MAC - To The Beach Discussion


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Originally Posted by Momolovesmac
so agree!!! SG's Mac is much more ex as compared to US/UK & without any CCOs. Only a once a year Mac sale where everyone goes insane trying to get a tic

Where? When? I've never heard of it before...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TeresitaMC
I still only have my two the time I get money for the rest of what I want, I just know they will be sold out all over the place!
It's already happening

FoF makes me feel a little better
I am grateful to have one but also wish I could back it up.

Don't worry dear!!
I'm sure there are going to be amazing collections in the future and you'll be able to spurge on them!!

Originally Posted by InspiredBlue
While it is true that the demand for current collections may affect future production volumes, it will probably not be as soon as this fall.

I don't know how long ahead of time MAC HQ decides on how much to produce, but it have heard that the managers here (and presumably in other international markets) decide a whole year in advance how much product they want. E.g. based on how To the Beach did, they will make a prognosis of how much they want of next years summer collection.

The brand manager for my country was at NY two weeks ago "shopping" for fall/winter!!

Originally Posted by 1 UP Mushrooms
Edit: I would add that I want to thank PinkBasset for making the post asking everyone what their favourites are for this collection. I enjoy reading everyone's input very much and I think it's a very fun way to revitalize a thread of a popular collection thread that has almost "died" if you will and it's a good way to conclude discussions in a thread. So thank you PinkBasset for stirring up the thread once again!

It was a fantastic idea from Heidi, indeed!! Thanks dear!!
We should do this with every single collection!!
I've been enjoying so much everyone's reviews, thoughts, recaps and tips for use of products!!

Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
All of you international girls should go to a CCO! It is so fun to find discontinued stuff that you either want to backup or missed out on it. I'm going to hit up a CCO soon since I want to stock up on some pigments.

I have a CCO but never been to it, since it's a 3 hours drive away and not completely sure it's worthwhile.
I have the most fun (I also get a bit jealous
) reading your finds at the cco's forums!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
they must be on crack! we already sold out of it, along with rose, copper sparkle and one other one.

you should have refused the refund and said 'this is a staple in peoples kits! what is wrong with you?!' hee hee!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Karen_B
one person actually asked me if I had been crying whilst watching the royal wedding that took place here today (crown princess marrying commoner, big song and dance)!

The wedding was really nice though.


Well-known member
Its exclusive to Mac/Estee Lauder's coporate contacts & business partners.They will send tickets as invitation.Their way of clearing out LE stuffs which are not sold out & holiday sets

Its usually held at the Estee Lauder office. I have been to it 3 times.Mad crowd Mad haul...good prices


Originally Posted by dreamer246
Where? When? I've never heard of it before...


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Momolovesmac
Its exclusive to Mac/Estee Lauder's coporate contacts & business partners.They will send tickets as invitation.Their way of clearing out LE stuffs which are not sold out & holiday sets

Its usually held at the Estee Lauder office. I have been to it 3 times.Mad crowd Mad haul...good prices


Lucky you! I don't even have access to any discounted MAC stuff.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Momolovesmac
Its exclusive to Mac/Estee Lauder's coporate contacts & business partners.They will send tickets as invitation.Their way of clearing out LE stuffs which are not sold out & holiday sets

Its usually held at the Estee Lauder office. I have been to it 3 times.Mad crowd Mad haul...good prices


man i'd kill to get into a sale like that! freaking awesome!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hypathya
I have a CCO but never been to it, since it's a 3 hours drive away and not completely sure it's worthwhile.
I have the most fun (I also get a bit jealous
) reading your finds at the cco's forums!!

Aw, thanks! I was amazed of what I found at the Allen CCO that I regret not purchasing (especially the pigments and Blonde MSF). You should visit your CCO even if it's a 3 drive there.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VanillaCupcake
Did anyone get the body oil?

I got it but I haven't got any chance to wear it yet, it has been so cold! Can we get a little sunshine here someday?

Originally Posted by Hypathya

It was a fantastic idea from Heidi, indeed!! Thanks dear!!
We should do this with every single collection!!
I've been enjoying so much everyone's reviews, thoughts, recaps and tips for use of products!!

