Well-known member
2 hours?! I should send you my number for a text alert! Lol
2 hours of sleep? I would be a wreck if I had 2 hours of sleep!
Oh damn you must be drinking lots of coffee because if that was me I would've been down for the count.
I'm up til 4am every night. Wide awake. And i don't drink anything with caffeine!Same here lol

Prices for all usps services increased yesterdayJust a heads up for those doing international CPs. I just got back from the post office and the cost to send a small padded mailer (2.2 oz. and 3.2 oz. for reference) to the UK cost $9.45 each!!! That's more than double the previous cost. The postal clerk couldn't provide a justification for the significant price hike. I'm a little pissed, to say the least. Also Delivery Confirmation is now called USPS Tracking and costs 5¢ more now. Edited to add: just checked my past receipts and it appears that clerk noted today's mailers as packages and not parcels, which may explain the cost increase. I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and get this cleared up.