MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
2 hours?! I should send you my number for a text alert! Lol
2 hours of sleep? I would be a wreck if I had 2 hours of sleep!
Oh damn you must be drinking lots of coffee because if that was me I would've been down for the count.
Same here lol
I'm up til 4am every night. Wide awake. And i don't drink anything with caffeine! :crazy:
Just a heads up for those doing international CPs.  I just got back from the post office and the cost to send a small padded mailer (2.2 oz. and 3.2 oz. for reference) to the UK cost $9.45 each!!! That's more than double the previous cost.  The postal clerk couldn't provide a justification for the significant price hike.  I'm a little pissed, to say the least.   Also Delivery Confirmation is now called USPS Tracking and costs 5¢ more now. Edited to add:  just checked my past receipts and it appears that clerk noted today's mailers as packages and not parcels, which may explain the cost increase.  I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and get this cleared up.
Prices for all usps services increased yesterday :(


Well-known member
Just woke up from a nap and Im ready to stalk the site... Praying it goes up tonight although I feel like it might go up tomorrow or even worse... Until the 30th :O lol


Well-known member
I don't have any girlfriends in real life. I love being able to bond with other women and talk about makeup. It kind of feels like a makeup release slumber party that lasts for days lol


Well-known member
same here pretty_melody. i just found specktra and everyone has been really nice & helpful. my blog and it's readers are like my family


Well-known member
I don't have any girlfriends in real life. I love being able to bond with other women and talk about makeup. It kind of feels like a makeup release slumber party that lasts for days lol
Oh my gosh, Exaaaactly!! Plus there are like people who obsess over makeup like I do. Stalking Mac and Nordies websites. Feels normal doing with other people


Well-known member
Just woke up from a nap and Im ready to stalk the site... Praying it goes up tonight although I feel like it might go up tomorrow or even worse... Until the 30th :O lol
Lol, I SO hope it's tonight, although I'm in the West Coast soooo.. I got a couple hours more than the East Coast peeps.


Well-known member
I love Specktra for that. More often than not you see women competing instead of being supportive and kind towards each other.
And it's sad cause I think it stems a lot from self-esteem...But at least there are places like Specktra where people don't have to hear constant negative things about their appearances. You NEVER KNOW what people are going through.
Home away from home.. only I'm at home lol.


Well-known member
Quote: Originally Posted by Sassafrazz300

Noooo, your blog makes me so hungry for sweets haha. Do you do the designing yourself? It's really nice!


Well-known member
I work from home and because I got in a car accident last week (car is totaled, but I am not hurt thank goodness), am pretty much stranded during the day while my hubby is at work. All this time to wait and wait and guess is the collection will go online tomorrow night when I have plans with a friend! ;)
Glad to hear you are ok!


Well-known member
I need to know if stores will have the brush set or is it online. I'm getting confused n I just want to make sure if I miss out then I'm covered elsewhere. I'm too sick right now to stalk or lose sleep lol


Well-known member
I need to know if stores will have the brush set or is it online. I'm getting confused n I just want to make sure if I miss out then I'm covered elsewhere. I'm too sick right now to stalk or lose sleep lol
MAC stores should have it, but department stores will not. It will also be online!


Well-known member
oh that's extremely pretty
In my opinion BB def pulls more pink on the lips and swatches more pink/coral it seems. Unless theirs two different formulas floating around?? I'm torn between bb or kiss and tell. I'll prob just get both,what's $16 more dollars right


Well-known member
The pearlmatte is more pigmented than I thought! I love it, so pretty. But I'm waiting for the baking beauties ones. So BB isn't like nicki right?