MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
yay!!! My BK is still site seeing

Marsha Pomells

Well-known member
My hubby wanted me to pass a message onto you all (Specktra ladies) He said, "ya'll need to go sit down somewhere!" LMAO ...he doesn't understand our passion!
Haha! None of my real life friends/family understand my love for make up!
I've been called out by my stepmother, my mum and my dad on my makeup collection. My dad even freaked out one day, because I was wearing Apocalips. His exact words were 'take that green lipstick off. I don't like it' My response was:- 'It's not green, it's teal' But then, he doesn't have a problem with me wearing Disciple or Poe


Well-known member
Accidentally posted this in Cinderella thread…. that's what happens when you have too many browsers open

Summer Opal is L O V E! I wish I would've got a backup.
Not impressed by LJ. Toooo much like DG! I don't need my LJ backup smh



Well-known member
Yeah MAC polishes have a bad reputation, since a lot of people were excited about the polishes I thought maybe the formula had gotten better but apparently it's still a struggle. I don't think the colors are too unique so you guys could probably find dupes in other brands.


Well-known member
Kashmir Blue is chipping like crazy. I love the color but I work and I can't be redoing my nails all the time, and this looks super unprofessional.
I'm returning my IG. It's chipping. I think I'm just going to get a green YSL polish I've quietly been lusting after for like a month and go sit in my corner. IG is so pretty but shouldn't be chipping after one day.

Oceanic Lily

Well-known member
Accidentally posted this in Cinderella thread…. that's what happens when you have too many browsers open

Summer Opal is L O V E! I wish I would've got a backup.
Not impressed by LJ. Toooo much like DG! I don't need my LJ backup smh

Hypnotically FLAWLESS!! Who are you people??! Beautiful.


Well-known member
Accidentally posted this in Cinderella thread…. that's what happens when you have too many browsers open

Summer Opal is L O V E! I wish I would've got a backup.
Not impressed by LJ. Toooo much like DG! I don't need my LJ backup smh

LJ is pure GORGEOUSNESS on you!!!!!! Well, both are!


Well-known member
Yeah MAC polishes have a bad reputation, since a lot of people were excited about the polishes I thought maybe the formula had gotten better but apparently it's still a struggle. I don't think the colors are too unique so you guys could probably find dupes in other brands.
I haven't had any trouble with the 2 I got. No chipping at all.


Well-known member
I'm returning my IG. It's chipping. I think I'm just going to get a green YSL polish I've quietly been lusting after for like a month and go sit in my corner.  IG is so pretty but shouldn't be chipping after one day.
Really? I'm on day 3 and no chipping. Maybe its my topcoat thats saving me.


Well-known member
OMGosh! This thread exploded 1000+ messages for me. I don't recall checking in on this thread yesterday because I got all my items and was on the hunt for Cinderella. I was oh so unsuccessful it that hunt but the good news is I got my first box from Mac yesterday with Summer Opal and the green/teal polish (sorry I just caught the end of that green/teal conversation). So I happily wore Summer Opal today. I put it on with a 159 and combined it with Good Girl Gone Bad blush (This is the blush I should have backed up) anyway, I really like it but it seems to be one of my more delicate highlighters. I think I will try it with my denser highlighting brush (I think it's 189). I'm used to a more POW!, in your face highlighter but this will do for a nice change of pace. Oh wait, this is beauty powder so maybe I can use it all over??? I'm not sure how that works.

As far as the lipsticks, I couldn't make up my mind whether I should get them. I like nudes but I didn't know how this one would work. I like orange but I've just about overdosed on orange. I find I like them more in the summer and last summer I had two orange lip colors that I used a lot and thought why do I need the other ones. The purple was out of the question. Fun color but oesn't quite work with my skin tone. The pink was a question mark as I don't wear such bright colors much. I have the Pleasure Bomb so why would I need this but they all look so pretty. I thought maybe I could exercise restraint but I don't know in the moments before launch some of my reasoning seems to leave me. Well, that craziness the morning of the Nordstrom launch and my need to get to work on time led to skip it without regret in that moment. But now that I see all the pretty pictures, I'm thinking hmmmm.

My Nordies order arrived just a moment ago, eye palette and the other 2 nail polishes. I'm quite happy with this launch so on to Julia Petit!


Well-known member
Accidentally posted this in Cinderella thread…. that's what happens when you have too many browsers open Anyway….. [COLOR=181818]Summer Opal is L O V E! I wish I would've got a backup.[/COLOR][COLOR=181818] [/COLOR][COLOR=181818]Not impressed by LJ. Toooo much like DG! I don't need my LJ backup  smh[/COLOR][COLOR=181818] [/COLOR]  
Summer opal looks gorgeous on you :eyelove:


Well-known member
Accidentally posted this in Cinderella thread…. that's what happens when you have too many browsers open

Summer Opal is L O V E! I wish I would've got a backup.
Not impressed by LJ. Toooo much like DG! I don't need my LJ backup smh

I looooooove it! You look beautiful!