Moral Dilemma


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Are those the Duggers? I think they're on #16 now.

Thats just... I'm sorry =( There is no need to procreate that much.


Well-known member
Aside from that, I bet the an autopsy on this woman in later years is going to show some serious damage to her system.
Her teeth are likely not great, she's probably going to have osteoporosis, and I can't imagine what her ligaments are like.

It takes roughly 3 years between pregnancies for your body to heal completely.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I can't imagine being pregnant that often.
Fuck. That.

Yeh no kidding... I was thinking the same thing, being pregnant for 17 years (probably more, seems there is no limit to the grace of god!)

Can you just imagine if their kids have 17+ kids? THey could populate a entire city in a few generations breeding like that.

Even worse, there not even attractive people...


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The Duggar's Most Frequently Asked Questions

How do you make a household of 17 people run smoothly? What is a typical day in your lives?

Our #1 goal is to lead our children to seek a close relationship with God & give Him every area of their lives. We purpose to start each day with a family Bible study, reading a chapter of Proverbs that corresponds with the day of the month. We have heart to heart talks with each of the older children regularly. We try to keep up with their attitudes & actions.

We desire for each child to develop a learning spirit & a servant's heart that looks for opportunities to serve others. It is a joy to see our children becoming best friends. If they can learn to treat their brothers and sisters like they want to be treated, then they can learn to get along with just about anyone along life's way.

Our daily routine begins with personal hygiene (get dressed, brush teeth, comb hair, etc...). Each older child has a younger buddy or two that they help. We eat breakfast & read Proverbs at 8:00a.m., then we "quick clean" the house (older child & their buddy work together to clean their jurisdictions).

Throughout the day we try to pickup as we go along, but naturally things tend toward disorder. So, it is a constant training process with "quick clean" times throughout the day. At 9:00a.m., the older children help their buddies with their studies in phonics, math, violin & piano (J-O-Y- Jesus first, Others second, & Yourself last!). Then the older children start their music & individual studies- math, English, spelling & typing.

We break for lunch at 12:00pm. Jill (age 15) prepares lunch & we all help cleanup. After lunch we work to finish individual studies.

At 1:30p.m. the little ones go down for naps (4 & under). Momma & older children are around the table at 2:00p.m. for Wisdom Booklet group studies - science, history, law, medicine - part of our ATIA curriculm. We work on one subject until we complete the study. We also review & memorize scripture, hymns & operational definitions of character qualities. The children especially enjoy this because they make up motions to help with memorization.

At 4:00p.m., we break from group study to complete individual studies, otherwise this is free time. We have dinner at 5:00p.m. Jana (Age 17) prepares dinner & everyone helps cleanup. We do another "quick clean" of the house after dinner & then have free time. Some may still be finishing up music, seeing we have to take turns on the pianos with 11 students! snack time. Then we get ready for bed (baths, brush teeth, pick out clothes for next day).

9:00p.m. is Bible time with Daddy. This is probably our favorite time of day. Daddy reads the Bible & we discuss the passage together. We talk about the day & bring out points of how to apply what we have learned. We enjoy making up skits & acting out examples of right responses & wrong responses. Often our little ones will fall asleep as Daddy begins Bible time, still they love to be with us at this special time. Bedtime is 10:00p.m.

We have a master schedule of each family member's responsibilities displayed on our dining room wall. This idea came from the Maxwell's, "Managers of Their Homes". For each month, we also have individual daily checklists which cover schoolwork, chores, music lessons, & personal hygiene. These were designed by Daddy so we could see at a glance how each child is doing. These checklists enable us to keep our children accountable & also reward them accordingly.

We have goals, but then we have reality! We are learning to practice flexibility -Not setting our affections on ideas or plans which could be changed by God or others! Sometimes we have "Daddy Days" when Daddy overrides the schedule and takes the children out for family time, a field trip or a service project. We try to make each day fun. Everyday is an exciting adventure!

Matthew 6:33 says, "Seek ye first the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you!"

II Corinthians 12:9 says," My grace is sufficient for thee: for my strength is made perfect in weakness. Most gladly therefore will I rather glory in my infirmities, that the power of Christ may rest upon me."

I wonder if these kids have any real world expierence at all... Sounds like they live in a bubble, home schooling and all.

I wonder what type of government assistance they get.


Well-known member
I think that a miscarriage is a tragedy no matter what, and as long as you can live with your opinion (and not upset her), then you're entitled to it.

I'm one of six children; I love all my brothers, my parents have always treated us equally, imo. We're not as close as we used to be since we go to school everywhere from Hong Kong to New York.

I have four half brothers (two are twins), one brother. Oldest is 24, and I'm the youngest in the family (17).


Well-known member
I dunno, a couple of the daughters could be pretty, if they weren't so over-religioned.

