OMG, I love scary movies even when they scare the shit out of me and give me nightmares FOR DAYS. I do not know, scratch that, I do not comprehend what I do this to myself.
So I was babysitting a cousin once. She was 4 and I was 14. We both were napping and suddenly I wake up... so I though (I was dreaming, I usually have very vivid dreams + sleep paralysis). She is no longer in bed with me. I began roaming the house searching for my little cousin, she is nowhere to be found. I get out of the house and she is not in the patio. I start running down the neighborhood looking for her. I think this went on for a while, you know how dreams seem longer and change your perception of time? So I felt like this went on forever. I finally found this little corner house that's abandoned, I opened the door and all I see are title walls and floors... with a shower drain... you know where this is going... LOL. So I looked into the shower drain and I hear something, I proceed to remove the drain and two little hands emerge.... it is my baby cousin.. she says to me "We all float down here" Pennywise fucked my shit up!