Most cliche'd day at MAC ever?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by darkwater_soul
You are in the wrong forum, honey. L2 read.

Excuse me? No need to be a snob, honey. Learn some manners and get an attitude adjustment!

Originally Posted by Simply Elegant
There's an existing thread for rants about MAs. This thread is sort of like their place to let off steam.

Oops! Thanks for letting me know

Originally Posted by ms.marymac
Putting on bronzer/blush on bare skin has the tendency to not always blend properly...especially if you have just moisturized or have oily skin. I have tried on a blush or bronzer on people who refused a little powder first and then they wondered why it looked like a hot mess. I don't think that MA was putting you down-she just probably experienced the same thing.

The girl at Nordstrom seemed like she was trying to help, even if she showed you something else. She could have been a freelancer, new, or part time. If we are sold out of something, our job is to show you something similar. If we don't have an answer for you, or job is to find out for you, which she did.

I was gonna add to this, but I think it is just futile.

Oh no, trust me. She had a complete attitude (the MA who gave me the makeover)!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by doll.face
Excuse me? No need to be a snob, honey. Learn some manners and get an attitude adjustment!

Oh wow!


Well-known member
Many of the situations have already been mentioned but thought that I would add a few cliches and some unusual situations....

-Lipstick ladies that insist on trying on every color in the rainbow just to replace the same one they had before.

-When we are informed of certain products that are being discontinued that a customer wants to purchase, I mention the d/c factor so they can get a back up saving them time and anxiety later. Most of them don't buy the spare but come back in two months shocked and upset that we no longer have their precious *insert* !

-The black smokey eye, red lips, dollymix blush customer who wants a very NATURAL look

-Ladies who use their hands for foundation and sponge tipped applicators for eyeshadow and think that their MAC products don't perform as well as when we apply them at the counter. Hmmm, brushes much?

-Customers who urgently race up to the counter asking where the bathroom is and wobble off anxiously when I explain it is one floor upstairs.

-The woman that comes to the counter and BITES on lipsticks, spits and pockets them and sets the container back, spit-soaked and gnawed.

-A girl with an abusive boyfriend walks in with him and a black eye wants to "try" out concealer while he exclaims, "What's taking so long?"

-A pair of burly lumberjacks (We're talking flannel and full-beards) wanted matching smokey eyes because they were going out for a "Night on the town" but didn't want to buy anything on a Saturday afternoon during prom/wedding season! I LOL to this day.

I've loved all the other threads so far!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VintageAqua
Many of the situations have already been mentioned but thought that I would add a few cliches and some unusual situations....

-The woman that comes to the counter and BITES on lipsticks, spits and pockets them and sets the container back, spit-soaked and gnawed.

LOL whoa! I haven't had one of those yet! Gross!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by VintageAqua
Many of the situations have already been mentioned but thought that I would add a few cliches and some unusual situations....

-Lipstick ladies that insist on trying on every color in the rainbow just to replace the same one they had before.

-When we are informed of certain products that are being discontinued that a customer wants to purchase, I mention the d/c factor so they can get a back up saving them time and anxiety later. Most of them don't buy the spare but come back in two months shocked and upset that we no longer have their precious *insert* !

-The black smokey eye, red lips, dollymix blush customer who wants a very NATURAL look

-Ladies who use their hands for foundation and sponge tipped applicators for eyeshadow and think that their MAC products don't perform as well as when we apply them at the counter. Hmmm, brushes much?

-Customers who urgently race up to the counter asking where the bathroom is and wobble off anxiously when I explain it is one floor upstairs.

-The woman that comes to the counter and BITES on lipsticks, spits and pockets them and sets the container back, spit-soaked and gnawed.

-A girl with an abusive boyfriend walks in with him and a black eye wants to "try" out concealer while he exclaims, "What's taking so long?"

-A pair of burly lumberjacks (We're talking flannel and full-beards) wanted matching smokey eyes because they were going out for a "Night on the town" but didn't want to buy anything on a Saturday afternoon during prom/wedding season! I LOL to this day.

