Michael Jackson Passes Away...


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^^ Not believing him and believing all the lies sold more magazines and was more news worthy.....Ironic how after the boy who came out said it was all a lie his father made him tell for money regarding the child molestaion charges...No more talk has even been whispered by all the people so quick to call him a Pedophile...Yet the talk went on 10 years before even when he was found Not Guilty....Funny how the truth really makes people quiet as church mice, when they were so quick to point the finger before.


Well-known member
I don't think anyone thinks he was any more normal at his time of death than they did a year ago. I doubt much has changed as far as respective perspective. It's just there's no point debating it now. Those who want to anoint him, will. Those who don't, won't.


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Originally Posted by Shimmer
ohnotheydidnt: Michael Jackson Neverland Ranch -- The Raid Photos

it looks like trailer house furniture. =/

The way he was living surprised me. At first I thought the pics were taken after they had gone through and raided the house because I know how the cops trash a house when they raid it. But, I was watching video of the raid and they were going from room to room with some of his staff and the place was just a mess. It reminded me a little of those chicks from Grey Gardens.


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Originally Posted by Casadalinnis
This will one will throw you for a loop. I'm the same person who posted that I was a fan of his until those allegations came out and that it changed my view of him. I won't lie and say I feel any different about the way he lived his lifestyle but did stay off Specktra and avoid talking about it in a negative way since I posted on here originally. Instead of putting out views that might be too much for people to handle, I went and purchased the memorial since I missed it originally. It's sad that Baltimore has it available on dvd already but I watched it and cried through at least half of it. I pretty much said as a child, I loved this man to death and I should at least show enough respect to see if he was given a fair send off.

He was and to be honest, Brooke Shields made me cry with her stories of what he was like and her quips about it. I even cried when Al Sharpton spoke because of the way he addressed his kids and I cried when John Mayer played the instrumental of Human Nature. I cried when his brother sang Smile and I broke down immensely when his daughter spoke. In all honesty, I may not have full understanding of what his life became after the first allegations but I made sure not to spew negativity when people could be too sensitive and do something rash.

I also bought the video collections Greatest Hits and bought something called History on Film 2. I missed a song by him because I stopped listening to his music and now I can say I at least got to hear it....yes, thank BET for bringing it to my attention. I had never heard the song They Don't Care About Us but the prison video Spike Lee directed is probably one of the most powerful I've seen this year...raised fists and all.

I can be mature enough to say the man made a lot of statements with his music and that was at least a plus out of the confusion his life became. I was kind of miffed that a friend wanted me to burn the discs so he could sell them but I opted out of that as it's going on other places regardless. The amount of vendors downtown even now is completely morbid and uncalled for but you can't stop people from doing what they're doing. Before anybody gets mad, I was not able to see the memorial except through youtube and I wanted to see it in entirity...not out of morbid curiosity but to see that the man be celebrated at least for something when the news was already talking about who was going to get the kids. I don't support bootlegging usually but go figure, someone else profited immensely off me wanting to be respectful....greedy people are coming further out of the woodworks every week it seems.

I did end up buying a Jackson 5 album that someone remixed because they were songs that I loved as a child....if you come across something called The Stripped Mixes 2009, the vocals are clearer than I ever remember hearing as a child. I've listened to it off and on and just, it's amazing. Now I'd stay away from the Living with Michael Jackson documentary if you're a fan because that one even shocked me. Just giving you a warning because it's all over youtube and people in this thread really wouldn't approve but that's just my opinion.

*most* fans have seen the Martin Bashir documentary.The only thing I can tell you about that is Uri Gellar basically sold Michael jackson to Martin bashir for 200,000 dollars and convinced Michael to do this. Martin twisted *everything*. I suggest you take a look at the special "Living with Michael Jackson Take Two: The Footage You were never meant to see" if you want to be fair about it. The only think really shocking part of the Martin bashir documentary is his two faced lying. He contradicts statements in his voice over during his orginal program to statements he made to Michael that Michael's camera crew filmed. Michael films *everything*, and Martin knew he was filming their interviews as well.

