pads or tampons?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by jenee.sum
that shit cracked me up dude LOL i really laughed out loud! hahahaaaaaa

dude....very good question!!! if u did a cartwheel or sumthing, then all ur blood will just go straight back into ur body, right?! can someone who uses the diva cup clear this up please?? it's pretty much common sense, b/c it's not a "there a way in but no way out" kinda cup. so the blood can just spill back out into ur body if u were upside down. but i just want this cleared up if someone can answer this question. TIA!

No. It can't do that.
Your cervix is the exit the blood takes from the uterus. Other than the cervix (which, barring childbirth, is usually closed) the vagina is closed off from the rest of your body. Once the blood is out of the uterus through the cervix, it's out, and it's just a matter of how you let it come out, whether it's by using a pad to soak up the blood, a tampon to catch it in the vaginal canal, a cup to let it collect then be dumped, or running down your leg in a shower. Once the blood exits your cervix (which it has to do in order to be collected on a sanitary napkin or in a cup) it's out, and it's not going back in.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by MxAxC-_ATTACK
Oh no! my mom bought me these too,. They were long as hell too, they would go like half way up my front and halfway up my ass.. It was like a diaper. shi* I used to use pads cuz I was scared of tampons but once I practiced using them, I never went back. Pads just feel disgusting. I just use pantyliners along with tampons now when my flow is extra heavy, usually at the begining of my cycle. I'm pregnant now though...I don't miss those days AT


Hmm, I use tampons, but I started on pads and was so much happier with a tampon!

karen diggins

Active member
tampons only. I used pads a long time ago. I can't stand the nastyness of pads. But I do know someone that got tss from useing tampons. I would never go back to pads..


Well-known member
Originally Posted by karen diggins
tampons only. I used pads a long time ago. I can't stand the nastyness of pads. But I do know someone that got tss from useing tampons. I would never go back to pads..

oh no, what happened to her? she didn't die did she???
is TSS lethal all the time?


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Lol I think I must be the only person int he world who prefers pads lol.

i'm witcha. i haven't ever tried tampons before.


Well-known member
TSS is going to come (most of the time) from not changing the tampon regularly. By regularly I mean at least every 8 hours, preferably every six. Rare is the female who will admit "Yep, I left it in for three days...WHO KNEW that would make me sick?!?"

Those who are reluctant to try internal methods of fluid collection, please consider talking to your doctor about any questions you have regarding safety, sanitation, etc.


Well-known member
Originally Posted by V15U4L_3RR0R
Lol I think I must be the only person int he world who prefers pads lol.

No, you're not the only one.

I haven't had a period in years, but if I ever go back to workin' the flow, it'll be 100% cotton pads all the way.


Well-known member
I'm an avid user of the diva cup. I have about a medium flow, I guess. The first two days I empty the cup 3-4 times, then the next four I only have to deal with it twice a day.

No risk of TSS, saves money, doesn't smell, no blood in the trash, no tampons to remember to put in your purse. You never have to worry about 'tearing' your insides by removing a tampon that isn't completely saturated. I didn't realize I had a problem with tampons until I tried this thing - but since, I haven't worn a tampon or pad in three years, and I will NEVER go back.

It did take a few cycles to get it perfect, but now it doesn't ever leak. And I'm a figure skater - which means my legs go up over my head and I get into some cool positions - and I never again have to worry about leaking on my dresses.

I don't even mind getting my period anymore! I seriously can't recommend this enough. For the open minded, without a super heavy flow, and those who don't mind the sight of blood (though, honestly, we all see it that time of month anyway!), it's a wonderful, wonderful invention.


I use pads. I hate using them but I'd rather use something pain free. I tried using a tampon once and when I sat down, it made me cry. Maybe I put it in wrong or something but I am not sticking anything in there again. So I stick with pads.


Well-known member
^ that's correct...When I first started to use them I couldn't even get them in there...then i got one in but it wasn't all the way in and i could feel it when i walked and especially when i sat down (it hur) i removed that one and then got another one and i had it down. It just takes a couple of tries. Usually when you put in a tampon you can feel when it's in far stops when it's in the correct place...for me anyway...