Thank you Eugenia dear!
Yeah, let's do it with all collections - after-collection-thoughts-round-up or something like that!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
you should have refused the refund and said 'this is a staple in peoples kits! what is wrong with you?!' hee hee!

i wasn't the one that did the return, but when someone return's something so awesome (someone actually returned undercurrent, the freaking nutjob!) i say "what! are you crazy!? do you realize how awesome this it!?" i try to make light of what a complete moron they are for returning it!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Momolovesmac
Its exclusive to Mac/Estee Lauder's coporate contacts & business partners.They will send tickets as invitation.Their way of clearing out LE stuffs which are not sold out & holiday sets

Its usually held at the Estee Lauder office. I have been to it 3 times.Mad crowd Mad haul...good prices


Here it's held twice a year but never managed to get tickets!! I'd be in such a trouble if i did!!

Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
Aw, thanks! I was amazed of what I found at the Allen CCO that I regret not purchasing (especially the pigments and Blonde MSF). You should visit your CCO even if it's a 3 drive there.

I'll think about it!! It's a 6 hours travel only!!

Originally Posted by PinkBasset
I got it but I haven't got any chance to wear it yet, it has been so cold! Can we get a little sunshine here someday?

Thank you Eugenia dear!
Yeah, let's do it with all collections - after-collection-thoughts-round-up or something like that!

Hope you get your sunshine dear!!
Mine it's already ended, now summer has began, it rains every single afternoon and most of morning it's cloudy!! It just doesn't make any sense to me!! Specially because I was born and raised in a mostly sunshine city!! We only had cloudy days in winter, even when it rained in summer the sun would come out afterwards!!

Yay!! Let's do it!!

Originally Posted by erine1881
i wasn't the one that did the return, but when someone return's something so awesome (someone actually returned undercurrent, the freaking nutjob!) i say "what! are you crazy!? do you realize how awesome this it!?" i try to make light of what a complete moron they are for returning it!



Well-known member
I really enjoy reading what everyone thinks of the collection after all the hype wears off. We SHOULD totally do this after each collection!

My To The Beach post collection thoughts:

I spent WAY too much, but I really love just about everything! This was my favorite MAC Summer collection to date.

Fab Favorites: Flurry Of Fun, Lazy Day, Temperature Rising, Life's A Breeze, Hipness, and of course Marine Life.

Most surprising "hit" for me: Temperature Rising
Most used item: Life's A Breeze (Dear MAC, please make this perm!)
Least used item: Firecracker


Well-known member
I too, love reading everyone's thoughts after some of the hype dies down and the afterglow dims on the shiny, OMG-new-collection (!!!) freakout.

(Which I totally get caught up in and love every minute of!

Anyway...I bought much more from this collection than I thought I would. I still don't care for the packaging - - although I am glad the orange was more of a light, creamy orange, than the neon orange of Neo Sci-Fi.

Favorites: Flurry Of Fun, Beachbound, Thrills, Scorcher n/p, 130 brush
Most surprising "hit": Humid e/s (Don't know why I always overlooked this color in the perm line - but I love it!)
Most used item: Flurry of Fun (gorgeous over everything!)
Least used item: Firecracker, Lazy Day (for some reason this one is tricky for me to pull off)

Marine Life: Yes, this gets it's own category. So.....I am completely in the minority, but I think this product is SO OVERRATED! It is gorgeous in the pretty until you actually use it and the gold overspray goes away. As far as the product goes, it is a big
It's too bright as a true 'highlight" powder on me and I don't care for it as a blush - there's something about the texture I don't like and it goes from a pretty pinky color to clown red on me in 2 swipes. I'll stick with actual blushes, thank you. I ended up selling my extra one (cuz I just *HAD TO HAVE* two of them when I bought it) to a wonderful girl here on Specktra who was looking to give it as a gift. I'm so glad so many of you love it, but I really wish I had just skipped it.

Anyway...just my two cents. I really enjoy hearing what everyone is still reaching for a month or two later.


