MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Active member
i ended up calling my local counter after i discovered my online order of ML was canceled, and they said they had lots in stock. so i quickly drove there and got the third to last one. i'm so glad i found one in store, i hope you girls that had your order canceled got a hold of one too!


Well-known member
Sorry If this has been posted already I didn't read the last few pages I left off on....

I went to Macy's today to pick up my goodies. Of course ML was gone (I got it online Tuesday so it's fine). The MUA said it was gone within 15 minutes of the stores opening & people where trying to buy 3 or 4 at a time. She said she stopped them & only limited them to one. I said right on! I wish all the stores would implement this rule....

Anywho, I just got Float on By, Thrills & FoF. I'll get more of what I want next week if it's still available.

Thrills + FoF on top = Heaven. My favorite lip combo for the summer!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by malvales
I think I'm regretting for not getting firecracker

I can't be bothered to go back to the store..
Just wondering.... Does anybody have extra firecracker they want to sell?

Yep, I do. For exact cost..or you could just get it from mac online with lash610 code for free shipping. *snickers*


Well-known member
I went to a MAC event for this collection and they were sold out of ML..Didnt make sense to have an event for it and be sold out of the most popular item everyone wanted. They were pre-selling them to customers.

Anyway, I called a couple local MAC counters and they were all sold out before the 27th..UGH!!!

So on the 26th, my co-worker told me she had just spoke to a SA at mac macys and she told her that they have the collection but not ML and she was selling the collection that day.

So I went with her and the manager at MAC macys found one ML left that a customer didnt pick up so she sold it to ME!!!! OMG, I was soooo happy. While I was paying, she got a call from a customer asking about ML. She totally made my day

She told me they have to make so much money a month so I think some managers dont mind selling alot of the same items to the same customer. It's all about making money for some companies.


Well-known member
ok soooo i'm beyond limited on money.

did anyone get the bag? i want it soooooo bad but i can't afford it right now. maybe next week but not this week and it sucks
i don't know if they'll hold it for me that long.

i'm b2ming for firecracker, sweet and punchy and flurry of fun.... depending on how the bag situation goes(if they'll hold it or not) i either wanna get temperature rising l/l and/or a cream bronzer or something else? votes!


Well-known member
Went to pick up my items tonight
... and guess what happened???!

Caution: long and winded!

I sent my bf in cuz I really didn't feel like getting off and being tempted by the nordstrom sale that is going on (lord knows I don't need another purse!). So in he went...

He comes out, almost to quick really... so I ask him...."did they check the items with you"? He says "nope". haha...

Now I have never had a problem with my pre-sale items or anything from that mac for that matter. But something told me.... there is going to be a problem!

I tell him don't drive just yet, let me check the bag out.... I start taking items out and visually checking them off the receipt. I checked it 4 freakin times just to make sure but alas... THERE WAS A MARINE LIFE MISSING!! hahah...I knew it! All this talk about peoples pre-sales ending up with things missing from them, well it finally happened to me!

So I'm not pleased, and I'm feeling very violated at this point. So I angrily walk into the store. I start telling the ma that is there (my girl had the day off), and she tells the mgr. The mgr actually tells me "I think someone took it out of your bag" "I'm so sorry". "I really believe that's what happened".

Her and another girl start talking about it and that ma told her she thinks she knows who it is. From that point on I was like whatever. Just give me product or my money. Of course they were sold out. duh.

So I told her it was ok. I at least got my 2 and I would just take the cash back.

How dirty is that though? So some girl wants this sale so bad she goes digging through the pre-sales of people who ALREADY paid?? Dirty. Plus that was my MA's sale. So she took away from her co-worker. Nice.

Anywho, I'm not mad about it anymore. I would have been beyond PISSED tho, if I had ended up with NO ML at all. Heads would have rolled! lol.

I was just sooo irritated! Some people man. Tsk Tsk.....

