Micropigmented Eyebrows!!!

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Yes ladies and gentleman, today I got my eyebrows micropigmented. They're super black at the moment but it will fade to a dark brown, matching my hair colour.

Let me know what you think, please!!!



Well-known member
micropigmented.... is that similar to getting ur eyebrows tattooed on?

i think the shape is really nice on you.. but it is really dark.... i would love to see this when it lightens up some...

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Yep it's like a tattoo, but it lasts only like 2 years, then it fades... it will be chocolate brown when it heals


Well-known member
oh awsome....... i like it..... looks great on u.... atleast now u dont have to worry to much on filling in the brows

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Originally Posted by hyperRealGurl
oh awsome....... i like it..... looks great on u.... atleast now u dont have to worry to much on filling in the brows

Yep!! I can swim now happy hahaha
I will still make retouch them with the angle brush and e/s (haha, I'm a perfectionist!) but at least if I'm in a rush now I have symmetrical eyebrows
I felt so naked when I didn't fill them in!!

And I want to grow them out a bit more to cover the "tattoo" so this will be a good guide!


Well-known member
Wow, I've never even heard of micropigmented. Sheesh, the stuff they come up with these days, I can't even keep up lol.

Anyway, they look great even though their really dark but once they lighten up I'm sure its gonna look just as nice as they nornally do =)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Miss Pumpkin
Yep it's like a tattoo, but it lasts only like 2 years, then it fades... it will be chocolate brown when it heals

i think they look great! is the procedure the same as getting a tattoo?? needles & such?? *shudder*

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
It is the same procedure but trust me it doesn't hurt at all! I'm thinking of getting my lipliner done too, in a very subtle colour... Just to have perfect shaped lips


Well-known member
nice ... i've been wanting to do it but i haven't found a good place yet. i have very black thick eyebrows that i love and i'd only want to get an outline of the shape so i dont have to constantly go and get my eyebrows waxed and i can actually do it on my own!!!

do u have normally very thin eyebrows? i'm just wondering if it'll be too much since my eyebrows are already black and thick. but i'd love to get an outline done.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Thanks girls!!!

I'm all anxious now because I want to see the final results, but I have to wait like 2 weeks for the colour to be ready.

Amoona, even if you have thick eyebrows you can get it done. I still have hairs in mine, but you can't really see them now because it's all black from the pigment. They just reshape and fix any asymmetry you might have, and fill in gaps if you have them

My eyebrows were very thin though and I was sick of filling them in every morning!


Well-known member
they look great! the shape is awesome
im getting a tattoo on my foot today and i am SO nervous..i cant even imagine getting one of my face!
you are one BRAVE girl, props to you


Well-known member
that looks amazing!! I've never even heard of that procedure but it looks great and if it doesn't hurt then sign me up haha! I have done a little too much overplucking and now I can't grow my brows back the way I want them, maybe this would help me feel better about how they look! I have to look into this in my area!

Thanks for posting


Well-known member
you look great! i've been kind of thinking of getting mine tattooed, but i'm not sure. i am so sick of my natural brows though..i hate how they look so fake when i fill them in.
if you don't mind me asking, how much does something like this usually cost?


Well-known member
looks nice, I know the pain of having to fill in your eyebrows every morning (mine is thin and i have patches everywhere, ugh).

Was it expensive? Can't wait to see the final results! keep us posted!


Well-known member
I'm going to be honest here and say that I don't really like them. I'm sorry I don't mean to be rude, but I think it looks unnatural, the shape too. I think you had such nice eyebrows before! I guess you'll have to post a pic when they fade a bit but right now all I can see is the eyebrows when I look at that picture. That's just my opinion though. I'm sorry if I've offended you.

I'm not a fan of tatoo makeup at all, I think it always looks weird.

Miss Pumpkin

Well-known member
Of course you didn't offend me, all opinions are appreciated!!

When I took that pic they did look very unnatural, but after a couple days they're melting into my skin better, and some scab is peeling off revealing dark brown underneath

All my hairs are still there as well, but they're all stuck together with the pigment at the moment... We won't really know what it looks until a couple weeks!


Well-known member
I must say I totally love it, thats a really good idea and would like to see how it turns out when healed up


Well-known member
You've got a lot more courage than I do! My eyebrows are tattooed on and there is no way I would have posted pictures of what they looked like immediately after I had them done.

It looked like I sharpied my eyebrows on. When I came home after my appointment, my boyfriend thought I made a huge mistake because he thought that what he saw was the end result.

I understand what MissChievous is saying and I believe that the shape is difficult to comment on right now because it's still in that phase right now.

When I first had the process done, my eyebrows were super harsh/hard looking and looked 'blockish' so they were not a good indication of the final result.

I don't mean to thread steal but I attached a picture, I'm on the right hand side in the picture below and this is what my eyebrows look like now - I've had them for about 4 years and I've had to touch them up once. I just wanted to show that tattooed (in your case micro pigmented) eyebrows can look very natural after the intial peeling and healing is done. I can't wait to see the new pictures and I'm 100% sure that they will look great. Your eyebrows now look better than mine did on the first day I had it done!

I was super scared before to get my eyebrows tattooed because I've seen so many facial tattoos gone wrong but I'm sooo confident in the lady that I go to (she learned permanent tattooing from the man who invented it). I'm so glad that I had them tattooed and I never have a bad eyebrow day anymore. Also, for those who are considering getting it done, make sure you 100% trust the person doing the tattooing because it'll be on your face forever!!
