Michael Jackson Passes Away...


Well-known member
If you look at pictures of Michael as a kid and pictures of Prince, they're facial features are very similar: the eyes, the nose, and the jaw. Paris looks more like his ex-wife. And regarding their skin and hair color, if you look at pictures of Jermaine's son, Jermajesty (lol), his mother is darker that Debbie Rowe and he is fairly light skinned and has straight hair. It must be a trait in the Jackson family.

Also, his kids are very good-looking. Prince is very handsome, Paris is gorgeous, and Blanket is just adorable!


Well-known member
I actually thought Blanket looked like him more than the other two. But honestly it doesn't matter. I don't think the kids are biologically his but he raised them as his own and he clearly loved them and they felt loved. There are so many people who love and care for kids that aren't biologically theirs everyday. It's a story because he lied about it but it's not a novel concept, especially in Hollywood now.


Well-known member
Well I was adopted by my father when I was two and he is my Daddy...and their is no amount of blood that could make him more my father...the funny thing is everyone has always said I look just like my father...the same goes for my son...He was adopted by my husband and that is daddy....it really takes more than a sperm donor to be a true father or mother for that matter. So if you ask my dad who my father is he will say he is my father without hesitation no further explanation the same with my husband regarding our son...not that they are being untruthful...just how they see it


Well-known member
I believe that some people just go to heaven because of their good deeds/works on earth. MJ was compassionate and emphatetic to a fault. God put his on this earth for us to witness, to see the persecution, the judgment and then took him back to tell us something.

I think God told me today in song:

We are the world/Heal the world. We all are struggling but giving a dollar to the man on the street, voluntee and looking outside of your own self in this recession that has gripped us around the world, he told me today, to wake back up people.

Gone to soon. Tell your loved ones that you love them, today.

Human Nature. We are all sinners but in the end we are just dust in the wind and I do good works and with pureness of heart, I will know why everything is done in due time when I return to (God, Allah, Yahweh, Ishvara or whatever name you choose to call).


Well-known member
On a different note, Al Sharpton is usually funny to me as of late. Since Obama was running he has showed tremendous discipline in staying out of the way.

But today, Al Sharpton told the TRUTH.
When he said "There was nothing strange about your daddy. It was strange what your daddy had to deal with, but he dealt with it."

I stood up at my desk and started clapping. Those kids needed to hear that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Well I was adopted by my father when I was two and he is my Daddy...and their is no amount of blood that could make him more my father...the funny thing is everyone has always said I look just like my father...the same goes for my son...He was adopted by my husband and that is daddy....it really takes more than a sperm donor to be a true father or mother for that matter. So if you ask my dad who my father is he will say he is my father without hesitation no further explanation the same with my husband regarding our son...not that they are being untruthful...just how they see it

I think that's a little different, Tish. If I am not mistaken Michael claimed that those were his biological children. He was asked point blank and if they are not there lies the untruth. Like I said, he loved those kids and raised them and for that they are his children and he was their father.

On another note, I am going to go back and watch Al Sharpton's segment. I fast forwarded through it when I played it back but in light of what everyone is saying it may be worth watching.

TamEva Le Fay

Well-known member
Michael haunts me.

He will haunt me for some time to come on various levels.

The spell of magic he cast on me during the eighties is so completely vivid, so clear, as if it was yesterday.

You listened to his atmospheric Thriller album in the dark and he took you away while you were being hypnotized by the tricks being played on the lights of the stereo equalizer. Pure MAGIC!

You really don't know what to be fascinated with more - his music, or his voice, but the both of them together...

Michael will haunt me for as long as it will take me to wrap my head around this tragedy, and that's fine by me because I will never accept it, as much as I will never understand it.

My favorite of his - is his lullaby to Ben. Completely burned upon my soul that song.

Thank you, Michael, for giving us music we can feel. We are immeasurably rich because of it.

