 GMT Central Time). I got home from work and was ecstatic to see that ML (and the bag!) wasn't sold out yet. By the way, I just chekced the website and ML is sold out already.

On thursday I am going to stop by the store and check out the shadows and some of the other products. I'm thinking about Hipness blush but I just got Instant Chic and I'll want to see how simillar they are first. I also like the looks of that tapered brush.

Glad I got my 2 must have items already though! I even got express shipping but it hasn't been sent out yet. If they send it tomorrow morning is it possible to get it later that day?


Well-known member
i wa sso busy planning my sons birthday... that i missed out on ML.
oh well... i guess it is good in a way. i can save up for some chanel goodies rather than fall into the hype and get something i dont like as much.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Junkie
Wow...10 hours for ML to sell out on the Canadian site...not bad! Haha.

I scanned quickly through 5 pages to be up to date on this frenzy!

I didn't reply to everyone (sorry),

But Barbie-gone-bad: CP = Custom Purchase. The lustre drops will more than likely be there. And yes, there's another sale in NYC. Check the Bargin thread for details
You get tickets through people who work for Estee Lauder and other companies there.

And Theresita - Awww! In the back of my mind I was always like, why are these girls buying lustre drops when they're still at CCO's and the warehouse sales?! Can you take them back to a store even though its an internet order? Maybe you can still CP and save some cash?

I guess I was in such panic mode over this whole collection, which seems to be a hot one!, that I felt I had to order them now with everything else! I thought about it only recently so there wasn't enough time to 'find' the lustre drops :/ And I totally didn't realize we reached 'warehouse time' - I wish I could allow myself to go

And um, have I told you that you're awesome?!?!!


Well-known member
Yeah when you spend $50 in cosmetics only it ships it for free on I can't remember the user name that had mentioned it but it is suppose to do it automatically, there is no promo code for it.


Well-known member
I woke up for work at 5am (AK time though, so 9am EST), and whadda ya know, Marine Life was on Nordies site! Anyways since I get points w/ my nordies card I actually prefer to shop on their site. But yea it has already shipped today, so I'm stoked! This is so nerdy how into this powder we all are!!


Originally Posted by Sony
I'm also a lurker and pretty new to this board..I was so desperate that I paid $10 for overnight shipping on order shipped so I should have it tomorrow..and marine life was included..I'm NW45 so I hope it works out for me..can't wait to see it..maybe I'll get brave enough to post a picture

I'm a lurker too. lol Yeah I bought mine last week at Nordstroms. I'm NC45 and it looked great. WOC will love Marine Life.


Well-known member
Would anyone happen to have both In the Buff and OPI's Fiercely Fiona? Care to compare? Not that they're identical, but I am wondering if they're somewhat similar...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Curious if any Canadian orders have been shipped out yet?

Anxiously awaiting my "shipped" notification too...


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