He also left out *so* many things that made Michael look really good. From explaining the bay/balcony incident(When Michael said yes, it wasn't his finest moment but it lasted two seconds and he did know better but he didn't realize the baby's legs were over the rail.) To Michael discussing Vitligo, the rumours he takes female hormones, the rumours he is gay, etc etc.
There's also alot of footage that was shown in the court room that no one saw unless you were there in the court room. Michael and Bashir discussing The problem with catholics and the molestation allegations against leaders in the catholic church (Michael said how they were in big trouble, how sad it was, how it happens alot in orthadox mormon religon, etc etc- Things a pedophile would not say, in other words,lol)
Also some funny moments that were unfortunately edited out by Bashir because Michael was being cute *rolls eyes* Michael talked about liking flying because he liked how the stewardesses took care of him and was teasing Martin about flight attendants and Martin basically trying to steer the convo back to Plastic surgery or something stupid.
I'm not being biased, I'm talking from a place that knows a little somethin' somethin' about the whole incident.

The Raid Photos.... If you guys saw Neverland in it's prime when Michael was living there with his children it was amazing. Seriously guys, think for a minute-how the hell would that be the everyday state of his house when he had a bunch of maids and employees who kept the whole place nice and neat? But I know he had moved a bunch of stuff from storage back to neverland shortly before the surprise raid so that probably accounted for some of the mess. But what throws most people off are the manniqueins and people find it creepy that he has them all around the house. They'd always make me jump out of my skin cuz you'd think they were real,LOL, But it was kind of a psychological thing. He was always a lonely guy and so he had mannaquins around so he felt he was never alone. In all honestly though, people always talked about how reclusive he was but he really did enjoy being with his friends and family and he would go on vacations with Brett Ratner, Chris tucker and some close family friends and his kids had playmates and things so the media is wrong about them never being around other children. Also-I just wanted to throw this out there....be careful in what you listen/watch and believe because alot of the media are using gossip sites and tabloids like the sun as their source,lol.

For people who like Michael Jackson or would perhaps like to see a different side of him other than what the media shows you, you should you tube "Michael jackson's Private Home Movies" It's a special he did, oh, about 6 or 7 years ago. He filmd it and narrarated it when he was recovering from some health problems but it a fantastic special-it's funny and sweet. If you guys watch it, let me know what you think!!

Alot of people don't know that the investigators went into places they didn't even have warrents for,lol. Ya'll should see this *fantastic* lecture Tom mesearu did at Harvard. Seeing that lecture changed alot of people's minds. Santa Barbabra had more man power and had more detectives raiding Neverland than they have on a sereal killer case. *blinks* Unbelievable

But Michael generally didn't let maids clean his childrens' rooms because they had chores to do and keeping their room nice was one of them, LOL. Michael was really firm in not wanting his kids to be spoiled-but he did spoil them some on birthdays and holidays because he couldn't help himself, LoL.

Neverland was really beautiful though and he had some incredible art and incredible furniture. (Although I will be the first to admit alot of his taste was tacky but that was who he was so it was endearing at the same time,LoL) My mom wanted this cherry wood and green leather chair he had-it was carved and realllly beautiful. My mom and him actually had really similar taste in furniture and my step dad and him has the whole love of magic in common so he was always after Michael's magic tricks. But yeah anyway....

"Before you judge me, try hard to love me-look within your heart, then ask....Have you seen my childhood?"- Childhood, Michael Jackson


Well-known member
An Article you should check out:

This article was written by award winning inestigative journalist (you know-a real award winning investigative journalists-not the ones who just claim to be,LMAO) GQ Article – WAS MICHAEL JACKSON FRAMED? THE FLOACIST And yeah, those tapes mentioned in the artcile *do* exist and you can hear clips of them on youtube from various news reports. After they leaked to the media, the chandlers wanted nothing to do with a criminal investigation and filed a civil suit.


Well-known member
MissBritt - Thank you so much for your posts and for the videos you attached. I did read about the Bashir interview and the fact that he twisted Michael's words. Apparently Michael wasn't happy with the way the interview was edited and presented to the public. And now that I see the video of him holding his baby over the balcony I can definitely understand why he didn't see the rail. He should've been more careful of course, but the way he was holding the baby he couldn't see how close or how low the rail was in front of him.