Michael will be Peaceful, but he won't be resting. He has a lot of work to do on the other side!


Stevie Wonder is my HERO!
His memorial song contribution for Michael "Never Dreamed You'd Leave in Summer" was his "Candle In The Wind". I get the shivers everytime I hear Stevie sing it for him. So incredibly amazing! Bless you Mr. Wonder!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by aziajs
I am sitting here crying now as I read all of your posts.

This was just amazing. The memorial was so well done and so well thought out, such a befitting way to memorialize him. He was a man with a family and friends and I think that we all knew that but we forget it. I loved seeing him through the eyes of the people he shared his life with. I really hope he is watching all of this and he can really see how much he changed the world and how he touched people. And I don't say that to be warm and sentimental. I really hope that he can see the love that people have for him in his death that maybe we didn't show when he was alive.

That's what we were saying over here. we hope he can see how much people loved him. I have not cry that hard in a long long time


Well-known member
What a beautiful memorial. I think that Michael would have been so proud to see what an amazing job they did for him. I cried pretty much through out the show, but especially when they wheeled out his casket & when Paris spoke. I'm also not a huge Sharpton fan, but I completely agreed with & appreciated everything he had to say. I'm still a bit teary this morning & I'm sure my eyes are pretty swollen from crying last night. I love you Michael & I miss you so much.


Well-known member
The memorial service was probably one of the most touching events I have ever had the chance to see. There was so much love for Michael. There is still so much love for him. I still can't believe he is gone. I'm not usually an emotional person but I was moved to tears by the service on more than one occasion. Jennifer Hudson singing Will You Be There, Jermaine singing Smile, Marlon speaking at the end and Paris crying were just too much.

He sure had amazing gifts. Not just his talent but his ability to bring together so many different people and different cultures. I LOVE you Michael and will miss you. Thank you for giving so much to the world!


Well-known member
michael's memorial service was beautiful. i was pretty much teared up through the whole thing but usher, jermaine jackson, and paris jackson made me lose it a few times.
and al sharpton's speech....... AMAZING. i loved it. the part i loved the most was directed towards his children "i want michael's 3 kids to know their daddy wasn't strange. what was strange was what he had to put up with"

loved it

R.I.P. MICHAEL. You are truly happy now


Well-known member
Today is a better day for me...maybe because it is not on the news every 5 mins....or maybe because I am still reflecting on how great his memorial tribute was. He would have been so happy....

In life I think the public/fans demand to know too much of celebrities personal business..when it is not their business to know...The only thing that was inportant about Michael Jackson is that he brought great music, great performances and great joy through his talent to so many people around the world.
Decisions he made regarding his personal life choices that has no affect on other people are his and God's burdens to bear. So I personally don't see what it matters what he did regarding his kids. plastic surgery etc......What is important as far as we should be concerned is what he brought to our lives...which is a lot of Joy and good music for the past 40 years for me!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
Today is a better day for me...maybe because it is not on the news every 5 mins....or maybe because I am still reflecting on how great his memorial tribute was. He would have been so happy....

In life I think the public/fans demand to know too much of celebrities personal business..when it is not their business to know...The only thing that was inportant about Michael Jackson is that he brought great music, great performances and great joy through his talent to so many people around the world.
Decisions he made regarding his personal life choices that has no affect on other people are his and God's burdens to bear. So I personally don't see what it matters what he did regarding his kids. plastic surgery etc......What is important as far as we should be concerned is what he brought to our lives...which is a lot of Joy and good music for the past 40 years for me!

