Welll... I think some people do have that kind of fetish, but I do imagine that they are few and far between. I am not one of those people.
I couldn't sit through the whole thing, because while I strongly do think there has to be a handful of people who would enjoy that. I'm just not convinced those women are among them.
I am all for sexual freedom and doing what feels right, but I have strong feeling that these women are being exploited.
Even if they do this willing (like if they agreed to do this stuff for financial compensation), it doesn't necessarily make it right. Plenty of people do things willingly that aren't acceptable, such as race on TV where actors would willingly play racial stereotype characters. That's a different topic, but I think that you have to bear in mind that people do things with consent but it's still wrong.
The real monster- I'd say the filmmaker and whoever in production ponied up the money. I don't know if these are drug addicts or what, so I can't say that they're necessarily victims, but ultimately, some people had to decide this was a good enough idea to cast, film, and put money into.