Originally Posted by xbrookecorex
I don't think it's degrading to women. We are only saying 'it's degrading to women' because it's women doing something unappealing. If the video featured 2 guys doing the same thing, we wouldn't say it's degrading to men. Gender has nothing to do with it, we just like to jump in anywhere we can with YAY WOMEN'S RIGHTS.
I would say this sort of thing is degrading to humans, in general, in my opinion. I also think there's a gender role to porn that is underestimated by the Camille Paglia, empowering porno type feminist. That's just me.
I'm also not sure I buy this "if someone likes it, it's okay." I'm willing to accept this argument, within reason, as it applies to consenting adults in full grasp of their faculties, with equivalent social positions, educations etc. etc.
I'm not willing to endorse the idea that b/c somewhere, someone likes to watch X, Y, or Z for some kind of various gratification, that is sufficient to make X,Y, or Z acceptable.
In a world full of human trafficking, particularly for sex, I guess I'm not necessarily willing to believe that women who participate in these types of things are willing, able, and intelligent participants.