Well-known member
My haul was smallest than my wishlist was. I bought Temperature Rising, Thrills, Funbathing, Weekend creme bronzer, Flurry of Fun and Splashing (I already had Humid, Rosemary & Thyme & Hipness)

By far my favorites were Rosemary & Thyme (though I wish I got Float on By but I can't find it anywhere) and Funbathing. I use Funbathing all the time, it makes my bronzed skin look like it has a golden glow. It's perfect for evenings, but I wear it during the day a lot

Temperature Rising is everything I wanted it to be, bright in-your-face orange (though I'm also using L'Oreal's Volcanic lipstick)

I'm another who didn't buy Marine Life & really don't regret it. It's gorgeous but I won't use it and I'd rather have someone else enjoy it than let it linger on some shelf of mine (however, if that's what you did, I don't blame you in the least

I didn't buy any of the eyeshadows- I wonder how everyone else likes them, I've heard both good and bad reviews of each


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hypathya
I'll think about it!! It's a 6 hours travel only!!

6 hour travel?! Wow! My CCO is like a 45 minute drive and it's worth it and I get too excited when I get near San Marcos, TX to go to my CCO!


Well-known member
Get Away Bronze (which I got just last week) turned up to be so nice on my cheeks! It looks meh in the packaging but when i put it on, it instantly makes my face glowy and bronzy. I am so in love! It is a perfect color for me for this Summer.
I love most stuff that I bought (Hipness, ML, FOB, Firecracker, GAB). Two items don't really work on me (Sun Rush Lustre Drops and Weekend Bronzer).
Overall, I LOVE this collection!!!
It's sooo me!!


Well-known member
This collection is the best summer collection that MAC has done! I have used Sand & Sun e/s twice and I love this matte highlight, the perfect matte highlight that I was looking for to do bright looks with. When my no-buy expires, I will buy a couple more items in this collection that were on my maybe's list.


Well-known member
Am I crazy that I haven't tried Hipness yet?
OK, I'll try tomorrow.

It may take a while until I come back here with my favorite list since I haven't fully played with my goodies yet. So far, I'm loving Float on By, Life's A Breeze, Sand & Sun, and Marine Life.

I enjoy reading everyone's thoughts about the collection after the hype dies down. It's a great idea.
This is my first MAC summer collection and I can tell that this is right up my alley - fun and bright!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
This collection is the best summer collection that MAC has done!

yes it is a great collection! wonderful shadows!
although neo sci fi is still very much my fave summer collection ever!


Well-known member
Ahhh the much anticipated and highly lusted after "To The Beach" summer collection

I saw this one first hand at our MAC Update session prior to it's release. Since my group was the last to play with the new products I never did get to see Marine Life in all it's golden splendor
But took note that I would want to pick that one up later....
Weeks go by and the shipment arrives. I pass the beautiful displays in the stock room for about a week before they went out on the counter completely unaware of the hysteria they would cause...
Launch day arrives and Im not scheduled so I call in around 11am to have them hold a few things....Im told "too late"
Seriously? Whoh. I call the other locations....nada. I call the MAC Stores...*poof* pre sales took out most of the ML's. Ok fine. So online I go...they had sold out even faster!

Then I come here and lo and behold TADA a fellow specktralyte posts that her location still had some left
A quick phone call and 2 ML's were inbound

Now that the Beach Madness has subsided I have 1 de gilded seahorse and one in box never to be used. Im not so sure I would have called this one a Highlight powder because on my NW 20 skin in was straight up blush, love it, but could never pull it off as highlight powder.
I loved the lipsticks. FoF was like a Dazzle glass, still finding new colors to test drive it with

Passed on the blushes...Beachbound lipstick is my new fav for summer
as is the body oil, love it on my shoulders for strapless sundresses and on my legs! Also LOVING the lustre drops with my foundation instant *glow*
I already had shimmer Moss previously, but pulled it out and remembered why I bought it in the 1st place, yeah for relaunches to remind me of some great colors, that goes ditto for Humid too!
Firecracker over Coral Crepe P/P looks amazing
and I passed on the others.
Float on By had a great color payoff wish I had bought 2, Temp. rising was the surprise for me...I was scared at first but wow..what a fun color to mix and match with!
This was a great collection and a major hit for MAC ! Can't wait to see what's next even my credit card can

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