MAC - To The Beach Discussion


New member
Hi, I only got a couple of bits from this collection i actually restrained myself for once!
I got the Marine Life powder, Refined golden bronzing powder, Firecracker eyeshadow, Splashing and Thrills which i absolutley love!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by erine1881
i wasn't the one that did the return, but when someone return's something so awesome (someone actually returned undercurrent, the freaking nutjob!) i say "what! are you crazy!? do you realize how awesome this it!?" i try to make light of what a complete moron they are for returning it!

yeah sometimes i do that with my work! we don't get returns. you just get people coming in saying the sound quailty is crap or whatever - i then reply 'in your opinion of course. the majority of people find it really good'. soon shuts them up!


Well-known member
I'm in love with the combination of Sand & Sun and Firecracker in the crease with Float on By on the lower lashline. For lips i love Lazy Day with Splashing and Flurry of Fun is also great. Marine Life is the perfect summer blush, but so is Hipness (don't know which one is more perfect
). I can't wait for Sweet & Punchy and Life's a Breeze. Thanks to Marusia they are on their way to me
This was a great collection!


Well-known member
Thanks to all those who shared the lovely combo of Flurry of Fun over Viva Glam Cyndi - I tried it this morning and it is SO pretty. I would have never thought of pairing them together!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PinkBasset
I'm still fine without Marine Life, I have absolutely no lemmings for it.

yeah me too - one product that i just don't get the hype around. if the shimmer spray was all the way through i'd have been all over it though!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LMD84
yeah me too - one product that i just don't get the hype around. if the shimmer spray was all the way through i'd have been all over it though!

I'm the oppose, if the shimmer had stayed all the way through, I wouldn't have wanted one (or at least not so badly--the seahorse really got me haha)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by LittleMaryJane
I'm the oppose, if the shimmer had stayed all the way through, I wouldn't have wanted one (or at least not so badly--the seahorse really got me haha)


The overspray made it too shimmery.


Well-known member
Ug, I caved to the lemming and bought the sea horsie ML. Now I can't seem to get the courage to use it. I just stare at how pretty it is. Dogone MAC for making so few of these and creating all this hype. Surely they knew there would be more demand than what was made. Is it a gimmick? Will there be a repromote?

I am too cowardly to damage my seahorsie after the expense and not sure if I should save it for future swap.


Well-known member
I don't really care much for Marine Life. It's kinda of reddy on my skin, so I have to use a light-hand and a bit more of the pink side. But the pink side is so small! Also did anyone notice, Em's sample Marine Life (in the swatch section) is reversed, big side pink, little side red)? That would've been more ideal for me. But still, I'm not a huge fan of this product like everyone else seemed to be.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I don't really care much for Marine Life. It's kinda of reddy on my skin, so I have to use a light-hand and a bit more of the pink side. But the pink side is so small! Also did anyone notice, Em's sample Marine Life (in the swatch section) is reversed, big side pink, little side red)? That would've been more ideal for me. But still, I'm not a huge fan of this product like everyone else seemed to be.

I've noticed that too, but i'm happy it has more of the red. The pink doesn't show up on my skin very well, but the red is great. I use my 131 to apply it. Did you use a duo fibre brush? Maybe that can help.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GlamQueen21
6 hour travel?! Wow! My CCO is like a 45 minute drive and it's worth it and I get too excited when I get near San Marcos, TX to go to my CCO!

People don't realize how super big and complicated Mexico City is!!

The CCO it's in the city limits (almost the entire city between my home and it) and due to traffic and distance it's a 3 hours drive each way, 3 hours to go and 3 to go back home.

With the limited quantities from each collection we have and the little that survives at stores, I've always wondered if the travel to the CCO it's worth it!!

If I'd be in your position, of course I'd be there at least once a month!!


Well-known member
I probably have the smallest haul of all. For some reason, I just didn't want most of it.

I got the 131 brush, which I've been wanting forever (ok, since it launched last year). I don't love it as much as I thought I would - I wish it was round instead of flat, then it would be perfect. I have been using it quite a bit though, because I like to apply blush with duo fiber brushes, and my 187 is too big, 188 too small, studio tools too stiff.

I B2M'd for Lazy Day, mostly because I HAD to have something in the beach packaging, and nothing else appealed. I like, but don't love it. It's just too milky. I adore the texture though.

I picked up Marine Life the day before it launched, the girl at the Bay counter offered to sell it to me early when I asked when it was coming out. I didn't even ask to buy it early. This same counter allowed me to B2M for Lazy Day, when the freestanding store refused me (grrrr). Anyway... on a scale of 1 to 10, I would rate it an 8. Thank goodness for the pink part, otherwise I think it would be unwearable for me. As it is, it's a nice summer blush. It wouldn't be a must-have if it wasn't for the packaging.

When previews first came out for this collection, I thought I would go crazy with it. As it happened, I guess I can justify spending more on the upcoming ones
Really looking forward to In the Groove and Dare to Wear.


Well-known member
I only got 2 things from this collection. I got Get-Away Bronze Blush and Lazy Day l/s. I am enjoying both items. I think that Get-Away Bronze looks a lot like the Hard Candy Blush called Bombshell. GAB just has better staying power.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Pinkdollface
I've noticed that too, but i'm happy it has more of the red. The pink doesn't show up on my skin very well, but the red is great. I use my 131 to apply it. Did you use a duo fibre brush? Maybe that can help.

Hmm maybe I will try the 131, thanks for the rec
I've been using a 187 SE brush.


Well-known member
I was really surprised with Hipness and Temperature Rising.

TR! I've been wearing it with everything!

The trick is not to apply too heavily!

Yesterday I wore it with Currant l/l, Thrills l/s and FoF l/g! I lined my lips w/currant, filled in and blended TR and l/s and gloss on top!

Too pretty!!!

I've also done this with O and Meltdown l/s as well!

Hipness - I've been wearing it with every brown, pink and orange look I've done thus far.

I'm NC45 Studio Fix & NC50 Select for reference.




Well-known member
I am loving all the things I got from this collection and I want more!! I wish I had more money but since I'll be in 2 weeks in the States I need to save my money for that trip!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by abbyquack
I don't really care much for Marine Life. It's kinda of reddy on my skin, so I have to use a light-hand and a bit more of the pink side. But the pink side is so small! Also did anyone notice, Em's sample Marine Life (in the swatch section) is reversed, big side pink, little side red)? That would've been more ideal for me. But still, I'm not a huge fan of this product like everyone else seemed to be.

I agree with every word and I noticed that too!

I'm starting to think I'll swap Marine Life when the honeymoon period with it is over. I CAN use it with a very light hand, but it's just to red and blah on me, and besides, I have Hipness, which is AMAZING! I wish the pink side was bigger! :/


Well-known member
Have a fun vacation in US, ILoveMakeup84!

I dropped by and saw this collection again yesterday and today at the different locations. They still seemed to have some left. But many were already gone. I'll miss this collection and the Marine Life craze. Thanks TTB for a fun memory.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ILoveMakeup84
I am loving all the things I got from this collection and I want more!! I wish I had more money but since I'll be in 2 weeks in the States I need to save my money for that trip!

i hope you have an awesome trip!

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