There's a scene in the Bashir interview that really stuck out to me.. When they're in the car and some guy starts dancing in the middle of the street. Michael bursts out laughing in a way I had never heard him before. It reminded me of Brooke Shields and the words she had for Michael at his memorial. Another sweet moment was when he was holding and feeding Blanket... you could tell he really loved and cared for his children.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1
MissBritt - Thank you so much for your posts and for the videos you attached. I did read about the Bashir interview and the fact that he twisted Michael's words. Apparently Michael wasn't happy with the way the interview was edited and presented to the public. And now that I see the video of him holding his baby over the balcony I can definitely understand why he didn't see the rail. He should've been more careful of course, but the way he was holding the baby he couldn't see how close or how low the rail was in front of him.

There's a scene in the Bashir interview that really stuck out to me.. When they're in the car and some guy starts dancing in the middle of the street. Michael bursts out laughing in a way I had never heard him before. It reminded me of Brooke Shields and the words she had for Michael at his memorial. Another sweet moment was when he was holding and feeding Blanket... you could tell he really loved and cared for his children.

Thank you, sweetie! Yeah, Michael did have a fantastic laugh-very very contagious. He loved laughing. When Michael was backstage at the Bambi Awards in germany, Bashir was with him and Bashir clapped for some reason and Michael got a giggle fit over it because Bashir did it sooo loud and that tickled Michael,LOL.

He freely admitted that the Balcony thing was a mistake and that it was by far his finest moment. He said "I knew better and I didn't know Blanket's legs were over the rail" etc etc. He also said he understood why people got upset because he has seen parent throw their kids up in the air and catch them and it always made him nervous. He got pretty well ribbed over that incident,lol, even though the incident with Steve Irwin holding his child while feeding a croc was really glossed over- He didn't get nearly as much crap as Michael did and after Steve passed away, they didn't play the footage from it over and over again the way they're doing with Michael and the balcony.

Oh, btw, just wanted to vent something. I'm ticked that so many of Michael's friends/family's photos are being stolen and sold from private facebook accounts. What the hell is wrong with people? I'm sick of seeing them-I mean-some friends gave some photos to people to show on tv/magazines or whatever but.... Arggggh! Some friends that had their photos stolen are suing tmz though so....just goes to show you how slimey tmz can be,lol


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissBrittB87
Here's the first part of that special I was talking about "Michael Jackson's private Home Movies"

YouTube - Michael Jackson - Private home movies 1

And part 2
YouTube - Michael Jackson - Private home movies 2
^ I love Elizabeth:) This is so sad to watch now but still sweet
There's more parts but I'm not gonna put them all up.

First off, thanks so much for sharing this & for all the information you have shared with us. I wanted to know if you know if this video is available for purchase somewhere?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't think anyone thinks he was any more normal at his time of death than they did a year ago. I doubt much has changed as far as respective perspective. It's just there's no point debating it now. Those who want to anoint him, will. Those who don't, won't.

Oops, double post!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't think anyone thinks he was any more normal at his time of death than they did a year ago. I doubt much has changed as far as respective perspective. It's just there's no point debating it now. Those who want to anoint him, will. Those who don't, won't.

Normal means different things to different people, who are we to say what is normal for someone else? Especially someone whom we don't even know. I'll quote Al Sharpton's message to Michael's children at his Memorial service "Wasn't nothing strange about your Daddy, it was strange what he had to put up with!"

All I know is that I loved him through all the ups & downs. My opinion of him never changed. And it breaks my heart that he is gone.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by alka1

There's a scene in the Bashir interview that really stuck out to me.. When they're in the car and some guy starts dancing in the middle of the street. Michael bursts out laughing in a way I had never heard him before. It reminded me of Brooke Shields and the words she had for Michael at his memorial. Another sweet moment was when he was holding and feeding Blanket... you could tell he really loved and cared for his children.

omg i LOVE that part of the interview! that just tells you michael was probably a clown at home. lol! you could tell he loved laughing, joking and having a good time.
it's all still so sad tho because those times of laughing and playing around aren't enough to overcome a deep depression. he seemed like such a sweet sweet person but was condemned constantly because he was so eccentric ya know?
but he is truly happy now. i believe his kids made him the happiest father on this earth but after years of depression and living with serious diseases that people made fun of him for and addictions to pain killers and being defamed by horrible allegations not once but TWICE for the whole world to see........... that man was living with a shitload of turmoil in him..... i can't even begin to imagine the pain he's felt.
all this bullshit but still such a great talent and performer. NEVER will there be another.
that man was genius


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Nyla2120
First off, thanks so much for sharing this & for all the information you have shared with us. I wanted to know if you know if this video is available for purchase somewhere?

