MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
They could at least put the entire collection on line and disable the "add to bag" button. LOL


Well-known member
Lets do this MAC! My phone might get shut off soon since I'm using my phone bill money for this collection lol. Oh the things we do for makeup.


Well-known member
3 Betty bright for me!! It reminds me of Flamingo. Anyone else kind of agree? Edit: ok, after looking at the swatches on Karen's blog... My list has grown! 2 Betty brights (depends on if it looks similar to flamingo) Caramel sundae quad Cream soda Kiss and don't tell - as long as it doesn't look like pink lemonade, force of love, or Ravishing.


Well-known member
I work from home and because I got in a car accident last week (car is totaled, but I am not hurt thank goodness), am pretty much stranded during the day while my hubby is at work. All this time to wait and wait and guess is the collection will go online tomorrow night when I have plans with a friend! ;)


Well-known member
Just a heads up for those doing international CPs. I just got back from the post office and the cost to send a small padded mailer (2.2 oz. and 3.2 oz. for reference) to the UK cost $9.45 each!!! That's more than double the previous cost. The postal clerk couldn't provide a justification for the significant price hike. I'm a little pissed, to say the least.

Also Delivery Confirmation is now called USPS Tracking and costs 5¢ more now.

Edited to add: just checked my past receipts and it appears that clerk noted today's mailers as packages and not parcels, which may explain the cost increase. I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and get this cleared up.