MAC Wash And Dry Collection (May 14 / May 21, 2015)


Well-known member
Don't feel bad about skipping Steam Heat. Im like you - some reds make me look terribad, like an old crone. The right ones look fantastic, but I have to be really choosy and always try them in person first. I'm also NC15, I guess it comes with the territory. Hipness is cute, but I never bought it in the past - again, not a show-stopper for NC15 and also a little powdery (at least in past versions).  Enjoy the things you're getting and feel better soon. When they can get the right diagnosis for you, you'll be on the road to recovery ASAP. I've been there. It takes a while, but the progress is straight up!
Thank you so much for your support. I'm sorry if you've been ill too. There is just so much unpleasant things that go along with being sick besides the basic illness (bills, constant stress and typically awful side effects from medications) that people don't think about. Beside the general exhaustion and feeling lousy from the anemia and immune system breakdown leading to lots of respiratory infections, the cosmetic part has been awful. Hair breakage and then hair loss (my hair is really long so it's been a pain to deal with) my nails split vertically and bleed too. And I went down three general foundation shades (I'm not sure how many it is in MAC.) When not self tanning, my basic color used to be light/medium (too dark for standard light, a little too light for straight medium.) Now I'm super pale and had to buy all new foundations, powders, concealers etc, which led me back to MAC after quite a long absence. But I've been so impressed with their face and other make up again, and best of all it led me to Spektra!! It's so nice to talk to other beauty junkies, and everyone has been so nice! And now I'll say thanks for listening to me whine!!! As a NC15, what do you think of Refined Golden? Too dark for us?


Well-known member
I have been so busy with work and life the past two weeks, that I completely missed out on this collection!!  I just wanted the red lipstick- will this be released with Macy's? I still have a $50 gift card I can use. 
I think they posted the Macy's release date somewhere in the last 5 pages on this thread. I think someone said the 20th, but I could be completely wrong so you should probably double check. Sorry! I am pretty sure that it releases on Monday at Nordstrom though. Sorry not to be of more help!


Well-known member
So even tho I ordered when it went live, tracking shows a Thursday delivery why???!!!!!! Usually my stuff comes by Tuesday, now they just testing me


Well-known member
So to everyone who missed out on the MAC online launch, what are you guys ordering from Macy's/Nordstrom on Monday?
So far just getting a BU of tumble dry. Preferably from nordies because macy's really screwed me over with my cinderella stuff the other month. I'm considering one of the brushes too but would rather check 'em out in store.


Well-known member
Very true! They aren't going fast, so I'm not worried about taking another day or two to decide!!
I usually do buy all new brushes, but these ones, I skipped. I'm certain that these two brushes will be re-released in the near future as fullsize brushes rather than LE - and then hopefully in better quality. However, if you are a fan of the design, go for it. Or, if you can hold your breath, wait until they show up at the CCO. They are definitely CCO material.


Well-known member
So to everyone who missed out on the MAC online launch, what are you guys ordering from Macy's/Nordstrom on Monday?
I break up my orders into online and in store lol so I don't get sticker shock and its a little easier on my wallet :) so I got TD and FU online and then hitting up macys for Hipness and Matte Bronze.....maaybeeee CW is it's different enough from FU


Well-known member
  Very true! They aren't going fast, so I'm not worried about taking another day or two to decide!! 
I usually do buy all new brushes, but these ones, I skipped. I'm certain that these two brushes will be re-released in the near future as fullsize brushes rather than LE - and then hopefully in better quality. However, if you are a fan of the design, go for it. Or, if you can hold your breath, wait until they show up at the CCO. They are definitely CCO material. :devil:
I personally found these brushes to feel better than the usual "fullsized brushes" quality. ^^ Mac brushes in general are not so great after experiencing Japanese brushes. :)


Well-known member
I preordered the 125 but I haven't heard anyone really say how they like them? Guess I'll find out thrusday! So far I ordered Morange, Tumble Dry, DD, FU and the brush. Debating on if I really need DD