That said, I don't think they receive govt assistance. Not according to their financial page at least. I would guess that the mom does what several of the Mennanite (sp?) families near my parents' house do...The husbands work, they pay cash for everything, grow their own food, wash their clothes, take care of what they have, and the wife & daughters contribute by making household stuff and cooking.

One of the families (no bullshit) catered my wedding. For like...$125. So my aunt suggested she sell the goods to various cafes and bistros in the area, as well as cater banquets etc.
The lady is raking in like 3 to 5 k a week on word of mouth business selling home cooked stuff, working in the kitchen for about 5 hours a day.

They've paid off their house, they don't have any other debt, and they're just living life. The excess money has been (per advice given to the husband) laid aside for college for each of their children. They've got like...five? or six? I don't remember, I want to say five though, kids, and each of them has a college fund of nearly 20K sitting and growing in investments now.

These people receive NOTHING from the government, and yes, they pay taxes.


Well-known member
If I remember correctly, the Duggars don't pay taxes because they have their house designated as a church.


Well-known member
I don't know about the Duggars, but the family I was talking about do pay taxes.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I dunno, a couple of the daughters could be pretty, if they weren't so over-religioned.

That said, I don't think they receive govt assistance. Not according to their financial page at least. I would guess that the mom does what several of the Mennanite (sp?) families near my parents' house do...The husbands work, they pay cash for everything, grow their own food, wash their clothes, take care of what they have, and the wife & daughters contribute by making household stuff and cooking.

One of the families (no bullshit) catered my wedding. For like...$125. So my aunt suggested she sell the goods to various cafes and bistros in the area, as well as cater banquets etc.
The lady is raking in like 3 to 5 k a week on word of mouth business selling home cooked stuff, working in the kitchen for about 5 hours a day.

They've paid off their house, they don't have any other debt, and they're just living life. The excess money has been (per advice given to the husband) laid aside for college for each of their children. They've got like...five? or six? I don't remember, I want to say five though, kids, and each of them has a college fund of nearly 20K sitting and growing in investments now.

These people receive NOTHING from the government, and yes, they pay taxes.

I'm sure it's possible if you have everyone working on the family to support it. Which it seems is what happens on their family from the outline in their daily routine so to speak.

I'm way to materialistic to have a family that big, from what i've read they buy everything 2nd hand, and shop at discount places and whatever. Make their own clothing. Etc.

Just seems a very dated way of living. Maybe back in the day when you had a family farm, and needed children to help out. I dunno, to each is own.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by hdirenzo
Those thats a lot of sex!

Wanna be their abudant pregnancies is because they believe birth control goes against the will of god?

Good thing menopause is the will of god too. Else who knows when they would stop.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Raerae
I'm sure it's possible if you have everyone working on the family to support it. Which it seems is what happens on their family from the outline in their daily routine so to speak.

I'm way to materialistic to have a family that big, from what i've read they buy everything 2nd hand, and shop at discount places and whatever. Make their own clothing. Etc.

Just seems a very dated way of living. Maybe back in the day when you had a family farm, and needed children to help out. I dunno, to each is own.

True, but as long as they're contributing members to society, not breaking any laws, living good lives, raising moral children, who are we to judge? Any of us?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Shimmer
I don't know about the Duggars, but the family I was talking about do pay taxes.

They sound cool, I always admire (and am a little jealous of) people who know how to be so self-sufficient. It just reminds me how little I know how to do, when it comes to stuff like gardening, sewing, etc.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
I seriously doubt that woman is on any birth control.

I find something very odd about the schedule referring to each older child having a "younger buddy or two." What an odd choice of wording.

I think too many things factor whether or not having a ton of kids is a mentally good thing for the kids. I know some people from big families who love it and want to continue having 6 kids in their families. I know some who hated it and want one or no kids.

Besides my own personal beliefs about homeschooling, I can't imagine having that many people under one roof all day long. That would drive me nuts. I'd have to send them to school.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by GalleyGirl
Are those the Duggers? I think they're on #16 now.

That's them. They are part of a movement. I'll be honest, they scare me.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Beauty Mark
I find something very odd about the schedule referring to each older child having a "younger buddy or two." What an odd choice of wording.

That's the thing that bugs me about this "quiverful" business. Those older children ARE parents to the younger ones, no matter how they try to cutesy itup by calling them "buddies". How fair is that? And the girls have no goals in life other than to be exactly like Mom. And I'd be hypocritical to say that being a SAHM is wrong, but at least I had a world full of opportunities before I chose to SAH with my kids. These girls have zilch.

Beauty Mark

Well-known member
Why are they called "quiverful"? I've never heard that term before, and it sounds like quivering.

Even though they are definitely guilty of it, smaller families can do that, too.

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