that is so true!!! the countless interviews on what he's done to his face. it's no one's business!! whether he's had the alleged 2 nose jobs or the 25 facial surgeries some plastic surgeons speculate him to have had. he's said all the time about being teased about his nose being big and it obviously had a huge impact on him so there should be no surprise that he worked on it. i personally feel it was extreme but what i feel is irrelevent. we have no idea how severely he may have been effected by that. especially coming from his dad. we expect to be teased growing up by kids in school and our other peers. not to come home and receive the same treatment there as well. they ask about him bleaching his skin. well they should have asked themselves what they would do if they were in a situation where vitiligo was ruining the melanocytes and causing them to appear patchy. if michael walked around with patches of his own skin and even bigger patches of extremely white skin the media STILL would have had some negative shit to say about it. can you blame him for evening out his skintone?? not to mention the man had lupus which when you have flares you get the butterfly rashes across your face. then there was talks about him wearing wigs, totally ignoring the fact that this man suffered 3rd degree burns on his scalp in 1983 when his head caught on fire. skin that has suffered 3rd degree burns doesn't grow hair but none of that was taken into account. he got a lot of shit regarding his looks from the media and the bottom line was that it was really no ones business. i can't imagine somebody interviewing me and asking how many plastic surgeries i've had and why or if i bleach my skin because i'm ashamed of being black (which is what a lot of tabloids and media used say and shiteous assumption at that) and whats up with my hair. that man took a lot of shit and still did what the did. i admire him and i freakin love michael for remaining a kind and giving man through all that.


Well-known member
Thanks Ladybug!!

Man if I had the money and I could have kept from being patchy and just had all the melanin removed from my skin I would have too...Unfortunately most people with vitiligo don't have those type of funds to have those options ... Now all the PS...yeap those were personal choices I guess...Only he knows why he chose those extremes

YouTube - Michael Jackson and Vitiligo


Well-known member
^^ it was so sad!! we know he didn't do that shit for shit's and giggles. the mans whole BODY was uneven. and he's a huge celebrity... i mean, that was probably his only option.
he was SO pretty though when thriller came out. OMG!! he was hot. i hated jerry curls but i would have dated him and that curl. lol!


Well-known member
hey everyone, just an update. i was lucky enough to be in l.a. the past week during a friend's business trip so my daughter & i had time to see all the mj related stuff while we were there. hollywood was definitely mj crazy this week. it was very surreal.

i registered to get tickets to his memorial but was unfortunately denied. anyway, i thought you guys might enjoy seeing these pictures.
most were taken at the house he was at when he passed away & the other is his star on hollywood blvd.

* i apologize for the quality. had to take these with my phone since i was a dummy & forgot my real camera!



Well-known member
I really wish people were kinder to Michael when he was alive. It took him dying and his doctor coming out on Larry King saying he had Vitligo for some people to believe it. Why didn't some people believe it when it came out of his mouth? It bothered Michael *so* much to have so many people saying and believing he didn't want to be black. This man was a very proud African American. He was a black history *nut*. It really makes me angry that he couldn't be beleived when he was alive.

Also, I just want to say a big thank you to everyone in this thread who had alot of really great and truthful things to say. So much is misunderstood about the 1993 "settlement". Alot of people don't realize that the first suit the Chandler family filed against him was for molestation....and Michael TURNED IT DOWN! But that isn't ever mentioned in the media. When he turned that down, the chandlers (Well, Evan, anyway) came back at him with a suit claiming Negligence without *one* mention of sexual misconduct or molestation of any kind. Evan claimed negligence occured at Neverland. Well, in the 2003 trial, a document was entered into evidence that pointed out that Home Owner insurance can take over (and quite possibly did) civil suits claiming negligence which occur in the home (Like if someone slips on ice on your property and they sue you-Home Owner's Insurance pays them) and settle them over the protests of the Owner (Michael Jackson.)

Unfortunately, Michael couldn't ever come out and point out all these things because of the confidentiality agreement considering the boy's age at the time. So...Alot of that whole thing was manipulated in the media to make Michael look like he settled out of guilt.

But anyway, It was really nice for me to see so many sweet, loving and respectful comments in this thread:) Thank you guys-it really made me feel alot better after being bombarded with the negativity in the media. God Bless you guys!

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