I've loved all the other threads so far!

you summed up my life. haha..
the brush people, agh. yes. you need brushes. no, your wet and wild brush from 2001 will not cut it. i'm sorry. i'm not trying to make your life difficult, i'm trying to help so that your makeup does not look like poop.
And the discontinued people, i'm sorry they discontinued your beloved lipstick- but we told everyone this was gonna happen 2 months ago.

the lumberjack thing, really? omg and the lipstick biting woman, is that something that happens frequently by you? um. germs.


Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
no, your wet and wild brush from 2001 will not cut it. i'm sorry. i'm not trying to make your life difficult, i'm trying to help so that your makeup does not look like poop.

you are hilarious, lol, Poop- ha ha

this is the best thread


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
Ugh, I just saw the most horrific display of abuse at a MAC counter. I was picking up a few brushes since I'm trying to upgrade (yay!) when this woman and her husband come in. She had an appointment for a makeover, and her husband spent the entire time yelling at her that she doesn't wear enough makeup.

He turned to me and asked, "Now, you wouldn't leave the house looking like her, now would you?" I was horrified. I tried to look busy and said that "Well, some women prefer a more natural look." He huffed, and then asked me what eyeshadow I was wearing (I know! WTF?!?). I didn't want to tell him, because it was Smoke and Diamonds and I know it isn't available anymore. The poor MA doing his wife's makeup was interrupted no fewer than 20 times while he butted in with "helpful suggestions" about eyeliner and pink shiny lips. Afterwards, he grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the chair. He told the MA that she obviously didn't know what she was doing, if his wife "still looked rough" (it's a matter of opinion, but I thought she looked fantastic. The MA brought out her blue eyes with a deep brown smoky look and gave her a soft peach lip) When it was time for the purchase, he kept muttering about "wasting his money" and how his wife should "know better when they're in public."

The entire cosmetic department was observing this horror show, that's how loud and obnoxious this loser was.

OMG that is so sad
That poor woman.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by xStarryEyedX
And the discontinued people, i'm sorry they discontinued your beloved lipstick- but we told everyone this was gonna happen 2 months ago.

Oh no! I got you on this one. At least once a week someone will flip out because we discontinued some lipstick that left the line 3+ YEARS ago.

'it is my favorite..i wear it every was the best for everyone with my skin color'...

One day i flashed and said exactly what i thought...." You didn't like it that much if you haven't used up a tube in three years!!!!' AND you musta been the only one wearing it cause MAC wouldn't throw away money like that!'


Well-known member
Saturday one of the holiday girls had this lady ask her nine thousand times for a blush for Asian women. She kept saying "no, i need one that's for Asian skin"... And telling the girl not to show her with a brush, show her with a sponge. Not a q-tip either. Really lady, you put your loose powder blush on with a sponge?...Soo I left the girl alone, let her deal with her first pain in the ass customer.. until I hear "NO THAT'S FOR YOUR SKIN COLOR, NOT MINE" (the girl's african american, fyi) when she showed her something a little darker. So I turn around and I'm like "heyyyyy guys how's it going over here" and showed her the 'good for every skintone, get this lady out of here' blush. Same when she asked for a lipstick. This lady thought I was a freaking makeup genius and my coworker didn't have to kill anyone, all is well in the world of retail.

Oh and just to throw this in there, she wanted a pink blush. But not too pink. Kind of peachy. And turned down every single pink blush she was shown. Oy. These people.


Well-known member
haha i love this thread. do you guys ever get those teenage girls who come in and steal testers? when i was at a counter swatching eyeshadows to figure out which ones i wanted, some teen girls would pretend like they would swatch them and when they walked 6 eyeshadows would be missing from the display.


Well-known member
Last night was cliche night at Clinique-

-I just need my Dramatically Different Lotion.
-I need a bottle of Happy
-I just need my Dramatically Different...
-I just need my DD....
-I just need my DD....

My IPT sucked. It was a snowstorm last night, and no one wanted to stop long enough to let me even try to build the sale- just give me my lotion and get me out of here!

And yet another Clinique cliche is the immense popularity of the eyeshadow duo called NO-SHOW Taupe. Seriously. And it doesn't show up on anyone. Yet we continue to sell out of it, no matter how we try to steer clients to buy eyeshadow that actually does something on their skin.

Has anyone mentioned the lady that lets her toddlers run wild, sticking brushes in the e/s and waving lipsticks around, then gets mad at the MUA for letting them??


