MAC - To The Beach Discussion


Well-known member
I am dying to see swatches of In the Buff n/p! I wonder how close it is to BB Couture Kelley's Green, that's the only avocado n/p I know! eek


Well-known member
Originally Posted by only1angel
Then to make matters worse, I woke up one morning last week and could barely open my left eye!!!! It scared the heck out of me! So I had to be without my contacts since then. I hadn't repaired my glasses, so basically I wasn't able to use my comp since last week- AND I HAVEN'T BEEN WEARING MAKEUP IN A WEEK (afraid of using eye makeup due to my eye)!!!!!!!

Welcome to the club... i don't know if you have the same, but i woke up with a horrible eye infection after poking myself in the eye, while trying to remove one of the contacts :/ Not being able to wear any make up for almost 3 weeks now is a torture, as ive got all those lovely art supplies eyeliners I can only stare at now

Those who are having trouble with FOB smudging... maybe it's an idea to use eyeliner sealant (i think that's how it's called, or sealer)? I bought feline recently and despite the super lovely dark colour it smudged on me like crazy. I've used some of Smashbox On Set on top, and it stayed on for hours and hours and hours (I wouldn't use it on the waterline though), not budging even a bit.

All those swatches are making me get more stuff now... Firecracker e/s and Scorcher are calling my name now, as well as Funbathing l/s and Pink Rebel lustre drops. And I am actually thinking of taking Marine Life off my list. It looks slightly more corally than Hipness, which I have already bought. I am going to get Stereo Rose and Petticoat in July instead, I think.


Well-known member
Does anyone know how the light pink lip pencil which came out with the Too Fabulous collection compares to Life's a Breeze?

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
Originally Posted by Eleentje
Welcome to the club... i don't know if you have the same, but i woke up with a horrible eye infection after poking myself in the eye, while trying to remove one of the contacts :/ Not being able to wear any make up for almost 3 weeks now is a torture, as ive got all those lovely art supplies eyeliners I can only stare at now

Those who are having trouble with FOB smudging... maybe it's an idea to use eyeliner sealant (i think that's how it's called, or sealer)? I bought feline recently and despite the super lovely dark colour it smudged on me like crazy. I've used some of Smashbox On Set on top, and it stayed on for hours and hours and hours (I wouldn't use it on the waterline though), not budging even a bit.

All those swatches are making me get more stuff now... Firecracker e/s and Scorcher are calling my name now, as well as Funbathing l/s and Pink Rebel lustre drops. And I am actually thinking of taking Marine Life off my list. It looks slightly more corally than Hipness, which I have already bought. I am going to get Stereo Rose and Petticoat in July instead, I think.

Oh my. I didn't realise quite a few people have been having eye problems lately. I'm one of them. I started having problems about 3 weeks ago when my eyes started getting red while wearing contacts. And now I can't wear them, and I really do miss my contacts. I haven't seen a doctor yet though since I've been so busy with university deadlines.

I hope everyone with eye problems, or any problems at all, get better soon.

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
Originally Posted by nunu
Does anyone know how the light pink lip pencil which came out with the Too Fabulous collection compares to Life's a Breeze?

I think In Synch - the light pink lip pencil- is a lot more yellow-toned than Life's a Breeze, which looks more like a blue-pink. I think of it like, In Synch is closer to Plink! lipstick, whereas LaB is closer to Angel.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
i'm lemming temperature's rising big time, i have no idea what i would do with it though

You can fill your lips with it and top it with gloss like Flurry of Fun


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Princesa Livia
Oh my. I didn't realise quite a few people have been having eye problems lately. I'm one of them. I started having problems about 3 weeks ago when my eyes started getting red while wearing contacts. And now I can't wear them, and I really do miss my contacts. I haven't seen a doctor yet though since I've been so busy with university deadlines.

I hope everyone with eye problems, or any problems at all, get better soon.

hayfever or allergies? have you tried antihistamine eyedrops?
even if it isnt hayfever/allergies, this will help with symptoms til you see a doctor, but you'd have to take your contacts out


Well-known member
Thank you so much for all the links and lovely swatches, ladies!

My list has been changing almost everyday.

I know they are different, but can anyone compare Life's A Beach to In Synch? TIA!

I didn't know you guys are already talking about those two.
Thank you, nunu and Princesa Livia.

Princesa Livia

Well-known member
Originally Posted by banana1234
hayfever or allergies? have you tried antihistamine eyedrops?
even if it isnt hayfever/allergies, this will help with symptoms til you see a doctor, but you'd have to take your contacts out

I haven't been wearing my contacts for weeks since I've been having problems. I don't suffer from hayfever, though it is possible to develop it. I have no other symptoms otherwise though. Antihistamine eye drops seem like a good idea. I'll try that


Well-known member
This is really sad but I love the green colour of the boxes for some of this collection, all of the packaging should have been that colour...and I like the packaging of the pencils, they don't look tacky as I thought they would.

But I'm still only going to get Float On By...I think. I love orange stuff generally in life and so am drawn to Temperature Rising l/p but gosh, where would I wear it? I need to see a swatch on lips...I wonder if it's eye safe? It would make a cool eyeliner maybe lol?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Sojourner
This is really sad but I love the green colour of the boxes for some of this collection, all of the packaging should have been that colour...and I like the packaging of the pencils, they don't look tacky as I thought they would.

But I'm still only going to get Float On By...I think. I love orange stuff generally in life and so am drawn to Temperature Rising l/p but gosh, where would I wear it? I need to see a swatch on lips...I wonder if it's eye safe? It would make a cool eyeliner maybe lol?

Me too, it sounds pretty! But I don't think I'd ever use it :p


Well-known member
Before I was really bored about this collection but now I am really excited. I can't wait to see everything in person.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Flaminbird
That's crazy shipping! You could almost get another item for that price!

I know right?!


Well-known member
Dangit, now I'm adding even more to my already too-big list. I didn't swatch Get Away Bronze, but seeing it now makes me want it >_< ARGH! And now that I look at it, Beurre and Life's a Breeze look NOTHING alike. Now I want Life's a Breeze...and Splashing...

Curse you Specktra and your addicting, enabling boards! *shakes fist, adds more to list*


Well-known member
Why am I not seeing Marine Life on the bloomingdales site? I was going to just go ahead and buy it, but it's already gone (?). WTF?

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