MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
You're too kind Karin! BLah on the lovely....wish it was...but here it goes
Got the pics to upload. Excuse the hair.....I have it up and it's all messed up from as hell here and half my foundation as worn off since 8am
. Also please excuse the blemishes on my jaw. I dont know why they started...bastard things! LOL Oh and the l/s is worn off too....ate lunch and drank down a Dr Pepper



Michelle!! You look beautiful!!
Really like the combination of colors! Its so summery


Well-known member
checked this collection out today, and i'm happy with everything i got.

the 130 brush was sold out when i got there! i wasn't planning on buying it, but just a heads up for those of you that are wanting to purchase it. i assume they didn't have much in stock in the first place, but i'm not sure.

flurry of fun lipglass - this has got to be my favorite mac lipglass i've ever bought. it's so gorgeous and the teal shimmer to it is awesome! of course, there's not a huge, noticable orange color on your lips when you apply it, but you can definatly see a sheen. however, it seemed more of a peachy/neutral rather than an orange.

thrills lipstick - i expected this to have more of a red tone to it. but it's more of a burgundy with a gold sheen to it. beautiful, i think this would look great on a lot of skin tones

sweet and punchy eyeshadow - very gorgeous color. and it's so soft and smooth.
veluxe pearl

firecracker eyeshadow - this seemed a bit on the pink side in the store, but when swatched it comes out more as a deep red with some slight orange to it. really pretty color.


Well-known member
ok so i have my appointment tomorrow! i'm super nervous. i've never been on the receiving end of a "makeover"! obviously i know not to wear makeup and i should probably pull my hair back outta my face.

but what kinda look should i do?!?! i wanna do something different, but i'm by no means conservative w/ my makeup anyway! the only thing i don't do is cut crease looks or smokey eyes. and the second def wouldn't go on w/ this collection!

any hints or tips would be greatly appreciated!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Thanks're much too kind too
. You're nice to senior citizens! Tee hee

I am just saying that when I am 41 I want to look like that! You are beautiful! and there's nothing wrong with your skin


Well-known member
omg i cant keep up with this thread lol

i went the day b4 to the mall to preorder marine life but they wouldnt let me >_< his excuse the employees also want items from the collection so my best bet was to come in early on thursday >_<

so i ran to the mall this morning like a crazy person at 10am, right when they opened the doors and ran over to mac and got 2 marine lifes
one for me and one for my sis YAY after i passed by an hr later they were all gone!


Well-known member
There's Marine Life on ebay selling for $70 BIN or Best Offer. I put an offer for $26 to see how annoyed she is


Well-known member
Yay! Went to my Macys counter and I was able to pick up 2 Marine Lifes (one for my mother, and one for me). I absolutely love it. After Nordstroms screwed up my pre-order, and after having my order from the MAC website being cancelled, I thought I wasn't going to be able to get my hands on this item. So happy

My FOTD @ the moment consists of MAC foundation mixed with Sun Rush, Sweet and Punchy on my lids, Float on By used as the liner, Marine Life on my cheeks, and Thrills lipstick w/ Easy Lounger lipglass on my lips.

My haul from this collection:
-Marine Life
-3 out of the 4 lipsticks (did not get Beachbound)
-all of the lipglasses
-both the creme bronzers
-Sun Rush
-Float on By
-Scorcher Nail Lacquer
-MAC 130

I originally was going to pick up only Marine Life and Beach Bronze, but my list kept on getting longer and longer every time I came to this thread. Lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
You're too kind Karin! BLah on the lovely....wish it was...but here it goes
Got the pics to upload. Excuse the hair.....I have it up and it's all messed up from as hell here and half my foundation as worn off since 8am
. Also please excuse the blemishes on my jaw. I dont know why they started...bastard things! LOL Oh and the l/s is worn off too....ate lunch and drank down a Dr Pepper



It always makes me wonder why ladies ask the rest of us to excuse certain aspects of their appearance.....I think you look beautiful, and I think all of the people who post here are beautiful. I don't notice imperfections - just the gorgeous outcome of makeup play. I think it takes courage to put yourself out there, and kudos to you for doing so. We all have our own 'issues' - but they really don't matter in the long run. Strut your stuff!!

And congratulations on the new job - you'll be great!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shypo
It always makes me wonder why ladies ask the rest of us to excuse certain aspects of their appearance.....I think you look beautiful, and I think all of the people who post here are beautiful. I don't notice imperfections - just the gorgeous outcome of makeup play. I think it takes courage to put yourself out there, and kudos to you for doing so. We all have our own 'issues' - but they really don't matter in the long run. Strut your stuff!!

And congratulations on the new job - you'll be great!!



Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
You're too kind Karin! BLah on the lovely....wish it was...but here it goes
Got the pics to upload. Excuse the hair.....I have it up and it's all messed up from as hell here and half my foundation as worn off since 8am
. Also please excuse the blemishes on my jaw. I dont know why they started...bastard things! LOL Oh and the l/s is worn off too....ate lunch and drank down a Dr Pepper



Wonderful look.


