Oral/Anal sex


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another good lube?
The gel used in facials. My dr gave me a huge vat of it. We're working our way through it.


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Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
You're more normal than you think LOL The difference is that you've actually DONE it hahahahaha

Double penetration has ALWAYS been one of my most prominent fantasies.

Well how do you know if you like it til you try it!
Men are sluts, use em I say!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.

Whodathunk that a handjob with some St Ives lotion could work so well? LOL

Originally Posted by Shimmer
another good lube?
The gel used in facials. My dr gave me a huge vat of it. We're working our way through it.

LOL please tell me there are no side effects, aka Johnson's Lotion. hahahahhaha careful ladies!


Well-known member
Advice for those who like head but don't like the taste, have him eat pineapple and don't give him head after he's eaten asparagus. Pineapple make the cum sweet, whereas asparagus will leave him bitter tasting.

If you worry about being dirty while getting you some anal make sure you do your fiber, it helps. Also enemas are awesome. I do not recommend doing an enema then having sex shortly after, the muscles will tend to be a little tight.

The best position I have found is at the edge of the bed (assuming your bed is higher or your man is terribly short) so you can prop your legs up on his shoulders and either have nipple and or clitoral stimulation. Plus looking into his eyes after yours have rolled back into your head a couple times is intense. You can use toys in this position also.

Another position is on your stomach laying flat and have him enter you legs together. That way you are completely relaxed.

If you want to do doggy style and still want control without your butt all up in the air... have him take you on the stairs. You both can kneel and it is just the right height to arch the body with as little fatigue. A good start for beginners and a great way when you are a horney lil f*** toy that can't make it to the bedroom.


Well-known member
I really enjoy giving my boyfriend oral... for some reason way to much haha. He is definatly into it and I think that is why I enjoy it so much; knowing that I can please him makes me sooo happy
However, it definatly gets annoying because my jaw locks
so I have to use my hands so I can give my jaw a rest lol.

Lately, i've been recieving oral a lot more from him & I'm definatly not complaining. hehe. I know he doesn't really care for it but he knows it makes me happy so he does it haha. he's so sweet
so of course returning the favor is never a problem.

As for anal, i'm too chicken to try it. i've hear so many horror stories about it that i'm terrified haha.
(either that or my friends really don't know what they're doing lol). I'll just stick to good ol' fashion sex


Well-known member
Originally Posted by dollbaby
I really enjoy giving my boyfriend oral... for some reason way to much haha. He is definatly into it and I think that is why I enjoy it so much; knowing that I can please him makes me sooo happy
However, it definatly gets annoying because my jaw locks
so I have to use my hands so I can give my jaw a rest lol.

Lately, i've been recieving oral a lot more from him & I'm definatly not complaining. hehe. I know he doesn't really care for it but he knows it makes me happy so he does it haha. he's so sweet
so of course returning the favor is never a problem.

As for anal, i'm too chicken to try it. i've hear so many horror stories about it that i'm terrified haha.
(either that or my friends really don't know what they're doing lol). I'll just stick to good ol' fashion sex

Okay, let's see how tastefully I can put this to make you all feel more at ease and not so behind in the "rear dept".

Not all bottoms are created equal, that being said it is not always a mental block, sometimes people are just built different. Some people cannot accommodate back there, and it is totally fine. No need to force something that is not going to happen. And there is never a need to feel inadequate because of it. Some people get tears and have a hard time with bowel movements (just to prove my point). Sorry my bad, you all just lost your hardons.

Most people's approach to anal sex is one of shove it in and let it work itself out later. Kind of like, if they do it quick enough you won't know
. It is never the right thing to do, to stuff it in. If it is in their mind... fine, go invest in a strap on and say "you first"!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by patty0411
OMG this thread should be given an award. hahahahahhahaa

I was cringing and laughing and thinking at the same time.

LMAO at the Johnson's baby lotion hahahahahaha. I will never look at the lotion the same way ever again. hahahahah

Girls who do anal, how do you prepare for it?! Do you poo before or like stick your finger and clean the inside?! Or do you just have your man stick it in there with a condom on? I'm so interested!

Mm you have no idea...thanks to the fact that I have a horrible dry skin condition or some shit like that, I HAVE to use Johnson's Baby Lotion cos its the only thing that won't irritate my skin. I don't want to. But if I don't want to like a snake before they shed their skin, I have to! Just thinking about the day gives me the shivers like Owen Meany.

And omg, when it comes to preparing...don't eat anything that you know, makes your butt all...icky. I made that mistake once...I was 16, you know, naive and all. I had fuckin Taco Bell the night before! I wasn't expecting anything to happen the next day, you know? Bad communication, I guess. Poor dude, he was so into it but afterwards he's like "hurr? what in the hell...?"