It unfortunately was never officially released on dvd or anything. It aired on fox years ago as a special. Hopefully they will release it. If you'd like, I'd be more than willing to send you a copy of it-free of charge, of course. Just pm me if you're interested:)

And Lauren and alka, Michael loved to laugh. Sometimes he'd get "the giggles" and be unable to stop laughing. Unfortunately, this happened once during an interview with a Japanese Journalist. I thiiiink there's footage of that on you tube somewhere. His laugh is infectious to say the least. He did deal with an awful lot in his life and he was incredibly strong.

I think it's sad that often, people didn't see him for what he really was. A very sweet, funny, generous man who was very much a child at heart in a lot of ways but also *very* much a man in alot of ways too. He was honestly generous to a fault. When fans would wait outside hotels, he'd have a bunch of pizzas ordered and sent out to them, or if it was cold, he'd send them hot cocoa, he'd throw blankets and pillows from the hotel to them so they were comfortable-which he later had to reinburse the hotel for, of course,LOL. This is not mentioning the incredible and extremely hands on charity work he did. He didn't just give money. He gave his time and he gave of himself. People often think he was a child in a man's body and that's completely untrue. He never claimed to be a child, he said he believed there was alot people could learn from children and it was good to be "Child-like" not childish but child-like, he LOVED fun. He was a very mature, intelligent, red blooded man though too. He was quite flirtacious in his own reserved and gentlemanly way. He had an awful lot of respect for women though and that's why he never went on telivision very often and discuss his sex life or who he dated or did not date, which seems to be something celebrities do all the time these days...He just was not that type of person and was from a completely different generation.

I also think alot of people misunderstood the whole "sharing beds" thing. Firstly, he never ever said-on the Martin Bashir doc.-that he slept in the bed with the kid. He slept on the floor and gave the bed to the kid, his brother and sister. His close friend, Frank Cascio an adult and long time friend of Michael's was there the whole time as well. But the DA in the case named him, Mike La Perruque ( A long time bodyguard of Michael's and a retired Police Sergeant-a very credible witness for the defense) and several other well informed, morally sound witnesses for the defense unindicted co-conspirator so they couldn't testify or were very limited in what they could say in Michael's defense.

I'd like to point out as well, as the sister of a detective (who unfortunately for some time believed Michael to be guilty having not met him/talked to him/spent time with him himself at that point),lol-that Michael admired police an awful lot. (Unfortunately, he had some crappy experiences with some) His mentor, long time head of security and basically a father to Michael-a man named Bill Bray was a retired police officer who was literally with Michael *everywhere*. Michael visited police stations around the country and world and they'd give him "Special Officer" badges. He took photos with police, ran with milatary and police. He really admired them and loved to talk with them. Because he looked up to Bill bray so much. (Bill passed away a few years ago:-( ) Michael's security were often retired or off duty police. *This* is what made my brother-my cynical, detective brother-stop and think, look into the charges and accusations against Michael, read about them-Not the bs articles by biased media but journalists like Linda Duetcsh. And he same to the conclusion Michael was an innocent man.

But beyond all that, I wanted to point out that something that baffles me is why no one mentions about sharing his bed with kids. (And plenty of adults-including Liz taylor, LMAO and family friends, whoever-everyone would pile in his bed and watch a movie or something) Michael lived in a two bedroom home with 5 brothers and three sisters. Michael slept in the same bed as his brothers for *years*. Even when they were on the road before all the groupie crap started going down, Michael *still* shared a bed with his brothers because there were so damned many of them! LOL Michael and sharing his bed was not a sexual thing in every instance. I'm not saying he never had sex in his bed,lOL-It just was NOT with children.

I hope my long replies on the subject of Michael are not annoying, and I hope if they are getting on people's nerves that they will just choose not the read them. Because I honestly feel the need to express all of this. Now more than ever, it's difficult for me to see some of the negative and downright disgusting things people are saying in the media and in the public in general. Oh-and anyone who wanted to read a book about Michael, if you go into the store and see Michael Jackson: Unmasked by Ian Halprnin, DON'T WASTE YOUR HARD EARNED MONEY. This guys is ridiculous and soooo tabloidish. This same man has been reporting on his sleazy website that Angelina Jolie is sexually attracted to plants, animals, and her own children and has had incestuous relationships her whole life. So....I mean, he's beyond ridiculous. He claims to have become a hair dresser to get close to Michael Jackson,LOL, when Michael had a hair and makeup artist he used consistently for close to 30 years. Lisa Campbell wrote two really good books on Michael, "On the Record" is a fabulous one, Michael's own books "Moonwalk" and "Dancing the dream are also fantastic. They are out of print now and extremely expensive but you can go on You'll Always Be Remembered Michael Jackson and read both books there.

