Originally Posted by TISH1127
Trust &Communication is Key!
this tiny ass sentence is so true. lol!!
communication is the key to it all. i don't care if it's telling your mate/spouse you don't think it's gonna work out, you're getting boring, do something kinky, lick my toes, scratch my ass, stop cooking because it's nasty, i hate your hair it looks better this way, your makeup bothers me, your feet smell funny, WHATEVER. you have to say what you're really feeling and communicate that.
perfect example:
one of my bff's just recently found out she'd been cheated on. but, she's cheated on him numerous times. she always tells me that he doesn't say the things a boyfriend should say from time to time (i.e. your special, beautiful, etc.....) and doesn't necessarily show emotions as much as she'd like. he feels that she talks down to him and spends more time putting him down than bringing him and giving him positive reinforcement for the good things he does (i.e. taking care of her and their two beautiful children).........
her negative feelings about him? she only said to me. his negatvie feelings about her? he never said until after the shit hit the fan with him cheating. they both expected the other to just "know" and when the other didn't "know" then they looked for what they weren't telling each other elsewhere outside the relationship.........
i'm just saying you can spot an asshole and a ladies man from a mile away. don't get with this type of guy and wonder why he's cheated. steer clear and get with the good ones. if you are with someone and you love them but they are not doing what it is you want of them then LET THEM KNOW. and if your mate/spouse is communicating to you about what it is they may or may not be happy with then LISTEN to them.
trust and communication... you need both and that's the key!