And yes, take a shower first! Scrub all the nooks and crannies and all that. You shouldn't have to douche your butt with vinegar or anything, haha. Wear a condom, too. If you don't want cum to trickle down and make its way to your...yeah, your bits, then you're gonna want to! I only let Beau do it once without, for like, 5 minutes. I was too damn paranoid to enjoy the num.

Another thing is that having your man finger you before the actual deed helps relax and loosen you up a LOT. This way you won't be as tense or freaked out!


Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove

And yes, take a shower first! Scrub all the nooks and crannies and all that. You shouldn't have to douche your butt with vinegar or anything, haha. Wear a condom, too. If you don't want cum to trickle down and make its way to your...yeah, your bits, then you're gonna want to! I only let Beau do it once without, for like, 5 minutes. I was too damn paranoid to enjoy the num.

Another thing is that having your man finger you before the actual deed helps relax and loosen you up a LOT. This way you won't be as tense or freaked out!

They sell this...little pump thing that you like, put water in and put it inside of your....buttocks (lol) and then it like...kinda flushes it out...I dont know if thats the same thing as an enema, but they sell the little squeezer pump in sex stores and online...you put the warm water in it yourself.
Originally Posted by ohnna-lee
Well how do you know if you like it til you try it!
Men are sluts, use em I say!

lmfao @ men are sluts, LOL
agreed. to a certain extent.....lol
i think i'm with everyone on here, i enjoy (most of the time) giving oral, and LOVE LOVE LOVE receiving...as for anal, that's a no-go for me..i've never tried it but the thought makes me cringe....so i'm thinking that's a definate sign that i wouldn't like it to much...
the bf hasn't really ever mentioned it so, i'm assuming *and hoping* that he doesn't like that either LOL


Well-known member
Originally Posted by cowsmoo
this whole time, my boyfriend has always told me that i was a freaking wacko for not enjoying oral that much and girls would keeeeeeeel to get some.

Yep, I'd definitely kill for some

Hmmmm. My guy likes beer. I guess I'll pour some beer over myself next time. Will that work


Well-known member
I like giving oral, always have, because im good at it!
As has been said before, i dont like being asked to give it...or having my head pushed down!!

As for getting, thats nice too but, if you see the thread ive just made, ive never had an orgasm so usually tell the guy to stop because he'll be down there forever otherwise

As for anal, thats something i said id never do, but, like a few other things, i ended up doing it!
I cant say i 'like' it, but its weird, sometimes i really want to do it, not because it feels good but its just so 'naughty'.
The first time i did it, i hated it. it hurt and was so uncomfortable, like a reverse poo! It is still like that, but every now and then it feels kinda good....but not if it goes on for too long.

Really want to try DP

M.A.C. head.

Well-known member
Originally Posted by PolyphonicLove
Mm you have no idea...thanks to the fact that I have a horrible dry skin condition or some shit like that, I HAVE to use Johnson's Baby Lotion cos its the only thing that won't irritate my skin. I don't want to. But if I don't want to like a snake before they shed their skin, I have to! Just thinking about the day gives me the shivers like Owen Meany.

And omg, when it comes to preparing...don't eat anything that you know, makes your butt all...icky. I made that mistake once...I was 16, you know, naive and all. I had fuckin Taco Bell the night before! I wasn't expecting anything to happen the next day, you know? Bad communication, I guess. Poor dude, he was so into it but afterwards he's like "hurr? what in the hell...?"

And yes, take a shower first! Scrub all the nooks and crannies and all that. You shouldn't have to douche your butt with vinegar or anything, haha. Wear a condom, too. If you don't want cum to trickle down and make its way to your...yeah, your bits, then you're gonna want to! I only let Beau do it once without, for like, 5 minutes. I was too damn paranoid to enjoy the num.

Another thing is that having your man finger you before the actual deed helps relax and loosen you up a LOT. This way you won't be as tense or freaked out!

What the hell did he expect, for it to come out all shiny and new?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by M.A.C. head.
What the hell did he expect, for it to come out all shiny and new?



Well-known member
My dh and I have tried it and I have now denied it completely. I have friends that love love it...and it is their preferred method. However, after probably doing it @ 5-6 times in 5-6 different pisitions, with 5-6 different lubricants...We have both agreed that my pain from this out weighs is pleasure. In my case, with my body, S*#T is made to come out...Not go in!
My bestfriends says it is the best orgasm you will ever have.. I will just take her word for it. My dh really likes doing it that way and he had an orgasm almost instantly...For that I was Thankful ... My dh says He really likes this position But really loves making love to me without hurting me much better so he does not go there anymore...literally...For that I am Thankful as well!

Now oral...We both will take that anytime, anywhere!!

Some of you ladies are stronger than I will ever be.


Well-known member
i love oral, giving it an receiving it (although at first i was really weary about being on the receiving end, just random self-conscious issues, i guess).

the bf, for some male-driven reason that i will never understand, keeps asking for anal. i've declined every request thus far. sometimes i say "maybe another time," but it's a long-shot. we've tried warming up with fingers, but i can't quite seem to get into it.