Well-known member
Thanks Annita, Shypo and missboss82. Again you're all too kind with the compliments. I know we're our worst critics. Its just hard when I see all the pretty young ladies....and older ladies that have much better skin then me and everything looks so beautiful on you all. I just wanted to share the look so others could see what the MUA had done in case they were thinking of getting the e/s or liner etc. I just wished it wasnt so darn hot here and the makeup was fresher. I will say though even in this 90+ heat that Float on By hasn't budged! I tried to get a decent pic with my eyes open but they didnt come out right.


Well-known member
OK, the hype is REAL for Flurry of Fun. Oh. My. Goodness.

It's quite possibly the most gorgeous makeup product I've ever bought. I don't believe in "backing up" items, but this is really something special. I may have to make an exception!

I got that, plus Funbathing l/s, Marine Life h/p and Sun Rush l/d.

I was a bit disappointed in the results of my appointment at my freestanding store today; either bronzers just REALLY don't suit me or something went awry in the application procedure.

My skin looked awful when I got out into the sun -- unblended foundation and a muddy, orange/brown cast where there was bronzer.

The other reason why I was disappointed: My MA was nice, but a bit clueless. I had called late last night to ask if they were sold out of Marine Life and was told they had 16 left. But when I asked while she was doing my makeup, she said they were sold out. When I asked how long it took them to sell out (because I got there one hour after they opened!), another MA at the register said they still had some. So I got one! But if I hadn't asked again, I would have missed out.

(Yes, I caved. I figured if I didn't like it, I could sell it to someone on Specktra who missed out.)

I also went to Nordstrom's to make a return and bought a few more items -- Hipness p/b, Sweet & Punch e/s, Firecracker e/s and Temperature Rising l/l. They were all on my "maybe" list, but I decided to just get them. I'm not digging the superglasses I got, so if I return those, I won't have totally broken my MAC budget for the month!

I'm still waffling on the idea of Thrills -- do I really need both it and Funbathing? Plus, Thrills is a frost, so I worry about drying.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sss215
When ML sells out at counters and stores, are they removing it from the display, or putting a sold out sticker on it. To me its the stand out product in the collection and makes the display, kwim?

My MA at nordstroms say they usually take it off the display so no one asks about it. I dont think it works out to well in their favor because people will still ask if they want it, but they'll get the idea of the answer their going to get.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sss215
When ML sells out at counters and stores, are they removing it from the display, or putting a sold out sticker on it. To me its the stand out product in the collection and makes the display, kwim?

Also, does anyone have MUFE HD Blush in #8, PDA. Could that dupe for the darker side of Marine Life?

i have MUFE HD Blush #8. it's neutral pink. While ML is bright coral & light pale pink. when i mix ML together is coral pink. IMO, MUFE HD blush #8 couldn't dupe for ML.


Well-known member
just a quick review.

Lazy day is very similar to California Dreamin' (the free california exclusive lipstick from a couple years ago) i swatched them side by side on paper but forgot to take a picture

In the buff nail polish is the color of rotten avocado flesh (ewwww...)

hipness blush is a bit weird. when i swatched it against the fafi version in the store, the fafi one looked a bit more red while the ttb one looked lighter and more coral/peachy. but they look almost identical in natural lighting. either way, it's definitely not different enough to own both (even for a blush whore like me)

i really like the texture of the cream bronzers. i rarely wear bronzers so i passed on them. hopefully mac will make some cream blushes like these in the future.

both lipliners are very pretty. but is it just me or the texture doesn't feel as nice and creamy as the ones from Too Fabulous (especially the pink one)?

oh, and i got two marine life! there were still a couple left when i was at the counter at 4:00 pm, guess my counter was slow

ps: i think someone asked how x-rocks compares to get away bronze a few (or many) pages back. they are not similar at all. here's a picture comparison on my hand (top right corner)



Well-known member
I forgot to say that Ashley also used the new Opulash and I really liked it! To me it's just as good if not possibly better then the Fiber Rich! Also I thought Thrills looked too bronzey for me and FunBathing seemed too dark for me and not quite as purply/plummy as "O".


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sleepyhead

In the buff nail polish is the color of rotten avocado flesh (ewwww...)

LOL that's funny. It reminded me of the 70's avocado colored appliances and stuff like that. My grandmom had these really odd looking canisters for her flour/sugar and something else and it was that colored green! I think the Brady Bunch had that color goin on


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
LOL that's funny. It reminded me of the 70's avocado colored appliances and stuff like that. My grandmom had these really odd looking canisters for her flour/sugar and something else and it was that colored green! I think the Brady Bunch had that color goin on

Yes, and the guys could really rock those striped bell-bottoms!

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