Most cliche'd day at MAC ever?


Well-known member
Oh this thread is excellent!

And yes, people always ask me "did you do your make-up yourself?" (I work at a Dior counter). No actually, the MAC girls did it? COME ON!

Oh, and EVERY weekend we have people saying
Customer: "do you do make overs?"
Me: "yes we do"
Customer: "are they free?"
Me: "No, its a 2 product purchase minimum"
Customer: "Really? they aren't free? How am I supposed to try out new stuff?"
Me: "well if you want to purchase your foundation, and maybe a mascara or concealer we'll be happy to do it for you"
Customer: *huff huff* so f*cking ridiculous *huff and storms off*


Well-known member
Omg I love that one!! "Do you do your own makeup?" Or since I work at a store, and we will get artist there, I try to recommend stuff that I love for shoots based on trial and error. Well I love it when Im making a rec, they'll go "Im a makeup artist too" Oh well, cool, I sell cars. Don't mind me here, just talking outta my arse. lol



Well-known member
Originally Posted by boudoirblonde
Oh this thread is excellent!

And yes, people always ask me "did you do your make-up yourself?"

I swear that is the dumbest question! Not a day goes by that someone doesn't ask me that. Or another one I love "Are you wearing MAC?" No I just work for MAC & MAC pays my bills. But, I'm actually wearing Lancome! The stupid questions never stop!


Well-known member
My friend' sister works at a YSL counter and she said that barely a day goes past without someone coming in to ask which shade of Touche Eclat matches their skin the best and then where they can find a cheaper alternative of that shade...


Well-known member
I really feel for you guys! I don't know how you do it! I wouldn't be able to stop myself from being snarky and mean back. I truly respect you all!!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by boudoirblonde
And yes, people always ask me "did you do your make-up yourself?"

I get this , i work in Spar (shop). Seriously WTF i don't exactly have the spare cash to go into *insert make up counter here* everyday to get my make up done for work?????
seriousy did you just suggest that?!?, lol


Well-known member
Some of my favorite stupid questions:

*looks around at makeup and people in chairs* "So what do you do in here?" (I don't want a newbie to feel dumb, but come on.)

"how much is this?" *makes a circle motion around their face*. (I know what they are getting at, but dang!)


Well-known member
Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Some of my favorite stupid questions:

*looks around at makeup and people in chairs* "So what do you do in here?" (I don't want a newbie to feel dumb, but come on.)

"how much is this?" *makes a circle motion around their face*. (I know what they are getting at, but dang!)

When people do that, I play stupid like I don't know what they are talking about. If you want to know something, come out & ask. I don't understand sign language. Or I love it when they come to the counter & go "How much is the MAC?" and I am like "The MAC what?" They look at me like I'm stupid & go "The Studiofix powder!" I guess I was just supposed to know what they are talking about. Um hello? We do sell more than just 1 product! Another one I can't stand is when people play games. They know exactly what they want, yet they want to play around. For example the other day a lady comes to the counter & goes "I want to get a Studiofix, what color do you suggest?" I tell her that we should try the C6, so I swatch some on her cheek & she goes "No, I don't like it." I'll take the NC45 & pulls an old NC45 Studiofix out of her purse. So, you already knew what you wanted. Why are you wasting my time? And if it's that you wanted to try a different shade, just explain to me that you have been wearing the NC45 & would like to know if I think there is a better shade for you. But the games? Why?


I just had to add on to the Studio Fix comments. I get this on a daily basis.

I LOVE it when someone walks up to the counter and says, "I need Studio Fix in NC30."

So I say, "Ok, did you need that in the powder or the liquid?"

They say, "Um, Studio Fix is a powder!"

People ALWAYS act so confused or give me attitude, like I am the idiot.

One of the running jokes at our counter is when people ask us if we do our own makeup. I really don't get this one. Do they think somebody comes in in the morning and does all of our makeup everyday?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
I just had to add on to the Studio Fix comments. I get this on a daily basis.