Well-known member
I haven't tried out the two new brushes on my face yet. I washed them today and they are currently drying :) I did touch them and brush them against my hand to get a sense of how they felt and they felt nice for Mac. I will update once I try some products with them. So far I am personally pleased with their quality. No buyers remorse here :)


Well-known member
I am curious about the bone biopsy procedure. Would you mind discussing it (when I get a little more courage) via PM? I would never press about your reasons for having it, but if you wouldn't mind telling me about how it actually was having it done, I'd really appreciate it. And if I'm asking too much, I'm very sorry! Just tell me you do not feel comfortable and I'll understand completely!!
Of course, I will PM you and you can ask me any time.


Well-known member
Of course, I will PM you and you can ask me any time. 
Thank you! Though I think I've confused whom I've talked with about this? I thought I was talking to someone else about it, and now I'm super embarrassed for my confusion! Sorry!


Well-known member
So to everyone who missed out on the MAC online launch, what are you guys ordering from Macy's/Nordstrom on Monday?
I was lucky enough to get what I wanted on the initial launch (I couldn't sleep and ended up staying up all night) but if I can scrape together any money, I'd would buy Girl on Board. I'd would also really like the brushes; I think the bigger one would be good for lightly applying bronzer. That's another thing; I'm not sure if Refined Golden is too dark for my NC15/NC20 complexion and if I should buy one of the other bronzers and return RG. Anyone have any idea which of the four is the best bronzer for NC15/20? A MAC artist via the chat line told me Refined Golden, but now I'm thinking it may be too dark. My MAC online order won't show up until Tuesday unfortunately, so I can't check out RG until then.


Well-known member
Elegant-one You have most definitely been missed!
Where have you been hiding your GLAMAZON-self??!!

Although I must confess - {at the risk of throwing no intentional discernible shade upon my allegiance to ALL things MAC
- trust, I made soooooooooooooooooo much Bao Bao Wan noise in anticipation of Mother's Day - I was virtually pelted with LAVENDER JADE beauties from exasperated family members quick to appease the mother beast
........ so technically I'm good for the next foreseeable future.
} I have discovered that " once you go Mr. TOM FORD- you DON'T ever turn back!!!". And hence my dangerous consumption of not only his Pink Dusk and Nude Vanille lippies- but most recently his fragrances Neroli Portofino, Mandarino di Amalfi and my uber favorite-Costa Azzura.

Admittedly more boyfriend fragrance-nuanced than my husband likes on me but I needed to break ties with my old faithful Burberry Brit ( reason being my blood glucose levels were slightly elevated- so when my Doc asked what I proposed to do about it- the first thing I coughed up was the relinquishing of my Crazy-Sweet-Sugared-Almond-Tonka-bean infused....Perfume!!!!
He didn't miss a beat responding that I might first try to take a hard pass on the CRONUTS and sugary revelry that tends to nuzzle my evening mug of tea instead .. but I digress.
Great to see you back-

P.S. I'm ALL OVER Morange especially in this packaging!! Really lovely departure for MAC!
Hi doll!!!! I am SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO happy to read this
It made me all warm & fuzzy ya know

Mother Beast
I'll have to take a quick whiff of those fragrances next time I see them. I agree about Tom Ford. I resisted like none other, but the lips & boys are my favorites and I got hooked. I NEED Nude Vanille - it's next on my list.

Hope you are having a lovely, relaxing weekend my dear!!!


Well-known member
Don't feel bad about skipping Steam Heat. Im like you - some reds make me look terribad, like an old crone. The right ones look fantastic, but I have to be really choosy and always try them in person first. I'm also NC15, I guess it comes with the territory. Hipness is cute, but I never bought it in the past - again, not a show-stopper for NC15 and also a little powdery (at least in past versions).

Enjoy the things you're getting and feel better soon. When they can get the right diagnosis for you, you'll be on the road to recovery ASAP. I've been there. It takes a while, but the progress is straight up!
terribad & old crone.....