So that was my TTB story of the day ladies. Oh and the brush that was sold out at my store was the 130. Huh, thought it would have been the 131. It's ok though. Since it's now permanent I can buy it whenever.


Well-known member
Whew, this thread is going really fast!

I had a nice haul and came home very excited to report here. Then, I had a surprise visitor. After that, my BF occupied the computer, and didn't move!
He didn't know I wanted to come back here so bad.

Anyway, these are what I got:
Marine Life - Super gorgeous with/without the over spray. Very bright.

Flurry of Fun - I couldn't say no to the teal shimmer.

Sand & Sun - Pretty matte peach. Seems like a great everyday e/s.
Sweet & Punchy - Very bright chartreuse green. Veluxe Pearl rules! All MAs at the store were rocking this e/s. I was convinced.
Simmermoss - Another beautiful Veluxe Pearl e/s. I knew I could buy this anytime, but special packaging was tempting.
Cannot wait to try this with Sweet & Punchy.
Float On By - I went back to the store for this after I saw the FOTD by Flaminbird.
Thank you, girl!

Surprisingly, my counter didn't receive any lipsticks except BeachBound. Also no brushes, no Beach Bronze, no Temperature Rising. I had to visit the second store to see those missing items. Too bad that I could not spend much time at the second store. I might go back for some more items later.

I'll post some swatches in the swatch thread.


Well-known member
I love the bronzng oil and Lazy day l/s...I'm going on a cruise next month and I can't WAIT to lay out on the beach with that beautiful glow with a mimosa in hand.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
Thanks Annita, Shypo and missboss82. Again you're all too kind with the compliments. I know we're our worst critics. Its just hard when I see all the pretty young ladies....and older ladies that have much better skin then me and everything looks so beautiful on you all. I just wanted to share the look so others could see what the MUA had done in case they were thinking of getting the e/s or liner etc. I just wished it wasnt so darn hot here and the makeup was fresher. I will say though even in this 90+ heat that Float on By hasn't budged! I tried to get a decent pic with my eyes open but they didnt come out right.

I really don't think you have anything to worry about in the prettiness department... I think you're beautiful! And that eye makeup is fantastic on you! I love the teal against the orange. You are making me want Float on By now.


Well-known member
Hmm so I heard marine life sold out real quick online and I was in the city today and was lucky enough to go to Macy's and they had plent so got my hands on it
also got Beach Bronze,Flurry Of Fun l/g and Firecracker e/s
everything was nice but I already had some of the e/s and bronzers and the lipsticks were okay but I'm really happy with what I got can't wait to try it all


Well-known member
WOW!!! That was a lot of catching up to do. I only picked up a few items today but I think I will have to go back. My counter's ML had not even been touched and I was there late this afternoon. It was very pretty but I knew it would be way too bright for me.

I got:
Flurry of Fun l/g- like everyone said this is totally different from the other gazillion l/g's I have. My daughter who never wears l/g loves it. So I'll be going back to get her one and probably a b/u for me.
Firecracker e/s = love
Hipness= skipped it during Fafi so had to get it, very pretty
Mouth Off l/p- to go with my LOVE Ever Hip l/s, (I've got to track down another one)
Brush Cleanser

I loved S&P e/s but I have Rated R, Bitter, Sharp, Eyepopping, Lucky Green, and Sour Lemon. Do I still need it? It's so pretty and it's a VP.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by elegant-one
we would be rich - & then buy more makeup

I just want to cut out the middle man and be paid in makeup!

Now elegant (mother superior as I will call her in my head) has me thinking I should give Lazy Day another swatch
. I'm thinking it's too sheer/light to make a difference on my lips, but I will check it out again to be sure.
Oh and I think I should go ahead and get Pink Rebel, too. It all depends on how much damage I do elsewhere tomorrow.


Well-known member
Went to see this collection in person today after watching SATC2

I must say I am highly unimpressed with the movie and the makeup

Marine Life is pretty, nothing special though, but I need another blush so I'll keep it.

