OK, the hype is REAL for Flurry of Fun. Oh. My. Goodness.
It's quite possibly the most gorgeous makeup product I've ever bought. I don't believe in "backing up" items, but this is really something special. I may have to make an exception!
I got that, plus Funbathing l/s, Marine Life h/p and Sun Rush l/d.
I was a bit disappointed in the results of my appointment at my freestanding store today; either bronzers just REALLY don't suit me or something went awry in the application procedure.
My skin looked awful when I got out into the sun -- unblended foundation and a muddy, orange/brown cast where there was bronzer.
The other reason why I was disappointed: My MA was nice, but a bit clueless. I had called late last night to ask if they were sold out of Marine Life and was told they had 16 left. But when I asked while she was doing my makeup, she said they were sold out. When I asked how long it took them to sell out (because I got there one hour after they opened!), another MA at the register said they still had some. So I got one! But if I hadn't asked again, I would have missed out.
(Yes, I caved. I figured if I didn't like it, I could sell it to someone on Specktra who missed out.)
I also went to Nordstrom's to make a return and bought a few more items -- Hipness p/b, Sweet & Punch e/s, Firecracker e/s and Temperature Rising l/l. They were all on my "maybe" list, but I decided to just get them. I'm not digging the superglasses I got, so if I return those, I won't have totally broken my MAC budget for the month!
I'm still waffling on the idea of Thrills -- do I really need both it and Funbathing? Plus, Thrills is a frost, so I worry about drying.