MAC x Archie's Girls (Betty & Veronica) Collection Discussion (February 2013)


Well-known member
girl I know it!! Phone charged, iPad on deck and desk top ready too..
Oh you're like me lol I just need to charge my ipad and phone. I think i might call it a night and just set some alarms on my phone
just incase.


Well-known member
It really does vary. I've seen collections go up anywhere from midnight to 9 in the morning. It would be nice if they were just always at midnight or something easy like that!


Well-known member
I have a feeling this is going to be like Hello Kitty where it comes out at midnight the day of the release date, so maybe tomorrow night. :( But let's hope it comes out tonight. *fingers crossed*


Well-known member
I'm going to be stalking the website on my phone for a bit and will urge myself to exercise tomorrow morning to feel energized from the lack of sleep.


Well-known member mentioned Jan. 30th, so perhaps it will come out tomorrow night at midnight EST, but I've also seen collections go up a day before the online release date. It will show up on the site map but not that actual site.


Well-known member
Nvm! I see it could be anytime lol. For some reason being around Specktra makes these big collections seem like Christmas!! Hehe. Despite us being women, makeup has brought us together, AMEN!! Lol. *end rant*


Well-known member
A rep confirmed that online will definitely release before the store. When I asked her if the 30th would be the date, she could not confirm or deny. I have the feeling that the 30th will be day. A week before the store.


Well-known member
Just a heads up for those doing international CPs.  I just got back from the post office and the cost to send a small padded mailer (2.2 oz. and 3.2 oz. for reference) to the UK cost $9.45 each!!! That's more than double the previous cost.  The postal clerk couldn't provide a justification for the significant price hike.  I'm a little pissed, to say the least.   Also Delivery Confirmation is now called USPS Tracking and costs 5¢ more now. Edited to add:  just checked my past receipts and it appears that clerk noted today's mailers as packages and not parcels, which may explain the cost increase.  I'm going to have to go back tomorrow and get this cleared up.
The post offices are raising rates because they're depserately trying to stay in business. I loathe sending stuff to my family in the UK so I try to hoard it until one of us flies over to see the other, but that really sucks for CPs. :(