Michael Jackson Passes Away...


Well-known member
first off, fuck that congressman dude. seriously.

anyway, im gonna try my BEST to get it together today. i already know im gonna be crying like heck. i've never been so distraught over a "celebrity" death before in my life. i was super hurt when Luther passed cuz he's my FAVORITE male vocalist ever after Marvin, but i have childhood memories of michael, and i just feel like his music helped raise me in some weird way. what a fucking loss. im so sad today.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
Congressman on Jackson: 'He Was a Pedophile' | TMZ.com

This guy really pisses me off! You would think that a congressman would have more important things to worry about than how much media coverage MJ is getting. What right does this guy who doesn't know MJ or anything that happened in his situation to call him a pedophile? What would he like for the media to cover? Maybe they should give more coverage on how politicians like to cheat on their wives & spend tax payers hard earned money on trips to visit their mistresses. Obviously this guy just wants attention.

My thing with that is that I'm sure he's in no position to start throwing accusations and talking shit. He's just a scandal away from being infamous. Politicians do too much dirt to be righteous.


Well-known member
I'm gonna be such a mess today. I know I will be holding back tears all day at work. RIP MJ, I will miss you more than words can express......


Well-known member
^ I agree...I have been doing pretty good for the past few days...I am sure today will bring back day one for me again......I just pray his soul is finally at peace now.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
first off, fuck that congressman dude. seriously.

anyway, im gonna try my BEST to get it together today. i already know im gonna be crying like heck. i've never been so distraught over a "celebrity" death before in my life. i was super hurt when Luther passed cuz he's my FAVORITE male vocalist ever after Marvin, but i have childhood memories of michael, and i just feel like his music helped raise me in some weird way. what a fucking loss. im so sad today.

What's Going On is seriously one of my favorite albums ever.

And apparently they're burying MJ at Forest Lawn? They have notoriously tight security there, but I bet keeping those hordes back is going to be an enormous challenge.

Shadowy Lady

Well-known member
guys, I went clubbing this past Saturday wearing a fedora MJ style (like the one he wears in smooth criminal). The DJ played Smooth Criminal and dedicated it to "the lady wearing a fedora"
it was so sweet but I wanted to cry.

I'm still not used to MJ being dead. I don't want to watch the memorial


Well-known member
Amazing memorial....All speakers were fantastic...the fans were great....It was just A+ all the way....Just when I heard one person speak and sing I thought okay that tore me up...then another person tore me up even more...It was just well organized and dignified....Every person that spoke and performed was exceptional...

And as Rep Shelia Jackson Lee said.. We live in the world where we believe in the Constitution...which reads....A man is innocent until proven guilty!


Well-known member
^ yep same here...I was crying from the very beginning. Very touching. It's still so surreal.


Well-known member
It was wonderful. I cried a lot.
I cried because i'm in pain. My heart's literally aching. But i will smile even if my heart's aching.

The prayer was amazing. Amen. God bless you Michael.
I just can't believe you're gone, simply because you're not.


Well-known member
When Paris spoke, I litteraly cried all over the place
At least nobody noticed here at the office... o_0

Very touching memorial


Well-known member
that was one of the hardest things for me to watch. i lost it when they brought out his casket. i lost it when Lionel sang. I lost it when Queen Latifah spoke. I rose to my feet when Al Sharpton spoke (i dont like him, but he delivered the truth today so he gets a pass lol). I cried watching his picture montage. I literally BURST into tears when Paris spoke.

still very surreal to me, but starting to sink in.



Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissResha
that was one of the hardest things for me to watch. i lost it when they brought out his casket. i lost it when Lionel sang. I lost it when Queen Latifah spoke. I rose to my feet when Al Sharpton spoke (i dont like him, but he delivered the truth today so he gets a pass lol). I cried watching his picture montage. I literally BURST into tears when Paris spoke.

still very surreal to me, but starting to sink in.


I said the same thing...I called my Mom and said, mommy you know I am not a fan of Al Sharpton...But he brought me to my knees today.....


Well-known member
the memorial was incredible.. just amazing to watch.

I'll be honest, I never thought his death would affect me as much as it has. I was shocked when I first heard the news of his death and now i'm sitting here crying my eyes out. I guess part of what makes it so sad is that not only was he was misunderstood by so many people but the media/tabloids were always so unfair with the way they judged him.

thanks to this memorial people got a final glimpse of who Michael really was. The son, the brother, and the father of those 3 little kids.

I lost it when his daughter spoke.. and also, it was so sad to hear his brother say "maybe now, Michael, they will leave you alone.." when he was referring to the way the media treated him.

we'll miss you, Michael.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
the memorial was incredible.. just amazing to watch.

I'll be honest, I never thought his death would affect me as much as it has. I was shocked when I first heard the news of his death and now i'm sitting here crying my eyes out. I guess part of what makes it so sad is that not only was he was misunderstood by so many people but the media/tabloids were always so unfair with the way they judged him.

thanks to this memorial people got a final glimpse of who Michael really was. The son, the brother, and the father of those 3 little kids.

I lost it when his daughter spoke.. and also, it was so sad to hear his brother say "maybe now, Michael, they will leave you alone.." when he was referring to the way the media treated him.

we'll miss you, Michael.

definatly agree, when his daughter spoke I was in tears. and the part you quoted michaels brother on.. took the words right out of my mouth.


Well-known member
I am sitting here crying now as I read all of your posts.

This was just amazing. The memorial was so well done and so well thought out, such a befitting way to memorialize him. He was a man with a family and friends and I think that we all knew that but we forget it. I loved seeing him through the eyes of the people he shared his life with. I really hope he is watching all of this and he can really see how much he changed the world and how he touched people. And I don't say that to be warm and sentimental. I really hope that he can see the love that people have for him in his death that maybe we didn't show when he was alive.


Well-known member
Paris killed me. I just broke down bawling.

That one moment humanized him more than anything could; a little girl who loves her daddy.


Well-known member
I actually didn't cry as much as I expected. I just teared up, constantly wiping the tears away with my sleeve, but no actual bawling.

Then Paris spoke and I seriously just burst into tears. I completely lost it. I'm tearing up just thinking about it.

It was such a beautiful memorial and I'm glad his family was there, including his kids.
Now that we all got a good view of his kids, I can definitely see that they are black. Thay have to be his biological children.


Well-known member
^My thought exactly...They may not be his but they are def bi-racial kids ...so not buying the dermatologist and the Ms Rowe mix...the oldest son...if he is not his he damn sure has the same look as he did ... I kept going dang he looks like Michael


Well-known member
Originally Posted by TISH1124
^My thought exactly...They may not be his but they are def bi-racial kids ...so not buying the dermatologist and the Ms Rowe mix...the oldest son...if he is not his he damn sure has the same look as he did ... I kept going dang he looks like Michael

Yeah! me too! it's incredible..

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