Anyway, I'll shut up for now,LOL!


Well-known member
^^ your replies are long as hell but i don't mind them. lol!! i cannot stomach this man who has published "unmasked". it's just sickening to me....


Well-known member
LOL! I know they are, ugh,LOL. But I feel there's so much said negatively towards him-I might as well rant,lol.

But yeah, I have noooo idea why Ian is being taken seriously enough to go on shows and talk like he knows anything. He's a sleaze ball who basically says everyone in hollywood is gay. Like-85%. It's ridiculous. Like he would have any definite facts to know that.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MissBrittB87
LOL! I know they are, ugh,LOL. But I feel there's so much said negatively towards him-I might as well rant,lol.

But yeah, I have noooo idea why Ian is being taken seriously enough to go on shows and talk like he knows anything. He's a sleaze ball who basically says everyone in hollywood is gay. Like-85%. It's ridiculous. Like he would have any definite facts to know that.

the thing that sucks though is that people will believe negative shit before they believe positive things you know? for disgusting people like him, what better way to make money than to drag someone of michael's status through the mud. especially in death.
i've never thought the man was gay to begin with but if michael were gay??? not that it's an issue being gay but that shit would have been out everywhere and HUGE! and i'm not talking the national enquirer stories who at this moment is claiming michelle is pissed because of baracks alleged gay lover. i'm talking big stories. coming from the actual person being him or someone he was actually involved with. when there's money involved and you're dealing with snakes, why would these people give their "story" to someone else for THAT person to make money off of rather than trying to sell that crappy story themselves so THEY can get paid, ya know? michael may have left himself vulnerable to be accused twice of molesting those dumbass kids but he wouldn't have been dumb enough to just go around doing that as freely as this guy is saying. and i'm not referring to the gay part. there is nothing wrong with being gay. i'm referring to how ian is making it seem like michael was some huge whore who was always out with prostitutes and meeting people in damn near quarantine hotels. give me a fucking break...... and saying how he liked to dress as a woman. michael resembled a female already because he wore those long luscious wigs. it had nothing to do with him wanting to LOOK like a female. shit, he needed a wig. and given his past and what has always been trademark for him, he'd need a long straight one or a long curly one. can you imagine mike walking around with a box wig??? or a teenie weenie afro? he'd look stupid as hell! so yeah, long wig it is.
if michael was gay, then whatever but to throw it out there and accuse him of the other shit while he isn't even fresh in a grave yet??? he's a sick opportunist
not saying he should wait til he's buried. i'm just using that to show that he is an opportunist.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Lauren1981
omg i LOVE that part of the interview! that just tells you michael was probably a clown at home. lol! you could tell he loved laughing, joking and having a good time.
it's all still so sad tho because those times of laughing and playing around aren't enough to overcome a deep depression. he seemed like such a sweet sweet person but was condemned constantly because he was so eccentric ya know?
but he is truly happy now. i believe his kids made him the happiest father on this earth but after years of depression and living with serious diseases that people made fun of him for and addictions to pain killers and being defamed by horrible allegations not once but TWICE for the whole world to see........... that man was living with a shitload of turmoil in him..... i can't even begin to imagine the pain he's felt.
all this bullshit but still such a great talent and performer. NEVER will there be another.
that man was genius

yeah, I had to rewind the video to watch it again because I wasn't sure if that was him laughing. And didn't your heart just break when he took his kids to the zoo? How he and his children were immediately swarmed by hundreds of people...

something Whoopi said earlier today : "That's part of fame. ... That's one of the things people don't realize that people can write whatever they want - and you spend a lifetime trying to say 'I actually didn't say this'" The media can write a bunch of bs and people will just eat it up. They believe everything they read.. and with Michael, it wasn't just the US media talking.. it was the media around the world - across the globe.

also wanted to add this - I just heard Barbara Walters read a quote by Michael Jackson in which he describes how his father abused him. Barbara was like 'this makes me want to cry..'; I wanted to cry as well. ugh

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