Sweet and Punchy just reminds my of Lucky Green still so I passed on it.

Firecracker didn't look good swtached.

Hells no to the lipglasses.

I would comment on the lipsticks, but honestly there was no display at the counter, everything was thrown into a tiny ass container that looks like it was meant to hold pencils or something with 5 people rummaging at the same time.

Officially over TTB... going on a MAC break until Alice+Olivia.


Well-known member
I have to
at you not liking the movie. When SATC came out the first time, I wanted to find myself on an island to escape the hype. The show was entertaining enough, but not enough for a movie, in my opinion. I could never see myself in any of those women. They know it'll make a ton of money, though, so why not, I guess.


Well-known member
I think Marine Life sold out so fast, because A) it is the cutest detailed thing in the collection. B) It is a pretty blush/highlighter ...And C) people are buying more than one. I can see maybe buying 2 or 3, but anymore and you know that person has to be buying it to sell it on ebay for an ungodly amount of money , because they know how in demand it is...And that is why I think it is really sad sometimes.

I got mine and it is coming in the mail tomorrow from nordies. I only got one. Cant afford anouther, so I'll take pics before I use it to treasure it like that always lol.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I have to
at you not liking the movie. When SATC came out the first time, I wanted to find myself on an island to escape the hype. The show was entertaining enough, but not enough for a move, in my opinion. I could never see myself in any of those women. They know it'll make a ton of money, though, so why not, I guess.

Both movies were like one long episode. There was no plot, no depth to the movies.
I only watch Sex and the City for Miranda and Samantha. I love their characters because they are the most realistic, and they bug me the least. But it was funny ( only Samantha)

In regards to the bolded, I have no idea who would see themselves in any of the characters besides the two I mentioned.
I lived here 90% of my life and SATC is nothing like it.

ETA: what is everyone doing up at 4am? LOL I just came in from making rounds around the city.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
Both movies were like one long episode. There was no plot, no depth to the movies.
I only watch Sex and the City for Miranda and Samantha. I love their characters because they are the most realistic, and they bug me the least. But it was funny ( only Samantha)

In regards to the bolded, I have no idea who would see themselves in any of the characters besides the two I mentioned.
I lived here 90% of my life and SATC is nothing like it.

Can I just say that I love hearing that I'm not the only person who isn't swooning for the Sex & the City hype? Everyone I work with is way into it (I know someone who's seen it twice already!!!) and I really felt like an outsider today.

I watched the show and loved it, but I find that now that I'm divorced, the dating/relationship desperation thing just doesn't speak to me anymore. I may watch it when it comes to HBO, but I don't really want to pay to see it.

Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
ETA: what is everyone doing up at 4am? LOL I just came in from making rounds around the city.

I always wonder this when I see people posting late at night. I work nights, so this is my "just before bedtime" time.

And I've almost talked myself into backing up Flurry of Fun. I don't think I can live without it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY

ETA: what is everyone doing up at 4am? LOL I just came in from making rounds around the city.

It's 11 a.m. where I live


Well-known member
Originally Posted by shontay07108
I just want to cut out the middle man and be paid in makeup!

Now elegant (mother superior as I will call her in my head) has me thinking I should give Lazy Day another swatch
. I'm thinking it's too sheer/light to make a difference on my lips, but I will check it out again to be sure.
Oh and I think I should go ahead and get Pink Rebel, too. It all depends on how much damage I do elsewhere tomorrow.

As a housewife I demand to be paid in make-up too...luckily the hubby agrees or we'd have some serious problems!

Oooh, where is Miss Shontay headed tomorrow? Inquiring minds!

Originally Posted by MsWestchesterNY
.ETA: what is everyone doing up at 4am? LOL I just came in from making rounds around the city.

I'm always awake at random times. Insomnia + snoring hubby that sounds like a bear = I sleep when I can, and when I can' I am.

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