Well-known member
Last night was cliche night at Clinique-

-I just need my Dramatically Different Lotion.
-I need a bottle of Happy
-I just need my Dramatically Different...
-I just need my DD....
-I just need my DD....

My IPT sucked. It was a snowstorm last night, and no one wanted to stop long enough to let me even try to build the sale- just give me my lotion and get me out of here!

And yet another Clinique cliche is the immense popularity of the eyeshadow duo called NO-SHOW Taupe. Seriously. And it doesn't show up on anyone. Yet we continue to sell out of it, no matter how we try to steer clients to buy eyeshadow that actually does something on their skin.

Has anyone mentioned the lady that lets her toddlers run wild, sticking brushes in the e/s and waving lipsticks around, then gets mad at the MUA for letting them??
Ha ha...I saw a lady stop her little boy after finishing a nice thick application of So Chaud yesterday. He actually did a pretty good job, considering he did not have a mirror and no assistance. Luckily, nobody at my counter EVER dares to try it, so it was most likely clean. That's what you get though for letting your toddler run amok at a makeup counter. We are too busy to be babysitters. Good luck getting it off, lol.

Edit: Gaaaaaah. Messed up the quote function.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by sharkbytes
He turned to me and asked, "Now, you wouldn't leave the house looking like her, now would you?" I was horrified. I tried to look busy and said that "Well, some women prefer a more natural look." He huffed, and then asked me what eyeshadow I was wearing (I know! WTF?!?). I didn't want to tell him, because it was Smoke and Diamonds and I know it isn't available anymore. The poor MA doing his wife's makeup was interrupted no fewer than 20 times while he butted in with "helpful suggestions" about eyeliner and pink shiny lips. Afterwards, he grabbed her arm and yanked her out of the chair. He told the MA that she obviously didn't know what she was doing, if his wife "still looked rough" (it's a matter of opinion, but I thought she looked fantastic. The MA brought out her blue eyes with a deep brown smoky look and gave her a soft peach lip) When it was time for the purchase, he kept muttering about "wasting his money" and how his wife should "know better when they're in public."

The entire cosmetic department was observing this horror show, that's how loud and obnoxious this loser was.

Oh man - do I feel bad for the wife. It makes me so sad that someone would treat their spouse in such a horrible manner in public - what an ASS.

I'm actually really glad that I stumbled upon this thread. I haven't visited a MAC counter yet but I plan on doing that in the next couple of weeks (with a list, no less, that way I don't waste anybody's time). This is really good info to know because before I was never too sure on customer etiquette at a beauty counter, although I always tried to be as polite as I could.


Active member
Originally Posted by jjjenko
haha i love this thread. do you guys ever get those teenage girls who come in and steal testers? when i was at a counter swatching eyeshadows to figure out which ones i wanted, some teen girls would pretend like they would swatch them and when they walked 6 eyeshadows would be missing from the display.

oh god, i think thats horrible.

im 14, almost 15. and i can honestly say i have never ever done that. yes i buy mac, yes i buy at sephora, and it annoys me so much when girls my age do this. i feel like it gives us such a bad rep.

urg! it aggravates me so much, because when i go to these places im proper, and i dont do anything rude/childish.

i also hate when girls my age go in and swatch like a ton of things, and leave.. i no that what testers are for but still if your not intrested then dont bother.. whenever i go into mac i feel like im being watched just to make sure i dont do anything bad!

so yeah, im young, but im not like those girls who just
go and play in the makeup! im actully intrested in it, and i buy it!

sorry for the rant


Well-known member
^^^ Yes, it really sucks when you aren't trusted because of your age or your appearance; unfortunately, this happens a lot and I don't blame the MUA's at all. If they're used to having 3 or out of every 5 teenage girls steal, then of course they're going to watch you like a hawk (even though it does suck to be treated in such a manner when you aren't a thief and have a few hundred to spend). hopefully, the more you vistit that particular store, the more they will get to know you, and will no longer be suspicous of you.

I have gone through this so many times, but it gets better, I promise
I used to be followed around the store all the time (which is why I was so hesitant to go up to the makeup counters in Macy's and especially Nordie's) but lately I've been getting the best service (I am 24 now) and treated with respect, which makes me feel very good, so I end up buying a lot
It also helps if you dress professionally and look nice.