I LOVE it when someone walks up to the counter and says, "I need Studio Fix in NC30."

So I say, "Ok, did you need that in the powder or the liquid?"

They say, "Um, Studio Fix is a powder!"

People ALWAYS act so confused or give me attitude, like I am the idiot.

One of the running jokes at our counter is when people ask us if we do our own makeup. I really don't get this one. Do they think somebody comes in in the morning and does all of our makeup everyday?

Or how about when they just say "I need an NC30!" and I'm like "An NC30 in what product?" they look confused & then I explain that NC30 comes in at least 5 different products.

Oh & I love it when I am in the middle of doing a make-up application & the customer asks if I did my own make-up. Um, I'm doing yours aren't I? If I am capable of doings yours, then obviously I can do my own as well.


Well-known member
I know its been discussed, but still my biggest peeve is, in the middle of an appointment someoen will come tap me in the shoulder, "I already know what I need" ..... "wait, can you try this on me?" its like REALLY??? REALLY???


Well-known member
Originally Posted by claresauntie
The only thing missing in my day yesterday was a transvestite.

I worked on 2 free makeovers ("um, thanks. i'm not going to buy anything today. i'll be back later..."), had countless Oh Baby! sales, was told what to do by one of my customer's friends, and did makeup on 2 hookers and a drag queen.

Anyone out there who can top my day at MAC for the most cliches?

But you have an awesome job!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Ruby_Woo
I know its been discussed, but still my biggest peeve is, in the middle of an appointment someoen will come tap me in the shoulder, "I already know what I need" ..... "wait, can you try this on me?" its like REALLY??? REALLY???

GRRRR the people that simply cannot be patient!! its great that you already know what you need, but if we are elbows deep in someone's makeup, please wait 5 mins for us to finish without you giving us the look of death to hurry. Wont make us want to step away to help.


Well-known member
I just read this whole thread and giggled. It made me glad I don't work at a cosmetics store. I work at a clothing store geared mostly towards the 50 and up crowd, and it's amazing what people will do just to get a deal. What's funniest is when they'll talk about how the youth of today don't have any manners right in front of me (I'm 18), while they cut in line, cough in your face (and use the excuse, "well, I'm not contagious") and treat me like I'm stupid just because I'm young. Gaahhh, I can't stand people.


Well-known member
This story isn't that funny, but it is one thing I haven't heard anyone mention yet. I don't work for MAC, but I have had plenty of makeovers there (I always purchase the $50 min obviously). Once I was getting one and these girls came up and didn't say excuse me or anything, they just stepped into my makeover and asked, "Do you do brows here (meaning waxing)?" The makeup artist just told them "No, we don't" and they sauntered out.


Well-known member
I just had to add on to the Studio Fix comments. I get this on a daily basis.

I LOVE it when someone walks up to the counter and says, "I need Studio Fix in NC30."

So I say, "Ok, did you need that in the powder or the liquid?"

They say, "Um, Studio Fix is a powder!"


ahhhh crap.
I used to do that.. and you know why? because i don't wear liquid foundation and I totally forgot that it comes in both.. but after awhile.. i remembered to say powder..

i swear, i don't know how you guys don't lose your minds.. I see alot of the MA's getting abused by crazy people.. its really horrible.


Oh, no worries. That's why I always ask. I just don't like some people's reactions to the question. And wouldn't you know it, the times I don't ask and just grab the powder I hear, "What is that? It's a liquid foundation!".

On a totally different note, when do these Proms end? We have been doing them since April and still have a couple weeks left. I have really started dreading Fridays and Saturdays.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by Hennys
Oh, no worries. That's why I always ask. I just don't like some people's reactions to the question. And wouldn't you know it, the times I don't ask and just grab the powder I hear, "What is that? It's a liquid foundation!".

On a totally different note, when do these Proms end? We have been doing them since April and still have a couple weeks left. I have really started dreading Fridays and Saturdays.

we get them on sundays too