Re: MAC - Venomous Villains discussion
am Back from my trip! crazy , crazy day it was on Friday. I was at the store bright and early and FIRST IN LINE.. gave in my order to the MA and was told that stocks would come in an hour. I didint mind and I waited (had a flight to catch in the evening and no packing done!) At 11 a.m. , (Ive been there since 10:15) she says that it will be in after lunch...
Anyhoo, I ask this MA and she told me to have lunch and be bak cos it was expected "SOON". SO i have lunch and am there at about 12:15 and I overhear one MA tell a customer that stocks will be in only at 2:00 p.m. WTF!! she could atleast inform all of us, so we arent waiting around like idiots. so I rush home at like 12:30, pack my stuff etc and wait....(I have to go to the airport at 4:15, and I threaten my husband , telling him I HAVE to go to the counter before boarding the flight, and the poor guy says, "when have I said no!!".. the counter is an HOUR from my house)..
At 2:00 p.m. I get a call saying, pls come and collect your stuff.. and she says, that she cudnt put aside a Bad fairy for me cos the other MA's did it first... WTF!! So she asks me to collect my other stuff, and that I have to be there soon or she will release it... I obv cant get to that place in under an hour!!! i was SO PISSED... I also had Glam's cp
( so pissed!!
Anyhoo, went to the airport and was cursing all the way... I am near the MAC counter and my husband says " if u find ur MAC, i will buy my MAC" (we call ourselves the MAC family, he is obsessed with the Apple MAC , lol).. and I say "yes" cos there is no way BAd fairy is gonna be there, but guess what!!! all the rest are SOLD out and Bad fairy is available!!!.. i was super happy and got it..
so thats my Bad fairy story. I applied two coats and its great!! It has the best formulation out of the three (the rest need four to go on nice).. its amazing!! raspberry under bright, white light and red under yellow light, in others, it looks red/copper/yellow... awesome.
Thanks to Winnie who offered a probable cp
.. and Glam, am so happy u found ur Toxic Tale!!! I will sell u mine if u want another one cos I feel super bad about not being able to find u one!