MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by Miss Dynamite
I'm hoping they found one. But I think I found a combination that is a bit similar, or at least similar enough to me. Joie De Vivre Cremeblend Blush with Improvise Mineralize Blush or another slightly orangey blush on top. It's more shimmery, but still very pretty, bright and coral. I guess I won't be TOO heartbroken if I don't get a Marine Life long as they give me my money, of course.

Joie-De-Vivre is
. It's a pretty peachy pink and blends like a dream. The Cremeblend formula looks incredibly natural on me. I'll use it tomorrow. Thanks for the suggestion.

Hope everybody gets shipping confirmation soon!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane
I think I got my order in before that and still haven't gotten mine either... But the last time I ordered from Mac, I received my package the day I got my shipping confirmation. So.. Who knows.

Oh dang, that's good to know. I just better get my marine life, I actually want that bad boy to wear :3


Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
Don't mind me

Let's see how my evening has been so far shall we
Erin & Maks didn't win DWTS

I dropped (and broke) my Young Punk MES

I've had a HUGE migraine for hoursssssssss

and I STILL haven't received a shipping confirmation for my MAC order




Well-known member
I am lemming Firecracker and maybe Flurry of Fun now. Later on today I think I'll go and check if they are still available at my counter.

Because I deserve a reward today! I study to be a nurse and am doing my emergency placement at the ambulance. A few days ago I helped bring back a young woman who when we arrived had no pulse and was not breathing. And I figure if you can't buy makeup after you helped save somebody's life, when can you buy makeup?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
I am lemming Firecracker and maybe Flurry of Fun now. Later on today I think I'll go and check if they are still available at my counter.

Because I deserve a reward today! I study to be a nurse and am doing my emergency placement at the ambulance. A few days ago I helped bring back a young woman who when we arrived had no pulse and was not breathing. And I figure if you can't buy makeup after you helped save somebody's life, when can you buy makeup?

wow! good for you! that's fantastic! and yes you deserve a reward of make up for that


Well-known member
Originally Posted by BloodMittens
I still haven't got the shipped confirmation yet D: And I put in my order at 5:39pm CST yesterday. Poop!

I'm checking my e-mail like a crazy person waiting for my confirmation.

This ML panic is nuts. Not only was the hype of the product insanely contagious, but the panic about not getting it is even worse! I wasn't even worried about my order making it here, but reading about other experiences started freaking me out. I have to keep telling myself:

I didn't get a backorder notice, good sign.
I didn't get a cancel notice, good sign.

Yep, this is totally healthy, mhmm! ...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by StarrySim
Did it occur to anyone that the "evilbayers" are probably all specktra and MUA-ers? Seriously, it's not like the entire world is aware of all this hype over ML, and 50-something balding men are sitting at their computers snatching them up to resell them. It's only those who love makeup and are into it enough to follow it online that actually know to buy and resell.


You are most likely right
I'm pretty sure they are on all the popular makeup forums and check youtube reviews, just like we do.

LOL I was too busy packing, having a lovely lunch with my bf in the sun and travelling back home yesterday to check the US website yesterday. By the time I did, ML was gone.

I've checked a few counters in London, while I was there, and they had all the items still avaialble, besides ML. Got myself the Scorcher nailpolish (and I'm not even that much into nail polish, but it's such a gorgeous colour!) and Viva Glam Cyndi (finally!) at the counter and finally got to pick up my Hipness and 217 and 224 brushes that my bf was sweet enough to order for me. I didn't get to play with hipness much yet, but I would definitely not call it chalky. It's just quite sheer for a frost blush.

Im trying to resist the ML crazy really hard, but I'll probably still be checking Macy's website tomorrow...*sigh*


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Curious if any Canadian orders have been shipped out yet?

Do canadian orders give shipping confirmations? I've never had one, it just arrives the next day.

in my order:
- hipness blush
- refined golden
- lazy day l/s

still thinking over
- getaway bronze blush
- splashing l/g
- beach bronze cream bronzer


Well-known member
It has taken me all morning to catch up, reading a page or two at the time between other things.

I am wearing Flurry of Fun over Petals & Peacocks today. I feel like Barbie in this combo. And, yes, I have a compulsive desire to put FoF over any lip product I wear.

Originally Posted by AudreyNicole
Ugh, this hype is killing me. I KNOW I don't need ML. I have Hipness already, which is bright enough on me as it is. If ML is even brighter, I will have to be very careful with it. I am worried about my self control. I am afraid if my counter have any left on Thursday, I will be tempted. Seems like EVERYONE is getting ML, if nothing else from the collection. I feel like I am the only one that won't have one. I feel silly even saying that... it's terrible how stressful this whole situation is for everyone... Makeup buying and collection should be fun! You can cut the tention in this thread with a knife!! EEK!

I hate when the LE frenzy gets this bad. This is when I impluse buy. I get all paniced that I won't have time to think about things before they sell out, so I buy right on the spot, and regret 99% of those purchases later.

I didn't get Marine Life, and I had plenty of chances to. I just don't feel the draw of this one.
I hope you don't get pulled into the hype Audrey.

Originally Posted by Flaminbird
On another note my friend was showing me the old Rushmetal collex MAC had in 2007 which had a l/s called Thrills. It looks nothing like this Thrills
. Not sure if it was mentioned or not before.

Thrills is a repromote, so it is the same. Temptalia has swatches of her old Thrills on her site, and it looks the same.

Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Since when did they hold the warehouse sale in New York City, isn't it in Long Island, New York? Why wasn't I aware of this change!

I think people are confusing New York City with New York state.


Well-known member
^^ You're right about people confusing NYC with New York State. I worked at a call center and every time someone would I ask where I was from, I would say New York and they would automatically think that I live in the city. It's like they think NYC is all to New York state.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nelly711
^^ You're right about people confusing NYC with New York State. I worked at a call center and every time someone would I ask where I was from, I would say New York and they would automatically think that I live in the city. It's like they think NYC is all to New York state.

yeah i can imagine that happens alot!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by StarrySim
That's sweet of you to offer
Where and when did you get yours? I totally forgot to check online this morning, I was really busy at work. It's probably for the better, I really want to use my gift card for it instead of wasting real money

I got mine at Mac Pro on Queen St. W. on Thursday the 20th - they release the collections a week early so I went as soon as they opened
Still, if you can't find it, get back to me

Originally Posted by Barbie-gone-bad
Hahah my friend gave me a ticket today :p...maybe I'll see you there in the maze of make-up obbessed women :p

Haha, for Friday? Civies and I are going - as well as some other non-posting members. If you see us, say hi! We all usually stand in line and stuff for eachother - so much easier to get items when its so nuts in there and the lines are so long.

Originally Posted by TeresitaMC
I guess I was in such panic mode over this whole collection, which seems to be a hot one!, that I felt I had to order them now with everything else! I thought about it only recently so there wasn't enough time to 'find' the lustre drops :/ And I totally didn't realize we reached 'warehouse time' - I wish I could allow myself to go

And um, have I told you that you're awesome?!?!!

Warehouse sales are definately MAC-DOOM for my wallet, but this time around, I'm just CP-ing and looking at more blushes for myself and stuff for my little sister's birthday.

Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Post a pic, we're friendly!

Since when did they hold the warehouse sale in New York City, isn't it in Long Island, New York? Why wasn't I aware of this change!

Argh! Ahahaha I posted the "C" in there by accident....I was totally going to write Long Island too but got lazy oops.

And Marine Life is back on the Canadian site! Surprise Surprise...wonder how long that'll last...
I'm contemplating a Hipness back-up. Mine's from Fafi, and I didn't get Instant Chic, so I'm wondering if I should hold off and get it later (and chance it being gone) or go to MAC today at the Eaton Center when it opens to snatch it up. Hrmmm....


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetkitty
Do canadian orders give shipping confirmations? I've never had one, it just arrives the next day.

in my order:
- hipness blush
- refined golden
- lazy day l/s

still thinking over
- getaway bronze blush
- splashing l/g
- beach bronze cream bronzer

Really? hmm. I always get an email with a tracking number. It takes around 4 days for mine to get to me. Lucky!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Really? hmm. I always get an email with a tracking number. It takes around 4 days for mine to get to me. Lucky!

Where are you located? I am southwest of Toronto (where they ship from), so I almost always get it next day, but never a shipping email, that's odd.

ML is back in stock on the canadian site, I would get it, but I don't want to pay $7.50 for shipping, since I already used lash610ca and there is no other code.. unless there is, please let me know. I don't really *need* but, but it would be pretty to have it since it's sold out everywhere.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by InspiredBlue

I didn't get Marine Life, and I had plenty of chances to. I just don't feel the draw of this one.
I hope you don't get pulled into the hype Audrey.

I thought I was the only one with no interest in Marine Life! I had also chances to get it but I think it is boring and nothing special. Even the huge hype doesn't give me temptations with this one.

I still think Flurry Of Fun is the only star of this collection. I thought I was going to really like this collection but I didn't. Well, I thought I wasn't going to buy much from GMLOL and it turned out me enjoying it very much!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sweetkitty
Where are you located? I am southwest of Toronto (where they ship from), so I almost always get it next day, but never a shipping email, that's odd.

ML is back in stock on the canadian site, I would get it, but I don't want to pay $7.50 for shipping, since I already used lash610ca and there is no other code.. unless there is, please let me know. I don't really *need* but, but it would be pretty to have it since it's sold out everywhere.

Ah, that it explains it. I'm located in Nova Scotia. Maybe they don't bother to send you one because you would have already recieved your package by the time they sent you an email, lol.

I'm sorry, I don't know any other code
that's the one I used too. I'm actually kind of suprised it's back on the site.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shypo
Yes, I'm interested in the brushes too, though I just ordered a few of Maxine's Mop artist brushes (I have a couple now that I just love), and given I don't know when my jaunt will be, these will have to do for now. But I'm glad to hear you like the one you got!

I got 3 ACs too - now that I know how to work them (that is, without a brush) I'm good to go - 3 more on order from Sephora - these are the bomb!!

Shypo -- I read your blog review of the MUFE creams.. they sound gorgeous and MUFE quality especially for waterproof products is excellent. I use the white and black cream ES, and being the germophobe that I am, I use a tiny spatula to dip into the creams (I do this with all creams and have a bunch of disposable spatulas) and use my hand as a palette and apply from there... it works for me. But I am going to check out the new colors this weekend

As for Marine Life, I only purchased two for backups cause I wubb the color and it is not dupable


Well-known member
Do you guys think the lipsticks will go fast from the stores? I didn't add Beachbound and Thrills to my MAC order because I want to swatch them, but the way everything is being snatched up like hotcakes is making me nervous...

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