MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
I'm getting really nervous. My macy's order says it's been delivered to USPS by UPS on the 4th. It's supposed to arrive tomorrow, but my USPS tracking still says it's in "preshipment"... I'm pretty sure USPS customer service is closed now. I will be avoiding ordering from macy's again. This has been a mess. It's been floating around a city 30 minutes from me for the last 2 business days. ish better not be "lost!!"


Well-known member
I've noticed mac polishes chip kinda fast on me. It's whatever, if I really want them to stick I bring it along with me when I get gel nails and have them used on top. It stays a lot longer that way. 
I haven't tried but I read somewhere to try the deborah Lippmann set of 2 that makes nails look like gels and they said it was fabulous, dries in 2 mins and no lights and the only con was nail growth on top after 2 weeks! not sure if old news but new to me and I don't want to do full on gels - I think nails inc has one too (love the Victoria Beckham set!) but not sure how it works as I know they sell specfic gel NP - HTH if anyone has tried let me know! still can't get SO to work on me! ah well! at least I love the lippies!


Well-known member
I'm getting really nervous. My macy's order says it's been delivered to USPS by UPS on the 4th. It's supposed to arrive tomorrow, but my USPS tracking still says it's in "preshipment"... I'm pretty sure USPS customer service is closed now. I will be avoiding ordering from macy's again. This has been a mess. It's been floating around a city 30 minutes from me for the last 2 business days. ish better not be "lost!!"
I wouldn't worry. USPS probably hasn't updated. They're so lame. You can still call the 800 number for USPS.

Dolly Snow

I'm wearing my Burmese Kiss today I LOVE it! It's definitely more of a coral red on me rather than pink (it has the pink tones but overall it's red) but I swear my skintone could make black look red lol the formula is amazing too, I barely had to go over it twice to get full opacity


Well-known member
Wearing lj with nightmoth and vg rihanna 2. On my cheeks I'm wearing cheeky bugger and so as a highlighter.


Well-known member
Very behind but I don't have time at the moment to catch up. Kashmir Blue is chipping like crazy. I love the color but I work and I can't be redoing my nails all the time, and this looks super unprofessional.


Well-known member
Ugh. I was supposed to get my goodies yesterday, but due to the weather my package won't arrive until next week. I'm bummed...I really wanted to wear BK this weekend.