MAC X Bao Bao Wan Collection (March 5, 2015)


Well-known member
Thanks guys I really love lj and so. I'm still waiting on my other lippies that ordered from Nordstrom. Hopefully I get them tonight so I can play!


Well-known member
:eek:hboy: My BK from nordies is traveling around in the UPS truck since the last two days!! It updates to out for delivery and then moves to unscheduled weather challenges by the end of the day. it didn't even snow here the last few days :haha: it's again showing out for delivery today!! Hoping I get it today :sigh:

Oceanic Lily

Well-known member
If it wasn't for the mitigating fact that I JUST
learned how to take pictures on my IPhone 6 and have them be successfully text/e-mailed ( rather than apparently photo-bombing everyone in Scandinavia- ALL of whom have politely/pointedly asked me to stop
)- I would Happily send you all the AMAZINGINGLY PERIWINKLED, Duochromed-Kiss that is this LAVENDER JADE!!

Didn't really get the full-on Blitzkrieg effect yesterday- but in the unrelenting sunshine of today it was UNMISTAKABLE- just this irrepressibly delightful periwinkle, duo-chromed, mega wattaged presence!!! .... okay -I'll shut up now
- but I'm still going to be smiling like the proverbial cat who munched the UBER fat canary-- WHOOOOOOHooooooooo
P.S. My friend at lunch said that were she to possess the fast approaching MYTHICAL dreaminess of said lipstick- the trajectory of her life might actually be altered- and so.... I gave her the one in my handbag-- how could I not?
On the up side- i just became her seat mate at a critics screening of CHAPPIE- all I can say is - movie better be damned good!!!